Thursday, July 31, 2003

LOL Jan I was thinking the SAME thing about he told us his time and route to'd be so easy just to *bump* into him if I visited NYC again. Maybe Rick meets up with him sometimes. heh heh, I'd die if he did! Oh and how dreadful to get up for work at NINE -- lol that man has got it MADE!

Yes NC is where I'd like to live one day....well maybe...I haven't even visited it yet, but it sounds amazing anyways. Send the cutie my way LOL.

I think it'd be really neat to live in NYC, but it just seems WAY too expensive. I mean they were just saying on Cavuto's show the other day if you want the equivilent to a 3 bedroom home in NYC that it'd cost about TWO MILLION DOLLARS! Thanks but no thanks. :) Besides while I love visiting NYC, I think I'd really really miss the fresh air, stars, birds chirping, and all else that a big city lack.

Have fun in your cabin by the river Jan!!

Well I swear this is my last post tonight. Maybe I'll take Leslie's advice and watch a disney movie on Nyquil lol, and the weirdest one of all know....Alice In Wonderland! :) Nighty night all. *grrrr* now blogger isn't even wanting to post!! I swear I must be jinxed tonight.
Jan - "look something shiny!" LMAO! You know that'd probably work on sad, I know. LOL. I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with blogger now.

Sherry - I must know what you laced those tapes with LOL I should get me some of that. heh heh!

Jen - sorry about all the AIM problems! *bangs head on the wall* I just read a quote today that completely describes how I feel at the moment. "If you can't beat your computer at chess, try kickboxing." *kickboxes the computer* Yes gotta love the nice delayed coversation that consists of "is this working, I don't think this is working, maybe it's delayed, are you there, or oh wow I actually got a post!" heh heh. Good times as usual though.

Well I should try to get another night of descent sleep, though I really feel like I've had enough sleep to last me a month. Night night gals....let's hope for a Rick day tomorrow. I'm setting my VCR.
All my LevenGals are MIA tonight....and no one is on AIM either. :(

Leslie - sorry about all the blog probs heh heh. Hope you had a great time wih the kids! Oh goodness, Adamaniacs!! Too funny! And ROFLMAO *can't breathe* "Will someone please tell me who gave Greg Palkott the valium?" Oh god that was HILARIOUS!

Jen - my mom didn't get me tea, but she told me where to find it. My throat is feeling a little better already.

Nan - What a great articel on Shep!!! I swear I grow to respect him more and more each day. He truly is an honerable man, and so down to earth.

YAY! Jen just got on AIM

Well nothin' else is new. I caught about 5 seconds of Hannity and Colmes (even with Shep's plead for us to watch) and I have to grrrrr @ Hannity for once. When he was talking about if you consent to having sex and then decide no while having sex that you should stop right then, only he made it sound like it was silly that the girl should say stop after she decided to consent. Maybe I just read him wrong, but I dunno it was a little annoying. Granted the girl shouldn't have put herself in that situation to begin with, but if she said stop then Kobe should have stopped. I dunno like I said I only caught 5 seconds of it, so maybe I was mis-reading him.

Well I'm gona talk to Jen now. Ta ta!
Just a quick to looking at B.Dalton (yeah, I know....) and got back with 10 min. to spare. Forgot to take my reader's adv. card with me so I have to go during my break to get today's finds. Today is absolutely flying- I can't believe it's nearly 2:00. Only an hour & a half to go- YEAH! Actually the day dragged till 11:30 when the mail came in. I'm sure tomorrow will be the same, LOL! I know, I know...."a watched pot never boils".

Melissa- You've got the creeping crud too? That's like three of you (four?) that have been sick. Summer colds suck- I hope you feel better soon!! Vitamin C & Zinc lozenges will help. I'm your "sudafed sister" today- sinuses are acting up so I'm kinda in a haze. Sounds like Shep's been on a roll- thanks for posting the quotes! I swear, sometimes I feel like I have that ADD- mainly at work though. At home I'm fine. I guess that would be Work Attention Deficit Disorder, or WADD for short LOL. I mainly feel like that when I'm tired & there's a lot of noise- I sit on a main thoroughfair (sp??) aisle & it's constantly noisy. If I don't have music on I really can't concentrate.

Sherry- You're welcome for the pre-read- I'm all giddy now- you gotta let us know when/how he replies!

Nan- Hope your day gets better! If you need a smile, just think of Leslie's squirrel anecdotes. Actually my day is so-so- better than it has been. Last week was rough. I see those piles with flies too. Sometimes they bother me, & other times (which is more often) I'm so tired that I don't care. I'm getting used to one person or another crawling on me for something....which is scary. Hang in there!

Speaking of work- gotta get back to it. I don't know if I'll get to check in tonight, so ya'll have a good one!
OH goodness Shep is on a roll today.....or maybe it's just all this cough medicine going to my head.

"How much does NBC have to pay to use the FOX jest stream. Don't go usin' our jet stream now."

"Could you imagine 10 days with no Studio B? 10 days with no power. Good Grief!"

"10 days in Mimpho daddy Mimpho without power"

Oh hmmmm Shep has family in the Mimphis area (I think I spelled that wrong)....Leslie, take notes. LOL!

OK I'm gonna go now, I swear!
Jan "those who talk together stalk together" LOL!!! I think since hotmail is affiliated with MSN that we're probably having the same problems with not getting e-mails. Some of my e-mails that people send me just dissappear into a black hole....probably the same one that ate Natalie's previous photos LOL. Is the Jewelry Manager a cutie?? *cough cough* I mean, is he nice? LOL

Denise...oh no! Brohchitis! Thank can't be good! I've never had it *knocks on wood* (I don't wanna jinx myself since I'm already sick LOL) but I can only imagine how icky you must feel. Your story was too funny....heh heh the 51st state. Feel better.

I'm watchin Studio B right now and it seems Shep's just as irritated about that family being put up in front of the media at such an awful moment as I am. The police supposedly wanted to capture Donna Walker before they told the family, and all I can think is "B****S***!" That family should have known the second the police found out. I mean I head him tell Linda Vester that they new Tuesday night that it was a hoax and still didn't tell them until Wensday 15 minutes before the news conference. I forget who asked, but Topeka, Kansas is about ohhhh I'd say 3 hours from Kansas City. But I guess she's not residing there anymore. I just hope they can capture her soon.

Nan I hear ya! Is it Friday yet?? lol

Have you guys seen that commercial for Adult ADD? (it's on right now) I have ADD and I never really thought about it in the way of it being like a constantly switching tv but really that's how it is sometimes. I can be talking and some obscure noise will distract me and I'll completely forget what I was saying. I've gotten better at controlling my concentration since I was little, but I still get distracted pretty often.

Greg Kelly is on right now. He's wearing a blue polo type shirt.....and I belive Jen is correct. He got a haircut.

Oh yay it's James Rosen now! He's a cutie! They had an ongoing joke yesterday calling him Jim and Jimmy because that's what President Bush called him. Shep kept calling him Jimmy Rose. LOL Ok I'm gonna go now.

edit OMG ROFLMAO! Shep is hilarous! He was talking about if Arnold will or will not run and he's like "another channel reported it as their exclusive story. Their good about that. You know that first channel that nobody watches."

Oh and yay! Adam is on!
PU (photo update): Nada today.....BUT. It prolly takes more than two days- maybe more like three (or four max.) days to get something from NY to CA, so I'm not going to sweat it. I just have to keep my ears peeled for the cart that our mail guy uses to bring the mail around LOL. He gives the mail to the assistants first and they in turn distribute it. I've alerted them- they know. The bad thing is, is that they are instructed to open *everything* before it gets distributed. *cries* But *I* want to open it!!! So, in order to open it I have to listen & watch for the mail.....

OK- more later when I'm at lunch.
Hey Girls....I'm home again today. This cold is wiping me out! My head is throbbing and my throat is swollen. I can't breathe through my mouth without coughing, but at least my nose isn't stuffy so I can breathe through my nose. And Jen, now I can relate to you 'cause I have to chew my food a bazillion times before I can swallow it. LOL!

Well, I thought I heard them say something about Rick this morning aroung 10:30, but I was 1/2 awake and I could have been dreaming for all I know. LOL I'm assuming I didn't miss anything 'cause no one has said anything about him. Anyway, I'm up now.....All this sleep is making me feel...I dunno...*off* I guess, I mean I certainly don't feel any better. Last night I did manage to crawl out of my house to go watch "Seabiscuit" but I missed Rick and Adam's bullfighting in the process. Figures. LOL "Seabiscuit" was good, but it's 2 1/2 hour long. I swear I don't understand the need for movies to be that long! I can understand like Lord of the Rings or something like that 'cause they've got a lot of ground to cover, but some of these movies certainly don't need to be so long. Oh yeah and I forgot to say that I didn't get to see "Tomb Raider" on Sunday 'cause Melissa had already seen it and she said it sucked.

Oh yeah, I thought it was funny 'cause some of the gals over at the MSN Fox Group are having a discussion about receding hairlines too. I actually agree with them. I have no problem with receding hairlines, nor a problem with bald happens, that's life.

I forget who asked about hotmail. But no I don't usually have a problem with it freezing up....I have more of a problem of people saying they sent me an e-mail and then I never get it. It's very odd, and it only happens once in a I dunno what's wrong with it.
Hey everyone! Here's a part of my horoscope today: "Your aspirations are strong this morning. This is not a good day to do much in the way of chores, but it is good for walking around and getting the cobwebs out of your mind and increasing your determination." I dunno....I think I already have a heightened determination (hence why I haven't gone out on stress yet....we have another one who went out on Friday). But cobwebs in my mind- definitely have those. Certainly one of those horoscopes to ponder. Here's to hoping today is 'the day' **toasts coffee mug to ya'll**. I came in this morning and my eyes just about popped out of my head. Entity (medical group) app along with 15 individual physician apps. Crap. Well, for now I only have to get them set up- then I won't have to do anything on them till the underwriter approves them and THEN I get to process them.....You'd think that being in the 21st century & all that everything would be automated (like approval letters & such) but.....we have to use templates in MSWord for them since they aren't ready in our system. Sad, huh? Oh well- hopefully I'll be more caught up when I get those pups back.

Jayel- You're right- Steve Doocy & Brian Kilmeade are the same way- they're funny in the morning; I can always use the humor as I'm getting ready for work!

Denise- Sorry to hear you have bronchitis! Did they give you an inhaler or anything like that? I don't know if they prescribe them for bronchitis, but I know it helped me when I couldn't breathe & my chest was tight. Ick. Bronchitis & mild pneumonia can really wipe you out. The mild pneumonia I had two summers ago (2001) pretty much had me down for most of the summer. LOL at the "priceless" bit- too true!! Hang in there at work! I've been "looking for paperclips" on the floor last week.....but this week's a little better. Nah- the 'septic' thing came out loud & clear to me- LMAO!! I could just hear the pause after they said

Jan- I get the same thing- whenever I have a cold or my allergies are bad enough it seems to make me wheeze. It's just kinda annoying 'cause we don't have a history of asthma in my family & because I got a chest cold from a gal that I used to work with and used to be friends with (that ended around the time she left- long story) which then turned into mild pneumonia. The NP I saw said she almost put me into the hospital b/c my air output was so bad & I sounded really bad. So now when I really get stressed, bad allergies, or a cold, it's "inhaler time" (LOL- as opposed to "Miller Time"). It's so hard to not laugh when you're like that- Oh yeah- and if I laugh really hard it seems to trigger it. It's really strange. LOL- you know what? I sent them to for some reason I thought that was your email address. If that was never your address, someone's prolly scratching their head right now thinking, "who *is* this, anyway?" LOL! About the books-LOL- yeah, and now I have to find a place to put them....always a challenge but I figure it out eventually. Hey, we have good ballast (weight)! We'll be cutting right through the waves..... : ) Yeah, the "family jewels" was a classic Shep-ism, huh! I did a doubletake on that one. I still can't believe that chick either.....and *why* the cops didn't tell the family long before they had the conference is *way* beyond me.... LMAO- "Those who talk together, stalk together"! (NOTE TO THOSE WHO THINK WE'RE SERIOUS- LIGHTEN UP- WE'RE *JOKING*). Interesting that Rick was covering the dad/kids story- maybe you're right, that they're rotating reporters. "Three women in a small room with propane and sharp instruments"- I wouldn't want to mess with you gals, LOL! It's always refreshing to see someone (esp. a young one) so enthused about something. Kinda gives you motivation to keep going.

Leslie- *Still* laughing at the squirrel/nuts thing......

Sherry- I have a feeling that Adam's going to be hot & heavy on the recall/gov. race here in CA, so you Adam.....hmmm....need to think of a name for Adam fans. Adam Addicts? I dunno- I'm sure there's a better one out there.

Well hopefully today won't be a Rick & Todd day- I didn't set the VCR despite the last minute urge to...I ran out of time. OK- I'll keep ya'll posted. He didn't say to *which* address the photo's coming to, but I assume it's the work one since that's the one I was pushing in the last couple of emails.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

HUH? Rick was on? I turned on the TV about the time you posted.... (and even though I set my VCR- somehow I must've miscalculated & ran out of tape before FR). Drat!! BUT.....I *did* see Adam's segment just now...uh, can we say *OUCH*? Of all the places to get bumped by a bull.....I was ROFLMAO about what Shep said after- it was something about the Housley family jewels....LOL! Someone (I assume crewmen) were laughing after that. It was pretty good.
Today's been interesting......score one for me **evil laugh** (let's just say that I came out sorta victorious on something here) but then again, I haven't gotten anything done here that I need to.....even though I specifically told a broker to fax an app to ME, it went everywhere but. So that was an hour out of my I made up for that and my lack of getting a break earlier- taking a longer lunch & went & bought some books- Waldenbooks is having the old buy 4 get the 5th free sale on now. :-D I can't believe what I'm reading about the fraud woman who posed as the missing girl.....and how the family found out *on camera*??? What's up with *that*? That is so insensitive....unbelievable.

Adam's doing bullfighting?? That's risky- hope Fox has a good worker's comp plan if something (Heaven forbid) goes wrong!

Jan- I sent you a few emails- hopefully you got them? OMG- the falling squirrel thing is just too strange/funny- I was thinking "oh no!" and yet laughing at the same time- it's just such an odd image. Poor thing! But I guess it survived the fall. Re. Greg's hair, my stepson's got a very similar receding hairline and he's only 21. Kevin keeps telling him to massage his scalp otherwise he's going to be bald by 30. He says that if the scalp gets too tight, the hair doesn't grow, so you have to massage it to keep it loose. Dunno if that's true, but Kevin's dad still has his hair but his (Kevin's) uncle lost his by 30....and let's just say Kevin's dad massaged his scalp. "obsession disguised as history"- love that!! I'm going to have to use that one.

Jen- sorry you're having protein problems.....I wish I knew of something I could tell you to try. Eggs seem to work good for you though, but I'm sure you need more. Cold compress- but you gotta use ice- just make sure you put it in a baggie & then in a sock otherwise it'll be too cold. Mmmmmm I love Swedish Meatballs! I think we may have stroganoff tonight....not sure yet. CONGRATS ON THE 6 POUNDS!! YAY!!

Nan- Isn't it just hilarious all the chatter that happens when the guys surface?? LOL! I'm greedy too- I taped today, but from what I've read it looks like no Rick & Todd today- but Adam's been on. Maybe he hasn't grown on me yet....or I'm just too picky LOL (prolly the latter). Yep- the Tivo thing came up last night- we're trying to remember which one we need....we got one & had to take it back 'cause it wasn't going to work for our setup. Not sure why....but we did figure it out, just need to remember & act on it. OMG......I *heard* about that @#%#@% surcharge that CA is going to charge for those who make more than $90,000. To think that if I was still in school, that I'd prolly have to pay that. Well. I guess that takes care of me getting a Masters at SFSU, or anywhere in CA for that matter. I *cannot believe* they are going to do that! I know what you mean....I heard that and went through the roof last night- Kevin had go outside & pry me off the top of the 75 ft mast when I heard that.

Four words: ***Blog Group Road Trip!***

Sherry- hope you have fun with your parents! OK- when I first read your squirrel story earlier, it didn't strike me the way it did Leslie (girl, you got a dirty mind- LOL!); but now that I re-read it, I thought the same thing! "He would put his nuts in there because you could hear him rolling them around" ROFLMAO!! How sad how he died though! ;*( A lot of things happen here, but *sniffle* not the reporters I really want to see are out here- they're all back east. Adam's out here (I'm sure he'll get a lot of airtime with the recall) though he hasn't grown on me yet. Maybe if I see him more.....

Leslie- LMAO at the "breaking story"! OMG- and the whole PMSing/monthly visit thing was too much- even the second time I read it (although I made sure that I wasn't eating or drinking anything this time around)! Still wiping the tears from laughing so hard.....ROFLMAO!! Group cramps! Ohhh~ your hubby got a squirrel drunk? Oh no! But that does sound funny! "more fun than a jar of peanut butter and a litter of puppies"-- I'm now ROFLMAO with *this* image! LOL!! "I have come to realize if you have the time and patience, it's a lot cheaper to subcontract the work and build your own home than buy one already built."- our thoughts exactly- which is what we want to do when we move to TX. His parents have land that we could build on- we'll just have to see what our finances are then.

Melissa- No replies on my end yet.....hopefully he got your email & replies soon! How could he *not* reply quickly? :-D You're right- what you make & what you can afford depends on where you live. If I made what I do now in AZ, I could prolly afford a house- I'm not sure what the prices are now, but when I left there in 1994, they were fairly decent- around $80,000. (five times as much here than there). You guys have a cute house! LOL- my first ex and I used to have "Betty Crocker" night- BC Meatloaf, BC au gratin potatoes & BC blueberry muffins. Was kinda good actually....the dinner that is, *ick* NOT the ex. *cringes*

Ok the way this day is going they're not gonna get to Adam's story until Fox Report, and that's even if they do at all.

Did any of you see that news conference with the family who thought they may have found their daughter after she had been missing for 16-17 years? (the story is here) Well it turns out it was just a cruel cruel joke by a woman name Donna L. Walker. But what baffles me, is that the family thought the news conference was going to bring good news. Now, why didn't they inform the family before the conference that they had found out it was a hoax??? Why was that poor father allowed to break down in front of the media??

Shannon's father, Mike Sherrill, who attended the news conference, told reporters: "I wasn't expecting this at all." He said when police told him there would be a news conference, he thought they were going to reunite him with his daughter.

Then he broke down in tears and sobs.

Shep promised answers to that question by the time Fox Report aired tonight. I hope he can find out, because it's bad enough that they have to learn of the cruel hoax played on them, but then to not learn the truth until the conference....that's just terrible!
Ah Jayel beat me to it! Adam will be on and it looks like he's taken up bullfighting. *rowr* Can't wait to see this looks like he's in some nice tight jeans. :) OH NO! I just went in to check the TV and they were going to commerical....did I just miss Adam??? I swear I'm gonna kick myself if I did! lol!

edit: Oh good I didn't miss him. It's still to come. :) And yes it is him in jeans fighting a bull.
Hey girls, I just woke up about 1/2 an hour ago. I dunno what happend....if I just got too hyper yesterday or what......but I got this sudden cold attack and it's kicking my ass! It hit me around 6:30 last night, and I haven't stopped coughing since. I have no idea if Rick's been on, but I guess not 'cause no one has said anything. Though, like Nan said, maybe we're all recovering from the pace yesterday. :)

No reply yet, but I think I may re-send it from my yahoo e-mail saying that hotmail has issues and messes up my e-mails once in a while. Maybe....I'll wait just a little bit.

Leslie - OMG ROFLMAO @ the drunk squirrel!! And I couldn't even imagine all of us PMSing at the same time....those poor FOX studs wouldn't have and ice cubes chance in hell. Yeah I'm pretty sure my parents make close to that, if not over that a little....but they haven't made that kind of money very long. My dad got into the Capenter's Union about 5-6 years ago, and so his pay has been a lot better since then, and my mom is an office manager who's worked there for almost 6 years and they raise her pay almost every year because they'd be screwed without her. But yeah it's nice to actually have money saved and we don't have to eat tuna helper, salbury steak (even though I actually liked it heh heh), and spaghetti every night of the week. But my parents are by no means rich. The house (our first house) they just bough was about $97,000 and that's pretty reasonable here in Kansas City. Most average houses here go for 150-200k and that's just average home 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom, raised ranch basically our house looks like this from the outside:

Nothin' spectacular. Eventually though, my dad wants to build his own home. And I think how much money you make and how "wealthy" you are really depends on where yo live. Like, if we moved to Cali my dad would pretty much be making the same amount of money, but houses are a lot more expesive and a lot smaller than here. And where you live since it's a small town area, you can probably find a nice home for a lot less money.

Well I think I'm gonna go take some cold medicine and lay down. Hopefully we'll get some Rick sightings today. :)
Just a couple of quick random notes- I'll have to re-read the posts & comment again later.

Leslie- I was drinking some water when I read your whole squirrel/nuts thing and it took everything I had to not spit it out & also not to laugh REALLY LOUD in a very quiet office.....I needed the humor- thanks!! Oh yeah- and the Blog Group PMS thing- ROFLMAO about that too- all of us having it at the same time.....there's a thought! I can always count on you gals for a pick me up. ****HUGS FOR EVERYONE*****

Sherry- I think you mentioned something that your husband is union (mine's too)- but it triggered a memory of something I dreamed either last night or before- I dreamed that we started a union here at work- LOL- a union at a med. mal. ins. co.........

OK- I'll catch up later....btw- I set the vcr today.

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Dang, bring out the hotties & look what happens on the ol' blog! :-) Well, I got home *just* in time to see Rick for 5 seconds & hear him call Shep "Sheppy" and hear Shep laugh. Sounds like they were both on a roll today! Tori Amos is playing in Concord tonight (about an hour from here?) but it's just too hard going during the week, plus it's outside & I couldn't really afford to go- I need to start saving my money again. I'm too tired to really care one way or the other about it.

Melissa- what timing you have! Eery (sp?) huh? You didn't miss him yesterday. Fox *does* have a lot of Gregs! You know what's funny is there's an acct. exec. at work who's name is Greg LOL. LOL about Greg K making the joke about the photos (and also your reaction- I'd prolly do the same thing!). Some of the anchors just don't get correspondant's humor.....I think Shep is one of the few. **cries** nope - I didn't tape. I've decided it's a crap shoot for me as to whether I tape or not. I may tomorrow, but I try to save my VCR from wear from taping for 8 hours & then speed watching 8 hours. We really need to get a's on my Christmas wishlist. ;-) How did the pics come out of Rick? Will you be posting them? I can't remember now who came up with "Hottie Toddie"- Jan? Nan? Sherry? I've got major brain fade.... (Also to Jen) - the shirt thing is sooo exciting!! I'm going to be watching for it! :-) Girl, you are *wired* today! LMAO!! :-D Glad you're back- we missed you last week too! Thanks for the happy dance! It's so nice to know that I'm "NOT being a pest"! He is a sweetheart! I'm sure he'll reply to you - if not today then prolly tomorrow! You gotta let us know when he does! :-) He didn't reply to my last one (I'm not really expecting one- I just said I was glad that I wasn't being a pest and that I'm having a good summer). I'm sure he'll reply tomorrow! Wow, those *are* personal questions.... if it were me, I don't think I'd answer those.

Sherry- Oh yeah- that's right you're going to FL next week- yeah vacation "Aunt Flo's" are never good. I think I'm going to be safe for my vacation in November....I wasn't so lucky last year. Oh, I hope you get your photo too!! I'm hoping by Friday it'll get here. If so, I'll email it to Melissa & see if she can post it. If you don't get your photo by the end of the week and certainly if it's not waiting for you when you get back- follow up with him. Still LOL about all the excitement myself- I'm living vicariously through ya'll LOL! "They were everywhere"- LMAO- I just get this hilarious image of all of us giddy gals running around and stirring up excitement! Girl- you'll be fine on the flights (I know that's easier said than done, *believe* me.)- it's my gut instinct- you'll be safe.

I love all the excitement on here today- all the "RICK ALERT!!!"s are great! :-D

Jayel- Thanks for the description of what Todd wore ;-) I like dark red..... ('course I'm a Scorpio, so that would figure- red is supposed to be Scorpio's color). Have ya'll checked the pic Fox has for Todd? You can see it here. I think he needs to update it LOL! I'd like to see an updated one with the goatee..... I agree- we need to let Fox PTB know our appreciation! :-D I think we should also remind them about a *is* that time of year where calendars are coming out for 2004.... Steve & Brian are hilarious! And you're right- they know when they see humor, as well as Shep. **GASP** A demure hottie? We *definitely* cannot let that happen!!

Jen- Thanks for the happy dance! :-) I'm still elated....makes up for not setting the VCR. LOL- it's weird to see him (albeit for 5 seconds) and think- gee- he sent me a couple of emails today- LOL! Mmmmmm chips & salsa....that sounds so good right now!
Heh heh. I missed Rick and Shep 'cause I was checkin' my e-mail. No reply yet. I figured Rick had gone home for the day, but guess not. Shep and Rick are just too adorable! I aksed Rick in my e-mail if Shep called him "Tricky" on Studio B.

Anyway dinner (it's pizza Jen -- sorry!) is here, but I wanted to share a quick story. A girl over at the yahoo group asked for Rick's e-mail and someone gave it to her, so I replied saying that Rick is really great about replying to e-mails. She also asked if "he's" daiting Laurie Dhue, but at the time she had also mentioned I wasn't sure if she asked if Rick or Greg was dating Laurie...but I assumed she ment Rick, since I've heard that rumor before. So I told her about Lauren and how old she is, and I said I doubted Greg had a girlfriend since he took his mom as his "date" to the white house etc etc. and I told her about the site today on the group she posts:
Hey Melissa
Does Rick have the yahoo messager
I when I emailed him I asked him what his full name was and when his
birthday was and what his two girls names was

And all I can think is.....why on earth would he answer those questions?!?! BUT it gets even more strange!! Heather personally e-mail's me and asks if I can e-mail Rick and tell him to reply to her!!! I kindly sent her an e-mail explaining that Rick doesn't know me personally, and that my e-mailing him wouldn't make any difference.....and also that he probably wouldn't want to reply to such personal questions.

I just couldn't belive it! It takes some balls to ask that many personal questions!
*here here* Jen! I second that! I think Greg's hair looks great! He seems to have pretty thick hair, so I'm sure it's just his natural hairline. Same goes for Mike. But I suppose I'm just used to seeing them like that, and can't imagine them any other way.

I sent Rick a "photo request" e-mail. Now, if I get it before Thanksgiving I'll be happy. :) I'm hoping maybe he'd reply, but who knows....he's a busy man, plus Hotmail get's spastic sometimes and eats random e-mails before I ever recieve them. heh heh.

*edit* Sherry, did you ever get your pic?
AH - no no I was just joking about "serious sir"! LOL! Sorry for the confusion. And Jen sent it to the NY office.
Ok, I edited my post earlier...I thought it sounded like "Tricky" too. Heh heh it was cute. And MAN Shep sort of "dug into" Hannity today! It ws funny though. 'Cause Shep was right about what he was sayin...
*edit* Greg's Nickname in the marines -- "serious sir" ha ha ha!!
Well AH, Jen called the Fox Studio and got ahold of a guy who said it was ok for her to send the shirt. And she was like "Now I"m not gonna send this and he'll come home tomorrow or anything, right?" and I guess the guy told her "No, you dont' have to worry he's gonna be there for a while." So it's official....he'll be there for a while, and we can all look out for a sage green polo type shirt (w/ 2 buttons Jen informs me)! -- Oh yeah BTW this idea is © copyrighted by Jen 2003 ha ha!

Ok Adam is lookin' sharp today too! He's got on a navy suit with a white shirt and a powder blue tie. I think I'm just too freakin' hyper with all this sleep I got. It's making me unusally giddy/excited. LOL

*does happy dance* also about Nat's reply!! He's such a sweetheart!!! *hugs Rick* speaking of Rick *still considering stealing Rick's orange tie -- evil grin* LOL or why stop there *considering stealing Rick w/ his orange ONLY his orange tie* --- HEY Speak of the devil!! He's on right now!!! :) *edit* I think it sounded like he called Rick "tricky" but I suppose he said Ricky....makes more sense. LOL
OH Nat - you poor poor thing....the hotties are in today. Though like Jayel said...they only have small stories so they're only on for like 2 minutes at a time. Rick is wearing a dark gray suit with a white shirt and orange tie. I REALLY like his tie for some reason. Maybe I'm just being neurotic from all the sleep...I dunno but I just really really like that tie! *steals Rick's tie* LOL! Hmmmm I can't remember what Todd was wearing, a grey suit I believe....hmmmm. And Adam I only heard from the copy room. I would have come out I would have realized it was him, but I didn't hear them say Adam Housley. LOL @ "Hottie Toddie Day" guess the freezing in your tracks isn't very productive to exercising. LOL!

Sherry - icky Cramps SUCK! My docotor gave me this wonder drug called Naproxen (that's probably spelled wrong) but they perscribe it for just about any kind of muscle pain/soreness. I swear I just want to kiss her evertime I take the pill and my pains disappear. lol! Sounds like you had an ok time at the concert...I know those little teenies can wail can't they? I *feel* ya about the no land/house thing. As my mother always say, "I don't want to be able to spit in my neighbors kitchen from my house" LOL

Jan- I'm so sorry about the non-split screen thing. At work I can't get the split screen either. And to make things worse I can't find another blogging site that has a split screen. I may have to try and "make" my own split screen type thing.

Nan - that's so funny what Greg said about being in Tirkrit, he definately deserves the story! Speaking of Greg, he's on again right now commenting raids, and how the prisoners are surprised at how decent they're being treated...also they're surprised that Saddam would release a tape so soon after his son's deaths. WOW a shot just went off and Greg jumped a little, but then laughed at himself. David was informing "all who dind't know yet" that Greg was a former Marine. And Greg had a good chuckle about that and was like "Well I can definately say my reaction last night wasn't as cool as it is today." It's so cute that Greg's smiling and laughing! Dare I say that Mr. Kelly is getting comfortable?? I do say he is! He just can't avoid it being around such a great group of FOX people.

Ok, Jen ignore Amanda (joking or not) I think the shirt idea is Great! And it's even better now that we know he'll be there "for a while."

Now that most of you probably have no idea what I'm talking about, I'll share some good/bad news (depending on how you look at it) about Greg. :) Friday night Jen and I somehow got on the topic of Greg's lack of shirts, and we finally decided that Jen should send him a new one! But how? So I said we should send it to Fox and have them forward it to him. But Jen did even better and got a persoal "ok" to send it to FOX, and even was notified to the fact that she won't have to worry about it getting to him or not, because he's gonna be there "for a while" so now all we have to do is wait and see if Greg actually wears it!!
OK- I told ya'll that I replied earlier- so here's his reply: "went out today." YAY! I'm surprised he replied when it sounds like he's so busy (but that may explain the very short reply- either that or I've pushed it to the limit- *nervously lol* So.....that means it should be here by Thursday or Friday...... :-D OK you guys, if I don't get it this time I'm going to have to put that on my birthday wish list **wink wink nudge nudge**.....
OMG - HOW MANY Greg's could FOX possibly have hired!?! There's a new Greg I've never seen named Greg Burke reporting from Rome at the moment...well at least the anchors don't have to learn new names. LOL

Ok *reading posts*

AH - I can definately say "Ballistic:Ecks vs. Sever" is REALLY bad....I had to sit through that awful movie - never again. It's almost as bad as "Josey & the Pussycats" (the movie) though they are bad in different ways. lol.

I didn't even know they were having an American Idol Tour. I won't be going. The only concerts I get to go to are Hard Rock concerts because that's the kind of music my best fried likes. I *really* wanted to go to the Counting Crows/John Mayer concert last night....but I'm not gonna pay $30 to sit on a lawn seat by myself.

Nat - I know about the $90,000 a parents I think are over that....and $90,000 combined isn't a TON of money at all! Especially when you're paying $$$ on cars, house, credit card debt, etc etc.

Greg KELLY is on right now (sorry trying to keep my Greg's straight LOL) He's reproting on the raids that have been going on......oh yummy he has the NICE looking shirt on the one w/ like 3 buttons un-done and some of that nice chest hair popping out - oh whoops did I just say yummy? - sorry Jen, I meant....yay! LOL! Oh well you don't have to worry, I'm just *happy* from all this sleep, and that nice Rick sighting earlier. =)

Jen- I just listened to your message on my phone from Saturday. My phone was dead and I re-charched it this morning. You are *SO* adrable!! "Guess he will be there 'til Thanksgiving." LOL!

Leslie - OMG I'm so sorry about your terrible week! My great grandma had breast cancer so I try to check once a month, even though I'm only 20. They always say early detection is the best detection, and it's curable. *sends you happy thoughts and prayers* -- I like Campaing Carl too! I remember about - maybe a month or two ago when he was reporting and some guy came up and started saying he was being too loud and that he couldn't hear....and the guy was sitting in the BACK of the auditorium, when there were clearly plenty of seats up front - It was classic!

Jayel - In re: to Greg being quite the cut up when he wants to be. I forgot to share this w/ eveyone last week. But during Fox News Live Greg was reporting on the photos of Uday and Qusay and he was like "We went around showing the pictures, but obviously it wasn't their best day, they were a little bloodied up." And I had to stop in my tracks thinking "Did he just make a joke???" It was such a shock, that I just started laughing SO HARD! I mean that sounds like a comment Shep would make, not Greg! LOL! I could tell it was a joke but the tone of his voice....but neither David or Patty Ann laughed at his humor. So he didn't try to make the joke again the rest of the day. ANd YAY! About the stats! But we all knew FOX Kicked butt! Oh yeah, I had a good laugh Sunday night when I saw a Rolex commercial during the break on FOX -- they should've had a Timex commecial follow it, but that wouldn't be very PC now would it? LOL!

Nat Todd is on right now! At about 10:35 (8:35 your time)! :) hopefully you recorded today!

*grrr - yells at stupid people who call* My mom is off work today and a lady calls to speak to her, so I say "She's not in today, is there something I can help you with?" --- caller: "When will she be back?" --- me: "She'll be in tomorrow, but is there something *I* can help you with? --- caller "Is she off sick or something?" --- me: "She's not here today, is there something *I* can help you with?" --- I swear I feel like a broken record some days!

YAY! Rick was *just* on again about 10:55! :) I got some pics this time....he changed locations though...the background was different from the first pics.

This is taking forever. LOL read - reply - answer the phone - watch the tv - read some more - reply some more...LOL

Jen- OMG ROFLMAO!! Was that *REALLY* what was in Uday's suitcase!!!!???

Ok, ok, I'm gonna post this for now and finish catching up in a bit....I *really* need to get some work done...

Dangit! I *knew* I should have set the VCR.....again, I thought about it and thought, nah, won't happen. Looks like my intuition is still there, though! Oh yeah- and I just sent the reply- I just said "Rick, Thanks for your reply. I will watch out for it. Natalie" Short & sweet; I wish I could've thought of more to say, but maybe that will be just right- just enough. I doubt that I will get a reply, unless it's to tell me that he sent it on (whatever day). I'll keep you posted. OK- you gals with TV access have to be vigilant now & keep us all TV-less fans what happens- the story, clothes (is it blue shirt yellow tie?) etc.......DETAILS! WE NEED DETAILS! :-D
YES! My "Rick Sense" is very heightened today! I was watcing TV and all the sudden I was like "I need to switch it to Fox" so I did and Mr. Leventhal was on at that VERY SECOND!! I have NO IDEA what he was reporting on though LOL!....I was too busy trying to grab my camera in time. I do know it had to do with what someone wrote/said about Jessica Lynch. He was in studio, so I think it was a story that was given to him for something to do. I got 2 pics, but neither of them are very good. I'm sure I'll have a chance later on to take some pics, unless some big breaking news takes over.

Anyway -- Good LORD look at you all! I miss ONE day and it's gonna take me 5 hours to catch up! I was SOOOOO tired yesterday. I didn't get to watch Fox at ALL yesterday, so I dunno if I missed Rick or not. I got home from work at 6:45 and I slept for about an hour until dinner was ready. Then I ate dinner and passed out in the living room at like 8:45, then got up and went to be at about 10:00 and slept until 7:30 this morning. I feel much more refreshed today though. I seriously need to get myself into a normal sleeping pattern. Well I'm gonna go catch up now. As I was browsing down to the last thing I read....I noticed you all said Leslie was back. Welcome BACK! We missed you!! :) Ok I'll come reply later on.
Hey everyone! Thought I'd do a quick postie before I, uh....well start work. Oh yeah, and debating on what to say in my reply to Rick....I think I need more coffee, otherwise I'm afraid there's going to be a case of both-feet-in-mouth-itis.

Sherry- Sorry you have cramps- that sucks. Hope you feel better soon- try pressing on the pressure points on the inside parts of your knees (let me see if I can describe this.....when your knees are together, there are bony parts that hit- it's just behind there- on the side of your knees). Easier to show than describe. There's a pressue point there that if you press in small movements it seems to lessen them. A trick I learned from an old ex-coworker over ten years ago. Glad you got to see Adam! :-D LOL- isn't it funny that we prolly used to scream like the teens you described at the AI concert last night? I'd prolly be embarrassed to see what I used to do..... LMAO- I thought the same thing with the tapes- I was thinking, "OK- now *when* do I get to watch them....hmmmmm...." LOL North Carolina sounds nice- quiet and calm. City life is fine, but I'm really starting to crave quiet 'country' life. I've heard it's beautiful there. I hope the house plan works out for you guys! I think I have to 'fess up- I would also check out the scene & take pics too if I knew one of the hotties was around. I'm not sure where the Fox studios are here in SF- I know our Fox affiliate KTVU is in Oakland, but I'm *sure* there's a Fox affiliate/studio in SF.

Gotta go for now- I'll check in later.

Monday, July 28, 2003

OK- got to get back in tonight! :-D

OMG- *How* could I *forget* Hottie Toddie today??? I was just geting ready to exercise & Shep said Todd Connor and I froze in place LOL.

Nan- I noticed is curls in back too- looks like he's growing it out a little? How cute! And dress clothes in the woods again- yep, what can we say? Still looked good, but would've been better in jeans (as always seems to be the case.....). I agree- this place *is* it's own planet and I want off; there's a lot I like here geography wise, but I'm ready for 'normal' folks. What really annoys me about that amount (however small) that they take from his check is that it seems to be OK with the City to do that, but now Kevin also has to pay into his own retirement - it's a mandatory 7.5% of his pay. So we're getting that much less a month. In a way it's good- the City only put in 3%, but I just don't trust them to actually put HIS money into HIS retirement. We're going to have to watch this and make sure it's going where it's supposed to and not into someone else's pocket. Some of the City & County of SF depts are very good at doing that. It's only for a year that they're doing this, but it's just the principle that he's having to pay into his own retirement due to budget cuts & yet people still get to get their sex changes funded by other employee's earnings. Just not right at all.

Jan- Ah, you got the non-split-screen effect too, huh? I have *no* idea what causes that- it's only been since they've redone Blogger that it does that- very strange. I have split screen at home & single at work. LMAO- groping in the dark & wouldn't be so bad with a Fox hottie. >;-D I'm thinking/hoping it will be tomorrow....I think I will respond to that email from Friday tomorrow to "gently remind" him of it....LOL, but I like your plan too! Loved the motto/slogan! Yeah, Rick & Todd are very much the city boys, huh! LOL! Hey- I think we have a "Big Al's" here (well, in SF) too- in the North Beach area. That *would* be very unsettling to see your own courthouse and surroundings on TV! LMAO- the Muslim Mullet! More seriously, Yeah- I keep telling myself I *must* do those self reason for not doing it is very common but very lame as it *is* the reason to check. We should start something here, like reminding each other. Ya know, it's the married part that does it in for us really- my pay by itself is only about 1/3 of what we bring's the combination of the two of ours that pushes us. Otherwise each of us on our own wouldn't meet it. I guess that's the good thing about living together, but we were really at that point to say "I do"- we were prolly there 4 years ago, but only got married two years ago this coming January.

Jen- You *are* having a odd sightings week so far, aren't you? LOL! Got your email- don't worry! I like getting your emails! :-D I'll reply tomorrow- I gotta catch some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's

I'll check in with ya'll tomorrow- hopefully I'll have some good news! I'm going to sleep on my reply to his reply Friday about the photo follow up. Needs to be short but catchy. And ya'll know I'm not pithy..... LOL!

OK- gotta catch up!

Sherry- Going to shows for you is about the same for me- we're about half hour 45 min. north of SF- parking is a major pain- and pricey- about the same as yours. We don't get out much (really- seriously)- the only shows we've gone to see are Tori Amos & that's 'cause I dragged him with me LOL. Actually he likes a lot of her stuff. Poor guy had to go to three of her concerts within a 4 month time period. ;-D. You know, that's what I really like about our little group- I think a lot of us feel like we're in the same boat and it's nice to be able to vent it out. LOL- they really hit a raw nerve with me this AM- that just really blew my mind. It sounds like your housing prices are about the same there as here. I think the median price here in the SF Bay area is somewhere in the neighborhood of $450,000. And you're lucky to get any land with it and not have neighbors *right* next to you. We didn't want to be house poor either- we could have done it, but we definitely wouldn't have the ability to save money. Don't you just love "mystery taxes"? Here they have something called "Mello-Roos" tax assessment which "is an area where a special tax is imposed on those real property owners within a Community Facilities District". Whatever *that* is. All I know is that I've heard it's a lot. MD sounds like the CA of the east as far as housing & taxes go! Sounds like you're in a sea of liberalism there too.....I'd be afraid to tell anyone around here (in the Bay Area- neighbors, co-workers, etc) for fear of being bashed.

Leslie- Again, I'm sorry to hear you had a terrible week- all that in one week's time- you poor gal! I hope Charlie's doing better and I hope *YOU'RE* doing better! I have a good feeling about you though- it's that intuition- you're a strong gal & I *know* you'll come out the winner. I'm sorry to hear about Sarah's teacher's baby & your mayor. It's always sad when babies die. You really had a rough emotional week! I hope things look up for you from here on out- like I said before, you'll be in my prayers. LMAO- KidLight- all the fun, none of the responsibility! So true.... Oh my....rabbits.... Ah, your description hit the nail on the head for the water gushing sound! Yeah- can't happen during the daytime, huh! I told Kevin I just may consider doing the reverse immigration and go back to Ireland if that ever happened (Clinton/Pelosi). I know what you're talking about- we were just wondering that the other day.....did he leave yet? LOL!

Nan- Welcome to the club! :-p Although I'm not happy to be in that loop, or at least happy that someone or some group out there thinks we're "rich" LOL. Know what you mean about pools being a necessity- AZ was the same way. Yuck. LOL- the dairy smell! Definitely ripe. That sounds terrible- and you're right- it's a vicious circle to get ahead- the budget cuts don't help you at all either. I agree- these congressmen couldn't do it on what our bracket brings in. OMG- I *know* what you're saying about the food stamps- that gets me *every* time. I just have to hold my breath & hope I don't explode. You gals want to hear a good one? The City & County of SF takes out a quarter of one percent of each of his paychecks that goes to a fund for City & County of SF employees AND their so called significant others- which does count here- to have......SEX CHANGES. This is a *MANDATORY* deduction that we have no choice over. THAT one gets my Irish up every time. And YET, they won't cover fertility types of things (like if you're trying to have a baby and need additional tests or invitro, etc.) AND they still are making this mandatory even though the C & C of SF is in as much deep doodoo as the state. It's bad enough that if I'm brought into an emergency room that the illegal would prolly get immediate attention over me, but we have to put up with this too. **skulks off soapbox now** I will definitely post immediate upon receipt of the coveted package- hopefully tomorrow?? I think I remember hearing about Rick being in Afghanistan for just a short time....until Geraldo arrived on the scene LOL! Flying was scary- but for some reason it was the trip back. I made a lot of deals with God on that flight. Lots & lots of praying. We went to TX to visit his parents- so yeah it was fun at least, and REALLY good food.....his mom COOKS. I'm looking forward to going back this November- but we'll be driving; same as last year. Wow, your hubby sounds like a good asset to fight against any danger! How sweet!!! :-D

Jen- I'm having a hard time seeing a Priest driving a Mustang, but I guess they all have to drive something though! I guess I always envision an older car, or something not so sporty for some reason. Ah, don't listen to Amanda. I think it's a *great* idea!!

Jayel- I'm going to have to check out Pat Buchanan's book that you mentioned. You have me really curious now, especially since I'm wrestling with the same question to have or not to have.... Yep- it was I who couldn't remember or place Eric Shawn....I'm going to have to watch for him. Your description is hilarious! I like Brian Wilson too (like you said, not a hottie, but a good anchor), but I missed Tony Snow this past weekend. The suitcase was funny. I hope Greg Kelly gets the next big story (Saddam) there too- Steve had his day, time for Greg Kelly (BTW, I've learned I have to be specific with wishes- LOL If I just say Greg, it'll end up being Palkot). It is definitely the end of an era with the loss of Bob Hope. It's just sad 'cause it's a whole different time, particularly morale wise. Definitely the end of an era. Great stats! Fox is kickin' their butts!! :-D

OK- I gotta go- I'll catch up on tonight's posts tomorrow morning. Kevin's gotta use the computer for a change.
I'll catch ya'll tomorrow! Have a great one!

Hey gals! Well, somehow my lunch hour flew by & I didn't get a chance to post. Had some stuff to wait in line for at the PO (NO, not the photo....unfortunately!). Sherry- I *did* get the package- thanks again!! :-D Nothing delivered so far at work....but I did have a strange premonition (intuition).....all of a sudden either yesterday or today, I was able to somehow *know* that we were getting more photos from my hubby's daughter of her baby and lo & behold, in the box today was a card from her with photos (and they had moved, which was another hunch)....Now, when I get these feelings, I try not to 'test' it by thinking of a whole bunch of things I'm wondering about at once. I have to really direct it, otherwise it's no good. Anyway, I directed to the photo, and I *really* think this time he'll remember to send it. I'm having a feeling that it will be either today or tomorrow; since today's already come & gone for mail call, maybe it'll be tomorrow. I haven't replied to his email yet- maybe tomorrow if I haven't received it- just to be nice & reply but also to jog the "man memory"- LOL- I think we all know here what *that* is.....they gotta be reminded from time to time. OK- I'm five minutes past my lunch- gotta hop to the dang VRPs again (still haven't finished...but getting closer). I'll chat with ya'll later & read & reply to posts then.
I just thought I'd pop in for a sec....I'll respond more later.
Leslie, girl I'm so sorry to hear what all went on last week!! My heart goes out to you and you will be in my prayers. That is so scary to find a lump. (OK- it's gonna get a little personal here------>) I know that we women are supposed to check monthly, but I never have. My reason is the number one reason: It scares me to death that if I do, I will find something- which is the whole point of doing the self exams, I know. If there's ANYTHING we can do, let us know- we're here for you. Keep the faith- you *do* have Someone looking out for you.

I'll reply more later, I just really had to say that.
Hey all! I was going to post last night after I copied some stuff on to CD, but I was having so much trouble (had to reboot-like hard reboot- at least seven times within a half hour or so) that I just wanted to put the dang thing away. I think that frustration came out in a dream last night- just a snippet of me trying to download/save a Fox news report (from Todd I think) to disc, and then I was getting multiple copies w/o meaning didn't make much sense other than the fact that I was having so many problems anyway with my laptop. I'm sad and highly irritated at the same time; not a good way to start off a Monday. It looks like Bob Hope died last night- I know he was 100, but it's the end of an era. It seems like there's been a lot of the old era lost this year so far. Like *major* people. Bob Hope, Gregory Peck, Katherine Hepburn....I'm sure there are other major ones that I'm forgetting. I'm irritated 'cause we were hearing on the radio this AM that if you make $90,000/year (and this is *combined* income) that you're in the top 10% and you pay 67% of the tax. Now, we're in that range, just barely, and yet, gee- why can't we afford the things we *should* be able to afford then if we're so "rich"??? Unless we bust our asses & work a ton of OT, we can't afford to buy a house remotely close to work, we can't really afford to have kids- why? Oh YEAH- I forgot.....'CAUSE WE HAVE TO PAY FOR PEOPLE WHO *DON'T* WORK AND WHO GET SOMETHING FOR *NOTHING*! argh. *NOT* a good thing for me to hear and set me off on Monday. I'm at the point where I tell my parents that they will prolly not have grandkids from me 'cause we can't afford to 'cause we're paying for all the illegals who run over the border, have their kids for free, and then *stay* because their kids are so-called "citizens"; or they have them here for free & run back over the border. Ok- gotta get off that subject FAST.....*reluctantly steps down soapbox* Oh yeah, and the usual runarounds at work. I'm getting dizzy from all the circles I keep having to run around in. :-p

*MAYBE* just *MAYBE* today will be the day.....I haven't replied yet- I figure I'd reply to his email today or tomorrow, that way if he forgot to send it, it'll be kind of a "nudge, nudge".

Melissa- Great to see ya back! We've missed you! Now if we can just get Leslie to resurface.... ;-D LMAO about the capitalized "SO" too. (Then I started thinking more about what that meant....I've finally decided that it is what it is- that he's sorry- LOL- see what happens with me when I stress out? I start picking apart *everything*.) I saw him w/o the skanky boonie- he was boonie-less LOL. But it was the coverage that we first saw his hair again. LOL- I have that book (The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants) but haven't read it- but I know the concept. ROFLMAO- could you just see us now? The comments are there again- yay! I just love going back & reading the old stuff..... now if I can just get my archives in my own blog to work....I don't know what they did during the conversion, but I haven't done anything to it so I assume it's from what they (Blogger) did.

Sherry- Sounds like you had a busy weekend! I'm not much of a Rum drinker- there's something that's too strong about the taste of it. Maybe I just need the right combination, 'cause the drinks you mentioned sound good. Urgh- floppies. It took me forever last night to get that done- and I still have a lot to go, but hopefully the ones I have left are more reliable. I think they are 'cause they're newer and most of what's on them came from work done on my laptop or my work computer. The older ones were from older computers- one good & one crappy. I know what you mean about not being sure and yet not wanting to wait much longer for kids. I'm in that same spot- I really like the freedom, but sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on something "bigger" in life. But I really don't know if I'm the "mommy type" either. I get squeamish when kids have tummy troubles, and I'd prolly be one of those moms who worry too much. But, you never know till you try it- I could end up having a totally different opinion! I think Kevin thinks about it more than I do.

Jen- Mmmmm I *love* deviled eggs! My grandma makes them every year for my sister & I when we go to AZ for the holidays. I'm sorry you're not having luck with the protein bars & that the oompas haven't packed up & left for good! I saw Greg a couple of times yesterday- I think it was mainly earlier (well earlier for me) in the day & maybe early afternoon.....I know he was on this AM as we were going out the door (9:00 your time). It was the kinda shiny black shirt (or dark blue? hard for me to tell....). Sorry I didn't get on AIM yesterday like I had wanted to, but the computer had other plans.....

Nan- You've been busy too! We've learned that it's less stressful to go to Costco after work during the week rather than on the weekend. Just too many people. It *is* a great feeling knowing that pretty much everything is done. I haven't felt that in awhile- but I'm making progress on my stuff & as they say it's not the end of the road, but rather the journey in getting there that's important. I really have to keep reminding myself of that- with home & work as well. I heard about the fire in Riverside County- it sounded like it was fairly large- is that the one he went to? You know, I was musing this morning that I prolly remember more of the shots & some of Rick's commentary from that day more than I remember he himself. I remembered that scene where people were running and then the guy (presumably Rick) ducked down in front of the car when all the debris blew by. I remember that he kept talking pretty much the whole time it was that was Rick, huh? Wow. I saw that documentary too- that was so moving. I definitely don't remember when he was in Afghanistan- but we were out of town for a bit during that time and I was in school. That was the last time I flew- Oct. 2001- right about the time the Anthrax scares happened. I bought the airline tickets Sept 5 or Sept. 6, and going through with the trip was prolly one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. Arthur Kent (AKA "the ORIGINAL Scud Stud" LOL) was cute too- I'll always remember how he was on a roof and everytime something went off, he'd duck, but still be talking LOL. I can't remember, but I know my mother in law has either hypo or hyperthyroidism- but I'm leaning toward the hypo one. I know she takes pills for it. My sister had an enlarged thyroid for a short time, but to my knowledge she hasn't had any other problems. That must be so frustrating, but it sounds like you take it in stride. Yikes! BOTH Michael & Ariana??? That'd be scary, but yeah, you're right- could be humorous too! Good points about not knowing when to start a family- my mother in law says "it's not the having them, it's the raising them". I just had to say "AWWWW" when I read the last sentence "And of course God was right, he is a blessing and can't imagine my life without him." How sweet!

a- I saw Rita on, but wasn't paying attention I don't think...either that or she was on after my hubby gained control of the remote LOL! It *was* really great coming in on Friday & seeing that email there. It was one of those anticipation moments- both when I opened Outlook & then when I saw it there. I think I read another email first- I guess I was kinda afraid to see what it said LOL. Made *me* smile!

OK- I really gotta get to work.....I'll check in with ya'll later.

Sunday, July 27, 2003

HI Everyone! I feel like I've been gone for a week! My uncle left this afternoon. My whole family was over yesterday from 3pm to 1am! We started watching "Crimson Tide" *yummy Denzel!* at about 11:00 and they all wanted to see it. Anyway I got online after they left and I was gonna come post last night but I started to chat w/ Jen, and by the time we were done I was tired. Just now I was trying to watch "The Godfather" on HBO, but my dad is working downstairs and hit the cable and messed it up, so I thought "Hey I'll go catch up on the blog!" So here I am.

Nat. That's so sweet of Rick to send the e-mail! He must've been really sorry to capitalize 'SO' :) heh heh. I would post those pics, but hotmail isn't letting me open them. You got to see the skanky boonie hat again?!? I terribly miss the skanky boonie hat. We should try and find a nice home for the hat (like my house! lol kidding) Since we have declared ourselves the LevenGals....we should try and find a nice place for Rick to donate/auction his hat and then let him know. Or better yet we should just ask him to donate it to us as official LevenGals memorabilia and we could pass it around from Gal to Gal kinda like the plot to "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" LOL! As for Rick during 9-11, well I didn't see him. I was basically always over at my family's house for that first couple weeks or so, and they were always watching ABC w/ Peter Jennings. He was ok during that time, but I can't stand how anti-Bush he's gotten -- he doesn't even pretend to be un-biased! Oh well ho-hum. I dont' like thinking about 9-11 it makes me cry, so I'm moving on...

Jen I'm so sorry about your nerves. It'll be ok, you'll'll turn out great!! :) I think I'll wait until tomorrow to deliver the 'bad news' or erm 'good news' depending on how you look at it. :) And I yell at "soap operas" too, they need a good hollering sometimes....even if they can't hear ya.

Nan - yeah I constantly yell/talk at the radio/tv, and I'm not ashamed of it matter how much my mother makes fun of me. :) I figure it's no different than thinking....I'm just thinking verbally. So long as the tv/radio doesn't talk back to me I think I'll be fine. LOL Ewww dead bird in the pool :( One of my dogs likes to chase the birds and rabbits that get into our yard.

Jayel - I LOVE Pride and Prejudice!! I have it on DVD (they often have it at Best Buy)....though I don't watch it too often 'cause it's like 5 hours long total! You can rent it at Blockbuster (that's how I first saw it)....but you have to make sure you pick up the right copy - the one w/ Colin Firth. *yummy* It's just a sweet story, and it's really neat to see how the relationship between Elizabeth and Darcy evolves. You're right they have this amazing emotional/sexual attraction yet they barely even hold hands. :)

Well I'm gonna try and get ahold of Melissa (my best friend) and we're probably going to see a movie. Possibly "Tomb Raider." We were gonna go see "Sea Biscuit," but I promised my grandma I'd go watch it with her in a couple weeks. Talk to y'all later. Oh yeah....and I think the comments on the archives pages are working again. :)
Hey gals!
Something just occurred to me- we've been talking here about when we first started watching Fox, etc. Remember in the footage of 9/11 where there was a journalist (I believe) that was filming when one of the towers came down and there was the huge cloud of dust & debris and all the people were running and he had to duck behind a car and put his head down & stuff? That wasn't Rick, was it? I can't remember....I know there was a documentary where there were two brothers I believe who were doing something with the NYFD that day and happened to get the whole thing on film, it seems to me it was one of them, but I'm not sure.....maybe one of you gals who were watched that day & remember can remember who that was. I remember watching it that day (or so it seems- everything is so fuzzy from that day), but for the life of me, I just don't remember Rick- I remember there was a reporter/journalist that was *right there* in the action, but don't remember enough to have realized that it was him (in other words, when I was watching Rick in Iraq, I had no idea that it was the same journalist that was there in the action that Sept. day; I didn't make the connection).

Jen- I'm sorry to hear that you have fibromyalgia! Have you tried any of the holistic types of therapy? Like acupressure or acupuncture? I know there's a bunch of other things out there too, but those are the two that come to mind. Which reminds me....I need to get my lavender oil out today so I can relax some. I put it in a burner kind of thing diluted with water & it smells soooo good. Lavender totally relaxes me- I did just a little reading on aromatherapy when we talked about it in a class last year and I became really interested in it. Unfortunately, essential oils can be expensive though. I got a starter set & then some extras. Pine & spruce are good too for relaxing. I got a lot out of those holistic health classes- I just need to *use* it. :-p

Hope everyone else is doing well! It looks a little vacant around here this AM (it's 11:40 here- not quite afternoon yet). I need to download a bunch of pix from my camera so I'll check in later. Also need to finish getting my writing to CD- I'm really starting to not trust floppies (floppys? <--- neither look right!) anymore- I've lost too many things on them.

I'm dreadfully blog-challenged right now. Somehow I've 'lost' my archives in my blog- the posts are *there* but the dates for the archives are missing. (They were there before but when I clicked on them nothing happened. I followed Blogger's instructions for 'reconnecting' them but when I did that, republished all, all the dates were gone). *sigh* I need to clean it up anyway- the comments are placed oddly so gotta find a better way of placing those. So, for now, I've given up on it- I'm going to save that for another day. Melissa- I can see how easily one can change the template on the wrong blog- so don't feel bad (if you still do) about the wrong blog editing. Something that occurred to me was that I should save all my writings to disc- on my blog as well as in my livejournal- I'm just paranoid of losing my writing. Hmmm.....that could be because my first semester's writing work is on a floppy that cannot be read by either my home or work computers....but I *think* I have everything printed out- it's either around here somewhere or in storage. So. Better safe than sorry. I've been lazy all day- just going through some mags & messing around with my blog.....

Jan- Glad you're feeling better! Isn't it odd that the worst of 'em often come in the summer? Useless trivia.....that's our specialty in the O'Neill household too! I have *no* idea how we retain stuff....especially the useless trivia kind. I may not know what day of the week it is (sometimes not even the year) but I can pull something useless out of my hat easily, LOL! I hope you're right about him being extremely sorry to capitalize- it was one sentence: SO sorry. At first I thought, "uh-oh...that *almost* comes across irritated-like", but the more I think about it, the more I think it's just in my mind (I hope). Yeah, I'm sure he's been teased about his all lower case emails, lol. That is cool that he really cares. And *I'm* really glad we stopped taking on water too! : ) But that's what bilge pumps are for and thank God this one works- WELL. I'm glad to know you don't have TB :-D I can understand how they do test for that- you just never know these days.

OMG- I'm not sure what show's on right now (Cal Thomas maybe?) but I looked up and they were playing a snippet of Rick when he was in Iraq w/o the skanky boonie- wow, that was just a shock LOL.

Jen- hope the oompas packed their bags & left! Can you not take meds anymore at all, or just for right now? How awful that would be to have a killer headache & not be able to take meds......I'm sure by how (I hope) it's gone- but what you can try next time is putting some ice in a baggie & then put that in a sock and put it on your head where it hurts the most. My mom said that works for her- I tried it once and somehow after you get past the brain freeze it does seem to help. Hope you feel better! ROFLMAO- an old lady in the risque lingerie section???? Yikes! I got your emails! :-D I'll prolly reply tomorrow- I'm about to drop for the night I think.

Sherry- Sounds like you had your hands full today! About losing the post....yeah, and not only can you not remember, but then you're so frustrated that you just want to do short answers and call it a night (at least that's the way I felt last night).

a- yeah- Rick's quick to reply- and that's so great because there are people (brokers) that I work with and send emails requesting additional info and they take days to get back to me if they get back to me at all. So it's really cool that he replies that quickly especially considering that there's nothing saying that he has to reply. It's a good feeling.

Denise- Glad you're feeling better too! That's a great compliment- it's so hard to get appreciation sometimes and it's always great to hear it. One of the broker's assistants sent my supervisor & mgr an email about how well I was doing- my supervisor was impressed and mentioned it. It's those kinds of things that make you feel good about what you're doing. I'm not sure what to think on the whole Kobe thng.....I definitely know I need to hear more (via court stuff) to decide for myself. There's a lot of weird circumstances on both sides. I know what you mean about venting.....I think we have a great place here for all emotions, without having the fear of being put down or something. :-D I've seen other 'lists' (early blogs?) where people have major "flame wars" as they call them... not pretty. Cats are cool! I know what you mean about kids though- I find myself wanting them, but I'm just not sure. LOL yeah, Rick's prolly thinking "Oh God, not her again!" LOL Now wouldn't *THAT* be funny if he wanted to meet. Basically he said that it was still on his desk and that he would try to send it out yesterday (Friday). In my email I just asked if he'd sent it as I hadn't received it and said if possible could he FedEx it so the USPS doesn't lose it again. He didn't say anything about how he was sending- so I guess I'll find out- hopefully. I feel the same about my paycheck too....I try not to even look at it 'cause I don't really want to know much I'm *not* getting. I do get tired of giving something for nothing though. We need more people here in the US to wake up and realize what we all already know here- particularly the politicians who turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to what's happening. LMAO about the Blockbuster/INS joke! LMAO about the trivial pursuit thing- I think I posted something very similar above about remembering.... I'm not sure why Fox uses a "u" instead of an "o" for Bin Laden. I was curious about that too. Hey- that program you got for the virtual makeover- was that the Cosmo one? I've seen that at Costco and thought about it- just for fun ('course I need a computer with more memory before I get anything else....sounds like a lot of fun!

Jayel- You're right- Greta sure seems to have a constant round of lawyers on her show.... I'm all for "All Fox Hotties, All the Time"- LOL!! I don't think Rick got that many emails either before (and I could be *completely* wrong on that), but I just don't see a whole lot of people emailing journalists on an ongoing basis (say like people do with film & music stars & such). I think he prolly got a lot of emails during & immediately after the war, but now......they may have died down a bit. I think Fox people just seem more on the approachable side- so in that way I would agree that emails to reporters are a Fox news Phenomenon. Rick must be one of the appreciative ones as he's replied to a lot of our emails. I would have to honestly say that unless it was to view my opinion that I haven't ever emailed any reporters until a couple of months ago. I'm going to go out on a naive limb here- who's Eric Shawn?? LOL- I may have seen him and just don't know it....

Nan- I'm a yeller too! (Well, that may not really be something to be proud of, be it). I need a rubber room sometimes... Do you have hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism (I think that's right...) Sorry to hear what they did to your arm with all the blood tests. LOL- sorry about the horrible scenario! But it would be awful! I think the mystery runner they were talking about yesterday morning was Huffington (the guy- not Ariana- I just can't remember his name- Michael??) God help us all if Pelosi became Gov & Hillary POTUS. Oh, the poor birdie! :-( I occasionally watch Cavuto during the repeat- usually I set the timer on the tv and I go to sleep by Fox. The only reporter that stands out to me from GW I is Arthur Kent- the original 'Scud Stud' LOL. He was cute he's doing something on the History Channel - "History's Mysteries", I believe.

OK- as I said above, I'm about to drop for the night, so I bid ya'll adieu. Have a great one!!

Friday, July 25, 2003

I'm going to scream- I just spent an hour & a half on this post, hit (or so I thought) Post & Publish and *POOF* it vanished. I'm sure ya'll on the east coast heard the blood curdling scream of *nooooooooo.........* Anyway, I will try to recreate it, although much briefer this time.

Jen- hope the new trainer isn't as harsh as Frank- he sounded a little over the top. Glad you're looking forward to your meals now! Congrats on the 5 lbs! :-D I love that "schedule" funny- (NOTE TO MELISSA: feel free to post that here if you can. It may be tricky though from how you described posting images in the past). I got your email and was about to go & reply after I posted when my post disappeared.... ;-p Thanks for *happy dancin'* for me- I did one too! :-D

Jayel- Thanks for the Fox Hotties Update! Loved how you described Geraldo as so.....versatile. LMAO You presume correctly- Rick replied to my email from yesterday. I'm still trying to figure out though if he was irritated or not that I asked again- part of me was thinking "there's nothing saying that he *has* to reply, he could always ignore it"- so that plus the fact that he replied so quickly kind of tells me that I'm not pushing it- much. the "SO sorry" was one sentence. I think that's why it was a little startling(?) in a way. Anyway, I'm very glad he replied (so soon) and that the USPS didn't lose yet *another* photo. Yep- you're right about Savage- that'd be on the top of his agenda I think. Yesterday he said his platform would be "borders, language & culture" as his motto goes. That'd be awesome, and he certainly would be colorful. :-D Fox & Friends has really grown on me- they're great. I haven't watched local morning news in months. I get up just in time to catch Mancow- another part of the morning ritual. Did ya'll see it today where Steve was using this woman's lime green shirt as the weather map thing? He was doing the weather on her back- I was completely ROFLMAO! I agree with what you said about Uday & Qusay (U & Q). About AMC- I asked Kevin if he thought they were showing less of the older movies and he seemed to think so. I didn't really think of it till you mentioned it. I was hoping that they'd (well either AMC or TCM) would have had a lot of Katherine Hepburn movies on after her death as a kind of tribute. If they did, we missed it, or it wasn't much of one. I've been wanting to see "My Fair Lady" with Audrey Hepburn or "High Society" with Grace Kelly. Those are good ones. I know what you mean about how they handled love scenes- there's something magical in those old movies.

Melissa- How maddening that must've been to not have the internet! I had the perfect soapbox rant in my other post, but I'm getting tired, so I'm just going to say that I agree with what you said. That is also very maddening; just ask Kevin- I've done my fair share of yelling at the radio or TV (esp. during Hannity & Colmes) LOL Yeah- Tobin's just too buff. There's just nothing that does it for me there.

Nan- wow- your hubby was #2 in kickboxing in CA? That's awesome! It does look fun & I've heard it's *really* great for exercise. The Twinkie Defense.....I'm just still dumbfounded that that really *actually* worked......I was just telling Kevin that must've been the beginning of the twisted things from the lawyers & courts that we hear today. When you think of it, its' just *absurd* beyond belief. Oh, Nan....I completely hear you and *believe* me understand about the illegals getting in state tuition AND grants.....that really had my Irish up and sent me to the outer reaches of the universe. It is a very touchy/sore spot with me too- when Savage brings it up on the drive home, my hubby says he has to pull my fingers out of the headliner in the car. There was a show on....I forget now....but it was on Fox and they were talking about that- well, I shot off an email to them about how wrong this is, that someone who's here illegally or on a visa can get in state tuition while someone who lives just five or ten miles over the border of CA has to pay out of state tuition EVEN THOUGH they are a US citizen. I paid my dues; I moved here from AZ and waited the year for the in state rates and then when I tried for a grant 'cause I was only making about $8/hr when I first started (Visa saw a lot of tuition payments....) I was turned down. In my email to whomever it was (I believe they were on the same side as us) I mentioned how me, my parents, grandparents, etc are tax paying citizens and have been for a couple of hundred years, etc. It's sad, that here your son's great-great-great-grandfather helped write the CA constitution and yet the illegal has more rights. That's how I feel when I think of my paternal side of the family having come here on the Mayflower, and how they're prolly turning in their graves 'cause of all the nonsense we have going on today. And the 30% increase.....I'm glad I finished when I did (May 2002), but I really feel sorry for you, my stepsons and anyone else who is having to pay that. It's completely insane. This *state's* insane- I just really hope that whomever takes Red's (oops- I *mean* Gray's) seat next cleans it up, but he's done such a horrible job that it's going to take a long time to clean up the garbage that's accumulated. ARGH- illegals. I just don't get it, and I'm so tired of paying for all of them. I tell Kevin that I will prolly never get to have kids 'cause I'm having to pay for all the illegals' kids. I can't really afford to stay home and we don't want to put them in daycare. But I have to decide and soon, I'm going to be 35 this year. But as much as they take out of my check to pay for all the so called "special programs" and whatever else that people who don't deserve it get (something for nothing) .....I don't know. OK- I'll get off the soapbox now. I guess know that I seriously really feel your pain- it's been a thorn in my side for quite a long time- even when I was in AZ- it's just worse here and more obvious. Onto a happier subject.....Yeah- I was musing about the emails today- I think that makes five replies, including the "does this mean you received it" one when I tried to recall the one with the incorrect zip code. Oh yeah- the Pelosi speech was too much- it went something like how she's the first woman majority whip and how she was in a meeting with all these men and how her chair felt "crowded" because all the women in history were with her in the chair. It too corny for words. I was embarrassed. I thought, my God, all these years of school, the hard work, and this is what I get? LMAO I told Kevin that I'm seriously going to lose it if she became governor & Hillary became president.....

And on that note, I bid ya'll a good night! :-D
Hey Gals....I've basically missed a day and 1/2 here so I have a lot of catching up to do. :) I was gonna use the computer at work today, but it's still being worked on. I think the guy who's updating it F*ed it up and my mom is gonna be pissed when she gets back on Monday! I took the Laptop to work today because I was SO BORED yesterday. I can't do anything there if I dont have a computer. So I guess I have a nice pile of work to do on Monday. :(

OMG you guys I thought I was gonna jump through my car radio this morning and strangle the DJ's on one of the radio stations I was flipping back and forth from. The DJ's were talking about how appalled they were that Americans were showing Uday & Qusay's pictures. And they were saying how disrespectful it was. -- I think that was the last thing I heard before I started yelling at my radio "F-you!!! Those bastards tortured, murdered, raped and did god knows what else to innocent people...and you think it's f*ing disrespectful!!!! I can't believe that!!!" -- yeah I think I lost it....I was SO MAD!

Mike Tobin, really doesn't bother me that much. =) I think I'm just a little bitter about him because he's the one who replaced Rick when Rick left Iraq. And the first day Mike was on he had on almost exactly the same shirt and hat Rick had been wearing....and I was like "YOU FRAUD - Wannabe!" but really he doesn't bother me that much....I think he'd look nice....but he's just got too much muscle for me. Maybe if he toned down a little....though I still say his nose looks like it got hit with a baseball bat.

Well I'll come catch up later. I'm gonna go watch a movie now or something. So I'll be back later.
Hey all! It's FRIDAY!!! Thank God.

Jayel- Yeah- you're definitely right on that- it was the most exposure he's had in a *long* time (or at least since he's been back) as far as I can tell. Yep- on the East coast, 6-7 is newstime which make sense since it's a summary of things that happened today, but I do wonder if he would have a bigger audience being in prime time. I'd be all for it. Usually after H&C my hubby's like "can I see what's on?" He's not a big fan of Greta's. Plus unless I tape it, I'm always missing at least 1/4 to 1/2 of Fox Report.

Jan- Sounds like I missed a great "G" last night! We had *really* bad traffic- took an hour & a half to get home plus we had a couple of stops to make- I think we got in around 5:30 (which is a half hour after FR ended). He really seems to interact well with everyone- just my opinion but he seems to put people at ease too. I bet he'd be fun to work with. To answer your "hopes" :) - I got a response early this AM- he was out of the office yesterday & said he was "SO sorry. i will try to send it out today." There was more, but it was the "SO" part that grabbed me and made me feel guilty. Not sure how to take that....I hope it's here next week....leak is fixed- we had to lower the water pressure but it's at 48, so that's fine (was at around 60). It was quick & easy- but that sound! It sounded so awful- I laugh now, because that sound is something you *never* want to hear in a boat....Didn't continue the dream- but I usually don't anyway. Sometimes it will pop up in another dream as a memory. I have *no* idea where Haggis came was a very strange & surreal dream. Ah yeah! Moscone & Milk- I should have remembered their names at least. Oh yeah, and Dan White and the "Twinkie Defense"- how wild is *that*? If that wasn't the weakest excuse I've ever heard..... LOL about the serial killer name- you're right- it does sound that way. YES!! I'm SO happy about the recall passing! Now we just have to see who comes out of the woodwork for running for the office.....the woman on our morning radio show today was saying that there's a name that will be appearing but they can't release it yet- it's a democrat that Bay Area people will recognize. I thought "oh CRAP- PLEASE don't tell me it's Pelosi.....PLEASE...." That woman spoke at my SFSU graduation and I thought, of all people.....why her? why this year? I'm just not a big fan of hers....Ah-nold is basically stepping down from the race for his friend, Riordan- I believe he was mayor of LA- and they've said that he has some political leanings left of Davis even. Even though he's supposed to be running on the Republican (Republicrat or RINO) ticket. It's going to be interesting, that's for sure... Here's something interesting.....Savage is considering running as an Independent. I have a feeling the next two months are going to be *very* interesting indeed.

Hmmm....oldest movie? I'm not sure- we sometimes watch a lot of older movies (on AMC & TCM) - there was one that was about the 1906 SF earthquake that I think was made in the 20's or so- but I forget- I don't remember the name. But it had a girl that was singing the "San Francisco" song. I don't know the words- sorry! That may have been the oldest one.

Denise! I was wondering what happened to ya! "Meetings" are bad- I know what you mean- you get this really ominous feeling....I hope it's just that you're under the weather so that's why it seems ominous. Hang in there-hope you feel better soon!

Nan- You're sick too? Wow, it must be that time of year for summer illnesses. Hope you feel better soon too! You know what is really odd/ironic/whatever is that I watched Fox nonstop on 9-11 and the days following, and I *very guiltily* have to say that I don't remember seeing him. But I was really weirded out by the whole thing- the only thing I remember is crying nonstop and thinking "how could this have happened" and thinking about those lost & the families of those lost. Then again, I didn't really pay attention to the reporters so much until the embedding during the war. I think I've always been on the slow side of catching on....."late bloomer" I think the term is. ;-P I wish I had paid attention- I bet he did an *AWESOME* job at reporting it- he is always willing to take the risks to get the full story of what is happening. I guess that's what's so endearing is that he really puts a human face on it all. I think we started watching Fox around the 2000 elections, but I always pretty much watched the local stuff until the last year or so. It's really fuzzy- now that I think about it, a lot seems fuzzy since 9-11. All I know is that it's been months since I've really watched our local news. LOL- we were channel surfing last night and both of us said "hey- it's Keen Eddie on at 8:00!" We didn't know what happened, but I hope they put it back on Tuesdays....o/w it's going to interfere with Friends. It's a great show. Unfortunately I fell asleep about 7:30 and woke up half way through Eddie. On the recall front (see my above post)- but our morning show has been positive about Tom McClintock- he sounds like he might be a good runner- it also sounds like Bill Simon may try again.

Jen- I've heard kickboxing is fun! Punching bags hurt, but yeah- they're great for getting out your frustrations. Let me know what you think of the protein bars- I've been thinking of trying them since I don't eat a lot of meat. Sorry you couldn't drown the beef roast in Au Jus...that sounds so good (despite my earlier comment about not eating much meat. I like it but just in small doses).

Sherry- I think you're right- that Uday & Qusay would have commited suicide before they let the US/Coalition get them and they certainly would not have given us anything useful.

OK- gotta go- just realized it's almost 8 and I need to eat & do some stuff before our 2 hour meeting.....sheesh I hate those- it's always a struggle to stay awake.

Thursday, July 24, 2003

OK- so, so far no reply. know, I wonder if he may be out of the office or something today, which is why he isn't covering the City Hall story plus why I haven't gotten a reply yet. It was just so quick last time that I was hoping.....but we'll see tomorrow. Today was a very icky day- I think I'm going to go home & go pretty much right to bed (as soon as he's done fixing the water hose, as it's right under the bunk). Tomorrow'll be a better day. It's *GOT* to be. ;-) God, I hope I didn't say the wrong thing.....
In the midst of all the hellish crap I'm having to work on today (it's an audit, it's in excel & in our system, and it's downright confusing- I'm having to reference 2002 and 2003 rates, 4 spreadsheets & two different terms in our system), I sent you-know-who another email.....I'll let ya'll know if I get a response. Have to say that every time I hear David Letterman's voice saying "Congratulations skippy, you've got mail" (LOL- I found that WAV file online) I jump and think....could it be? So far it's more people wanting stuff. I'm hoping though....more like hoping that he's not thinking I'm some weirdo (which I'm really not! I just want my photo....) Still dazed & confused but more so due to the aforementioned audit. I feel like saying, "audit THIS!" LOL I'll be so glad when I'm done. I can think of a million things I'd rather do- I'd rather fly somewhere than do these. And that's saying a lot 'cause i hate flying.

Jen- I saw your message & then my computer took a dump & had to reboot, and the dang audit has to be done today (news to me and my trainee/colleague)- but it ain't getting done today- I have news for them. But....I'm having to work through my lunch on it (my choice- God only knows why), so I thought I'd pop in here & see what was up. I hope you're checking the blog so you see this!

Where *IS* everybody?? (echo, echo, echo) It's like a ghost town around here :-p I hope everyone's OK!! I'll try to check in later- depends on the FUF (Fed up factor).
Uh oh. Here's snippets of my horoscope- maybe I should hold off on sending that email LOL! "This morning you can make progress on work that was postponed yesterday. (A good thing- I didn't get to something I really had to yesterday) You could cause unhappiness by being domineering.
Is "domineering" the same thing as being "foolishly courageous"? LOL

I was at work; there was a kind of a line of people in the lobby. Oddly enough the head of the line was in the opposite direction from the glass security door I go through to get from the lobby to my work area. Rick's standing in this line- about 4 people down from me, holding one of those thick shopping bags- medium sized and beige in color. I was curious what was in the bag (as no one else was holding bags- and everyone else appeared to be people that I work with). He was talking to people like he knew them, and from listening in, I learned that he had haggis in there. I thought, "mmm tasty- not!" but didn't say anything. Then just as I was about to talk to him........

one of life's cruel ironies happened.

A loud pop! and then water running- which is *NOT* good to hear in a boat. I jumped up out of the bunk thinking something hit the hull causing a hole and thought the boat was filling with water. I got Kevin up and we found out it was the water hose that goes to this handheld shower thing in the bathroom (but we never use). I guess we have the water pressure up too high and it was too much for the hose- thankfully none of the others did that. Thankfully it's not a big deal- he's going to cap it off later on today. Oh yeah, the other cruel irony is that prolly only 15 minutes before (just before I had that teeny tiny snippet of a dream) I woke up and thought, "ah, cool- I still have 2 more hours to sleep!". So, I've been up since 2:45- I actually got to watch most of Fox & Friends First and Fox & Friends. That's a first. The F&F First comes on at 3 AM here, so needless to say, I don't usually watch it unless I tape it. I was out by 8:30 last night and we turned out the light at 9:00- that's the earliest I've gone to sleep in a long time, and prolly a good thing considering how early I was up today. It sucks now, 'cause the tiredness has already hit & it's only 7:00. I still have 8.5 hours.....this could be a 2nd coffee kind of day! Can you stand it though? I finally have a dream I can remember.....argh! It's like this whole photo thing. I'm contemplating sending an email today....if nothing else to say sorry someone stole your story....oh yeah, did you send that 2nd photo? (but in a more tactful way than that).

Sherry- I *know*! What's up with *that*???? Why does everyone keep stealing his stories? *stomps feet* He busted his ass to get down there yesterday & they give it to David Lee Miller?? What is up with that? Hehehe- had to laugh at "he was looking great but a little hot"....(could be my not awake mind).... but I was thinking, "a *little* hot?? how about hot hot hot!" (as in hottie hot). LOL....forgive me I haven't had enough coffee and I'm kinda dazed (and prolly confused). I was shocked too that not *everyone* had to go through the metal detectors. I wasn't here in SF at the time but it reminds me of when I *think* (hm...this is bad- I don't remember what his position was) the mayor was shot and one of the city supervisors. It was in the 1970's I believe. I would think everyone would have to go through no matter who you are. I set my VCR to go, but since you-know-who has stolen the story, I'm not sure what Rick will have.

Melissa- You're welcome for the link! He did look good, huh! Sounds like you had a busy day yesterday- fun but painful. I noticed that the comments are missing from the archives- not a big deal- just something I noticed. I don't know if we really had that many anyway since we usually 'reply' with a post LOL.

OMG- How can I forget?? We (that's the collective we for the conservatives) in California got the recall election passed through!! YAY!!!!! What was really funny is that our morning talk show was saying that some dems. at the capitol were talking and forgot to turn off their microphones (apparently, it's wired so that everyone in the building pretty much can listen in on debates & stuff)- well, they weren't saying much good and *everyone* including the media room heard it. Someone finally told them and the last thing people heard was one of them saying "oh excrement excrement" as our morning guy put it- ROFLMAO!!

Well, wish me luck- I'll keep you posted if I get a response. I guess I'm feeling (foolishly) hmm...trying to think of a nice ladylike way of putting, how about courageous? Foolishly courageous. That's it.
Looks like David Lee Miller is covering the City Hall story today. When I woke up at 6:30 this morning he was reporting from there and then again just before I left for work, and we know Fox doesn't have a habbit of switching correspondents during the middle of the day. I guess maybe they're trying to rotate their NYC correspondents. I wonder if Rick was/is a little freaked out about covering the story yesterday, since some of you said he was out breath for a while. I mean they must've thought it was a terrorist attack at first...that's what I always think when I hear about any big news story here. Anyway I wonder if he was a little freaked considering what he must've went through on 9-11.

It also looks like Greg P. is reporting from Bagdhad as well I saw him just before I left for work this morning. Maybe Greg K. Really is on his way home. I'm really very surprised that Greg P. is still there....he's been ther what, like 2 months? Or did Greg P. replace Greg J? There's too many Greg's for me to keep 'em straight. LOL.

Well I'll catch up on posts at lunch. Have a good morning everyone.