Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Yay- I'm *finally* getting to post! And if I go over my lunch time, so be it- I didn't get my break this AM and feel like burning up some attitude, LOL! Anyway.... I'm feeling better today, stomach's still kinda iffy but NOTHING like yesterday. I'm sticking to bland stuff just in case. Any gals out there thinking of getting the flu shot, beware of the side effects- they're not bad, but just a pain. I got to see Todd yesterday- twice! :-) I got home in time to catch him on Fox Report & also on Cavuto's show. It was funny- I dozed off around 9:50 or so and when I woke up ten to fifteen minutes later, hubby had on Fox, and the first thing I saw was the TV & Todd, LOL! Hehehe....that was cool. I'm probably lucky I didn't yell out "hey! it's Todd!"- I could see myself trying to explain that one LOL.

Sherry-At least some of the hotties were back, huh? :-) WOW!! 8.4 pounds?!? That's awesome! That is a lot, but I bet you're right- the workouts really helped. I *really* need to get on track with my exercising again. Maybe tomorrow, when I'm really back up to par. That is *awesome* motivation! :-) You inspire me and probably the rest of the gals here too! :-) I haven't heard of Medival Times, but I'll have to check to see if there's one around here. That sounds *really* fun- plus I love that kind of stuff. Your theory makes sense- I don't know if Todd was filling in for Mike while he was in Iraq, but since Todd's back in NY, maybe Mike's coming back to TX & then Rick will end up in Iraq. Time will tell. I have my usual favorites: Friends, Fear Factor, Joe Millionaire (will be starting in Oct.), and Survivor. My dilemma is that Friends & Survivor are on at the same time. I sacrificed Friends for Survivor last week. My reasoning? Friends will in all likelihood repeat, Survivor so far (to my knowledge) has not. Since we only have one satellite receiver, we can only watch/tape one thing at a time. Other faves (which have not come on yet with new shows) are: Meet My Folks, 24, Monk, Hack, and Keen Eddie (unless that one's dead & gone). If they have another "For Love or Money" I may watch that too. I haven't tried "The Bachelor" yet. ROFLMAO about what you said about that Newlyweds show too! Some of these shows are really good for the humor factor alone- pretty much how we ended up watching some of the reality shows.

Jen-What a pain! They didn't even do the road??? Well, it's not much consolation but at least I guess you weren't the only one in that position. I hope your trip to the Smithsonian & Nat'l Gallery of Art went great!! I hope pouchy & gally behaved themselves! Hehehe, sure I'll take on that Triple Dog Dare! I'll email you about that. I'm sorry I mentioned the rice- I hope you can have that again soon. Oh my....that mexican chicken dish you mentioned sounds SO good. Mmmm saffron! ROFLMAO about the MTV show Newlyweds- I haven't seen it, but it sounds hilarious! I think truly deep men do not find that attractive- unless they're looking for unattached fun....or maybe if they don't have a brain (but I guess that would mean that he's not deep either....). When are you supposed to see the surgeon again?

Leslie- Yay! You're back!! Bet you missed us gals! Wait- this was *his* Honey-Do list?? Did you have one for him?? I hope so! ;-) LOL, petite *does* sound better than short, huh! LMAO about yours & Nan's Shep scenario- you girls are too funny! Well- the Murphy's on teak floors makes it a bit dull, but it's definitely cleaner. I actually like the duller look, especially when the sun shines on it- not quite so blinding. I like that stuff too. THREE cases of Whooping cough?? Wow, I haven't heard of anyone having that for awhile (not that I know a lot of people anyway)- I thought that the Pertussis inocculation covered that too. You better high tail it out to get one of those! We "fall back" October 26- it's my favorite time, so I've had my eye on it. I just *love* gaining that extra hour- hey, I'm a newbie! We didn't have Daylight Svgs time in AZ, so this will only be my 10th time 'falling back' (I moved to CA Oct. 8, 1994). I always wait till about 3 in the afternoon on Sunday and then change it so it feels like I have an extra hour. ;-)

OK- gotta get back to work. Hehehe....I still have one more break to take in the next two hours.... so I only have an hour & 45 min. that I have to work. :-)

Monday, September 29, 2003

Jen.....I'm feeling (part) of your pain. My stomach feels really topsy turvy right now- just unsettled. I got the flu shot on Friday, so I don't know if it's that or something else altogether. It's like I'll feel OK, then warm/sweaty/clammy like (that's only happened once). It was really weird- it came on suddenly and then was gone in a couple of minutes (for the clamminess). I'm just going to cruise the rest of the day. I'd love to just go home and curl up with Fox News! ;-) UPDATE: it's about 3 hours later since I started this, and I don't have the unsettled stomach anymore- I was kinda worried for a bit. I'm just going to get through the day & take it easy tonight- maybe have cereal for dinner or rice. It's just *got* to be from that flu shot....

Jayel- Jeff's got long curly eyelashes?? Girl, you really pick up on the details don't you! :-) I'm going to have to take a much closer look next time I see him on.

Teri-Hey- I got your message. Yeah! I'd love to read the Charlie Daniels' book- send it on! Did you want it back afterward? Let me know. LMAO about what you said about your daughter reading the posts! She'll understand our point of view some day! ;-) Where's Rick? I was hoping you could tell *us*! I think Melissa has something to do with it, LOL! (J/K Melissa!!)

Sherry-Do you remember what time this morning Todd was on? I used a 6 hr tape, and taped the first 3 hours of Fox News Live, but not the fourth hour (leading up to Dayside). I then started it for the one hour of Fox News Live & Studio B- hopefully I got him in there somewhere, LOL! If not, there's always next time. Back in NY, huh? Wow, it sounds like the hotties came out of the woodwork today, huh! That's cool that it sounds like Greg's wearing the sage green shirt of Jens! Maybe Rick's on his way somewhere else? Iraq?
Hi Girlies!!
Have you ever had insomnia, then finally get to sleep only to *dream* about insomnia? I had that last night- it was weird; I was stressed in my dream because I couldn't get to sleep and it was getting really late (or early depending on which way you look at it). I think it'll be an early night for me tonight! ;-) You know what's cool is that I bought/won a big Fox News coffee mug from a woman and she's also a HUGE Fox fan. We've exchanged emails a couple of times. It's a small world.

Nan-Yeah...unfortunately it doesn't surprise me what you wrote about the student section at the FSU game. I hope the future of our Country don't all speak like that. I think sometimes that some people get carried away with sports and use it as an excuse to behave like that. Sounds like you were really productive! :-) I pretty much got the laundry done & that was about it. Your asthma was acting up too, huh? Mine was mildly- mainly at night & when I first woke up. I woke up with a killer sinus headache Saturday (which explains my slothiness on Saturday....no really good excuses for yesterday, LOL!). You didn't miss much- Jeff G was on a couple of times yesterday, but that was pretty much it. LOL about the Huffington/Camejo thing! You know what Bustamante (Bustamove, Boostmyego, etc) is saying now is that Huffington & Camejo need to drop out 'cause they're stealing his numbers and that Davis should support him...BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAAA! I missed the town hall meeting Arnold & Sean did, but saw the bits they showed on H&C. That is a plus for Arnold that he doesn't double speak and answers directly. I just wish he was more in the conservative than middle of the road (like about abortion & social issues- he leans too far in favor of those for my liking). I think he'll do good in the Governor's seat fiscally though. I guess that's a week from tomorrow, so we'll soon be finding out! :-) Just PLEASE no Bustamante. Or Davis, for that matter. LOL, I used to really hate being short- mainly when I was in grade school. I always had the impression that to be 'cool' you had to be tall. I always cringed when that song "Short People" came on the radio, LOL! Doesn't bother me anymore, of course. I'm happy with my height- sometimes I think it'd be nice to have longer legs, but that's ok. I can usually outwalk people with longer legs (I'm a very fast walker). ;-) Speaking of walking (exercise)- good luck to you also with the working out (Curves)- it sounds like a great place. I'm really going to strive today to work out when I get home. You gals are inspiring me! :-) We can support each other here with our weight loss/toning up goals too. That's one thing I learned from WW is that a support group is very helpful.

OK, need to get to work....I'm 15 minutes past my start time LOL! Talk to ya'll later.

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Hey gals! Still working on cleaning up the computer- I need to get some room on here before we go to TX. I'm going to scan a bunch of Kevin's family's old photos. I'm burning a couple of cd's worth of songs I've had stored on here for awhile- that should open up some hard drive space. ;-) It's been a quiet day, but I can feel the Sunday night anxiety coming on. If I get insomnia, it's always on Sundays.

A-Thanks for the well wishes! I'm feeling better today, I guess I'm adjusting. :-)

Jen-That is scary about the hotel getting hit. I hope they're being smart and staying safe over there! I thought that was great that they found all the weapons- I'm not sure how much that will slow the bad guys down, but it's a start. I need to go check my email- you must've sent it since last I checked (it's been awhile and I had to restart my computer). A triple dog dare, huh?!? Now I'm curious! I'll check after I post here. Yuck- good luck moving Jiggy tomorrow and getting back in without a hitch; what a pain! Take care of yourself, girlie! Hope Thursday's meet with the surgeon goes well!

Sherry-Ooh, yeah, I saw Jeff G on there a couple of times today- and you're right- he's the first in a couple of days. It's been s-l-o-w. I'm sure Adam will be back next week. I was wondering this weekend if maybe Trace fills in on the weekends while Adam covers the weekdays- but then Adam was on last weekend if I remember right. So much for that theory! ;-P Wow, hey Jen- that event *would* be a perfect chance! I really like the Weight Watchers program- like you said moderation is the key- and portion control. That was the hardest for me. A serving of cereal used to be 4 servings for me, and the same with pasta, rice.... I'm trying to scale down my portions now. I think I did good last week- until the potluck on Friday. :-P I'm thinking of checking out the flex points plan. We used to have the "Weight Watchers at Work" program, but we need 18 people to commit and we couldn't get that many the last couple of times. I need to find another one nearby. Totally feel free to email me for the support! You have my work email- and that's probably when I'm the worst- our unit is known as the "food unit" and for good reason. What's nice is that another liveaboard moved to a slip practically right at the gate, so they'll keep watch too. They've been here awhile, they just moved from another slip. Wow, congrats on only spending $25- it'd be so easy to spend triple that at one of those things (at least for me it would be, lol!).

Teri-Don't worry about the short chat- I probably should not be on too long at work anyway ;-P Makes up though for all the others' multiple breaks during the day LOL! I'd be curious to know how my breaks & lunches worked out in the end- did all the times I took longer make up for the times I didn't take one at all? All I have to do is go to the bookstore or post to the blog and I'm taking more than my alotted time LOL! Glad the sleepover went good! :-)

Jayel-I'm sorry you lost your post- I hate when that happens. Nope, we're the best! ;-) I always look forward to checking on 'the group' to see what's happening with ya'll. I agree with the suit vs. wet Jeff in jeans LOL! I haven't noticed his eyes- will have to check next time! I haven't seen the new Fox Report promo- I didn't know there was one- LOL- don't ever leave the group- we need you to tell us when new stuff hits Fox! :-) For some reason the image I get in my mind about Todd getting that email, scratching his head, and just not knowing what to do with it has me ROLFMAO now that you mention it. You're right- I think that their responsiveness to emails are a clear clue of their personalities. Yeah- the latchhook project was me :-) These kits are so neat and they're *great* for the winter time. I went to town on the one I'm currently working on while watching the debate the other night. I got quite a bit of it done. I have some counted cross stich kits, but I need to do some printed cross stitch ones first till I get the hang of it. It was quite humorous when I got the counted cross stitch ones- I opened one up and said, "Hey! It's a blank linen!" and then it dawned on me- "ah, counted cross stitch, I get it now" LOL! I'd only done needlepoint and latchhook rug stuff before but wanted to branch out.

OK- the CD just got done, so I need to get the next one ready to burn. I'll chat with ya'll later- have a great evening!

Saturday, September 27, 2003

Wow, no posts since yesterday (early) afternoon?? I thought for sure there would have been some posts since then. I guess Fox is having a hottie drought (sp? I've typed that out a few ways & NONE of them look right! LOL!). Let's see....yesterday was kind of a continuation of Thurs.- you know how you have those off kilter days where there's a lot of [crummy] stuff to do, and you have no energy and yet you really just don't care. Or at least care enough to get too mad about it or get you moving to get it done. LOL, maybe it's just plain old laziness. I brought not one book, but two to read on the bus on the way to work & then home, and I never pulled either out- I just listened to my CDs. Kevin had night driving (instructing new students) last night, so it was just us girls (me & the cat). The "there's so much to do and I don't know where to start and don't care to start" feeling came home with me as well. So I just tinkered around a little- got some laundry started & the dishes done. The water pump on our freezer went out, so Kevin worked on that (it's now an electrical thing) up to the time he went to work at 4:30 (we probably passed each other on 101, LOL). Someone came by & looked at the wiring and said it was Mickey Mouse wiring; I believe it's the original wiring. The same guy's going to come by & fix it at some point some weekend soon. Fortunately, the freezer is also fan cooled, so there's a backup; and better yet, we were around when it happened (as opposed to being on vacation as has happened before- freezer died & we had to throw out a lot of stuff since we were gone 2 weeks and no way of really telling when it went out). So.....I've been laying low today. With the weather changes (big drop in temps & big increase in humidity) came sinus headaches. I figure there's always something I can do no matter what, so today, I've gone through old magazines & cleaning up the computer files. Didn't finish either one, but I already knew that it's going to be an ongoing process. As I tell Jen, "one day at a time". We had a potluck at work yesterday- let's just say rules were broken (diet rules, that is!) ;-P It was great food though....

Man, we have a lot of malcontents out here today (at the marina). We have a finger of land that goes around the marina where we are where people go out walking their dogs & fishing (the bay's on the other side of it). People are notorious around here for not having their dogs on leashes, which is not really good. So this guy has his dog on a leash & there's two German Shepherds that come up to it and there's all this savage barking (which is what caught my attention). The two German Shepherds' owner is way past them heading to the parking lot (i.e., no leash) and the guy with the leashed dog yells at them to get away and then at the owner. I couldn't tell what they yelled since there's other noise, but I don't think they were 'pleasantries' LOL. We have another "party boat" as we call them at our dock- the slips are 60 ft and their boat's 65-70 ft long, so they don't really fit anyway. Well, they've been taking people out - like 20 to 30 at a time, which means all these people walk by us to get to the boat. My insurance-laden mind immediately thinks of liability and who's covering it. (If they get hurt while messing with something of ours....) Not to mention that they're noisy when they come back at 9:30 on a weeknight. Tonight, they brought a bus (yes, a BUS) that's parked out in our not very large parking area (at least they had the smarts to park it in one of the long 'side' spots). Fortunately we are the only ones thinking of this- we have a dockmate who is also very protective of our area. I really think that's what separates the "liveaboards" from the "weekenders"- we liveaboards are *very* protective- someone ties the gate open, we close it. We watch out for each other. I'm almost sure the office isn't aware of this going on - yet. None of the boats (that I know of, at least on our dock) takes people out like this, so that's why I'm a bit hedgy about it. I just don't like a lot of strangers constantly being on our dock (this is the 3rd time they've taken people out since they've docked the boat here earlier this week). I'll keep ya'll posted.

Teri-It was great talking to you yesterday! Sorry I haven't been around; I've been running from here to there at work (hmm....may explain the lack of wanting to do anything LOL!). Wow, FOUR times now in one week!! Let's hope that it's not another two before you can post now. ;-) I hope he replies to you! Maybe once he gets back he will. He hasn't been on for a few days, so I don't know if he's still in Israel or not.

Sherry-LOL, you sound a bit like me when you say that you "shouldn't be playing on the computer"- I think that a lot when I *should* be getting stuff done at work LOL! I hope your exam went great! I'm sure you passed with flying colors. You know, I like that commercial- it's catchy! Either I'm watching Fox too much or I'm just going crazy, but I find myself think-singing to it, even when it's not on. Too bad it's so short! :-) I hope the weight watchers thing is going well for you! That's the program I did & lost 35 lbs. I gained about 8 of it back, but I'm getting back on track (save for yesterday's grub-out). If you ever need support, I'm here. Pants getting tight is a *definite* incentive to get back on track. My hardest things are carbs. And cakey things. Once you get past that first week or two, I think the feeling good takes over and makes it all worth it (kind of like exercise- once started, it feels great). I've heard of Curves and have heard great things about them. Don't give up! :-)

Jen- Oh, Jen.....I hope your gallbladder situation improves, and quick! PLEASE keep me posted!! I'll be praying for you girl! Yeah....you know how men can be.

Jayel- Argh....don't even get me started on Camejo. I don't see Arianna as a threat- not enough brains to really be one. But Camejo- well, he probably doesn't really have the support but his ideas just scare the crap out of me (which manifests itself in me as defensiveness and overall irritation- i.e., yelling at the TV LOL). He actually ran as a socialist in one of the presidental elections. Wasn't that not understanding why 'illegals' are 'illegal' a gem? That was one of the points that set me off- when he more or less called people of European descent illegals too. Grrr..... On a better note...I've been trying to think of a name for Jeff, and the best I can come up with is "G Man Gals"- but I'm sure that's been used somewhere (as it sounds familiar) and I wouldn't want someone to think we're talking about Geraldo. Back to the drawing board, LOL! LOL, I couldn't think of anything either that would fit "Jeff" or "Goldblatt". Goldy's Gals? Nah- that sounds too close to "Golden Girls"- we ain't there yet! LOL! This one's a toughie. The bombings at the hotels are scary; hope they stay safe over there. "It would be a "Big Happy" for me if Rick and the rest of the missing hotties would make a return." <----- you said it, girl! This was a dry week indeed (well, with exception for the one Rick sighting & the couple of Todd and Adam sightings earlier in the week). I haven't gotten a reply from Todd yet- one of you gals may have to send one for me to ask for a photo (my birthday *is* coming up in a month & a half or so....). Maybe he doesn't get that many emails like that asking for signed photos & in general- maybe it freaked him out LOL. I was kind of surprised too- I would *assume* that it was the correct email (same as everyone elses: firstname.lastname@foxnews.com). I've been wondering the same thing too about his personality- he seems laid back, but at the same time not very approachable or *something*..... I'm not surprised either that Rick, Adam & Jeff responded- they seem people friendly. Maybe that's it- maybe Todd's not very people friendly (you know how some people are and others aren't- it's not necessarily a bad thing). Surprisingly enough, I'm somewhat the same way. When I'm home, I'm home- we don't do much with other people, really. I have a hard time making friends; which is why I'm so glad you're all here- it just feels so easy talking with ya'll! :-)

OK- got my LL Bean catalog out - it's the Christmas 2003 one- double L sweaters are on pg 20 in this one. Yep- I'm in agreement here! :-) *sigh* I'll never look at this catalog the same way again LOL! "Down with the relaxed fit jeans. (I mean that figuratively, not literally.)"<------ ROFLMAO!! To which, we all say, *sure* you mean that figuratively! LOL! Just kidding!

Jan-Yay! You're technically the first to post today! I've been working on this one for awhile here & there & thought I'd refresh the posts to see if anyone posted since & you did! :-) LOL about being in a place with no men & mirrors! Like I told Sherry above, I've heard it's a great place. Congrats on getting the pop-up camper!

OK- I'm going to wrap up this aforementioned long post. Need to eat still- Kevin got in around 6:45 and then we had to call Niall back (his son- he called while Kevin was up the mast earlier) and we just got off the phone with him. Late dinner tonight- but that also means probably no time for dessert which is good for the diet. :-)

Thursday, September 25, 2003

OK- since the 'others' have decided to take a break, I am too! ;-) EDIT:In my haze of a day today, I just realized how vague this sounded....."the others" meaning the 3 or 4 others (incl. Ms. Negative Vibes) that go down every hour for a smoke break....um I think that means a half hour of breaks in the am & another half hour in the pm.....and then there's an hour lunch. No wonder they're so behind, LOL, and why my desk is starting to look CLEAN....ah, the smell of victory! ;-)
Well, so much for that.....I started this post about 4 hours ago.... Went & got my hair 'trimmed'....it came out a bit shorter than I expected. :*/ I suppose it will grow out.... I won't know how 'short' till tomorrow morning when I try to style it.

A- Wow, USA Today, huh? That's great! Unfortunately I don't have a copy...Scanner yes, but not the photo. Sorry! :-(

Jen- OMG- if someone told me what that surgeon guy told you I'd have the same reaction. I'm wishing you the best of luck to get the best news.

Jan-Where've you been? We've missed you too! :-) "Obsession disguised as hitory"- love it, and yes, it definitely works on a lot of different levels! :-) Todd with facial hair- count my "yes" vote in! He just looks so....different without it. Hmmm... a nickname for Jeff G.....I'm going to have to think about this one. It's *MUCH* better now- about 70 ish & foggy- YAY! :-) Wow, I can actually believe your bill- sounds like what I've heard people having out here- that *IS*outrageous. $800????? OUCH. $80 is nothing- that's cheap by comparison (to the $800 bill). Enjoy your Firth Fest! :-)

Nan- I'm sure hoping that McClintock's numbers have increased too after last night. He did very good in the debate last night- the best in my opinion! :-) It's finally cooled off- more to my liking. "My kitchen floor needs cleaning are you available this weekend? LOL" Sure! I'll be down with Murphy's Oil Soap in hand LOL! ;-) That's about all I got done last weekend since it was so hot. I'm going to be a cleaning whirling dervish (sp?) this weekend if the weather stays as it is. LOL, I'm so glad that I'm not the only "yelling at the TV" gal here. Steve H. was on Fox & Friends this morning in a suit- so odd to see him in a suit! He does look a lot different, but still doesn't do anything for me looks wise. Isn't that funny how you look at the LL Bean catelog differently? I did the same thing LOL! And the Eddie Bauer, and Lands End....LOL. "But alas, these lost they're effectiveness when they grew taller and bigger than me." Funny how this happens, huh? It must've been a sight to see me 'laying down the law' to my 6'3" stepson (I'm 5'2"). I must've gotten through a little, he later said that he was always wary of making me mad at him LOL! Probably doesn't help that both of us are scorpios. Withholding money works too... :-)

Sherry-You know, that page could not be found error was the same I got when it ate my post. They must've been having 'issues'. Good luck studying & taking the Economics test! You're right- I really think McClintock was the most sound and best behaved of them all. I have no idea what planet Ariana was on. You're not crazy- there *are* two versions of the 24/7/365. One has the words & the other is just the music- I've only caught the music-only one a couple of times. I think that's the international reporter one that I *think* Jayel mentioned before.

Teri! Wow- you've gotten 3 in this week! YAY!! Hopefully you'll be able to post often (even if that means going to the library for now). :-) I did some yelling at Camejo- he hit a few raw nerves (or as I sometimes call "the electric third rail"- ala the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) system here. They have signs up saying to be careful of the third rail). Boostmyego- ROFLMAO!! I love all the names I keep seeing for him. They get better & better! Hmm... Rick in a kilt- I don't know that I can quite see that. Now Todd, on the other hand....*trying to imagine*..... You know, he hasn't replied to me, but maybe he will when he returns.
Hey Gals! Take two.....this time I'm going to copy before I hit post so that way I don't lose another post.... Hmmm.....don't remember what I said yesterday off hand, so I'll start fresh. Watched the CA debate last night....all I can say is thank God for Merlot & latch hook rug kits. The Merlot toned me down a little and the latch hook kit kept me busy; I think when I'm idly watching anything highly charged politically I'm more quick to fly off the handle. I still muttered, and spouted off a bit during Camejo's diatribe and Ariana's monotonous overtones, but that's nothing new- just toned down a bit. :-) I'm really really rooting for the underdog (aka McClintock) now- everyone is so negative about how he should drop out since his ratings are lower, yada yada yada.....I'm really pulling for him now. Oh yeah- you know, I actually *really* could not remember what day it was today. Weds? Thurs? I seriously honestly didn't know. I have one of those vitamin/pill holders with the "SMTWTHFS" on each compartment that I have my daily vitamins/herbs in and Weds.'s is full still. That REALLY through me off LOL!! I don't remember missing a day, but obviously I did. I really thought it was Weds. for awhile until I opened up my MS Outlook Calendar (since it defaults to the day it currently is). I'm truly losing my mind. ;-p Oh yeah, no reply/photo from Todd-yet- but I'm thinking maybe he doesn't do that sorta thing.

Sherry-Okey dokey.....*remembering what I wrote yesterday*...oooh- speaking of Todd, he was on during the morning yesterday (thanks Jayel for the heads up!:-) ) and looking good. I'm finally getting used to him sans goatee...but I still think he looks better with. I know what you mean about the cleaning- I accomplish a lot but since everything isn't clean and organized (only a small part that I got to), I get discouraged. Hope you caught Adam last night before & after the recall debate! He was cute as usual!

Melissa!! You're back! :-) Girlie, we've missed you! Thanks for posting all the pics! Nan- I just love the ones you sent to Melissa too! :-) You know what's funny- maybe it's the angle, but Rick's head looks too elongated or something in the ones I took. In Nan's he looks more rounded or normal. I'm going to keep trying- I'm bound to get it right one of these days LOL! Don't be a stranger! :-)

Teri- Yay! Two posts in one week! Aren't you glad you have us gals so that you have another reason to have to go to the library! ;-P I like earthquakes too, but I've learned you have to be careful what you wish for- you have to be specific (I wanted bay windows & hardwood floors, but didn't specify that I wanted them in a HOUSE LOL! I have hardwood floors, and literal bay windows- the ports on the boat look out onto SF Bay & the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge).

Jen- Sending positive healthy vibes to you, and hope/pray that everything comes out ok for you on those tests they did. That's got to be hard to be knee deep in the semester and have something come up like that. Just take it one day at a time. You're *very* welcome for the e-card! :-) I don't know that I'd worry about what your friend said about the weight- isn't it normal to lose that much when the surgery's done? It seems to me that I've read that someone loses a lot at first, so that would sound normal to me. You take care, and remember just take it one day at a time (and *you* can remind *me* of that too anytime you want, LOL! I'm sure I need the reminder too.)

Jayel- Thanks for the heads up that Todd was going to be on! :-) I rewinded my tape to that point last night and watched it. He was definitely looking good- those colors flatter him. He has such a nice smile- he needs to smile more often! I *still* cannot believe that story....my hubby's parents live about 40 miles outside Austin and they've had a few bouts of fire ants. That's crazy that this landlady is *that* adamant about making it a choice for the tenants that it's either the ants have to be moved or they do. HUH??? They're ANTS. *shakes head* This world is going crazy. This sounds like a story that should be happening in CA, not TX- but Kevin always says that Austin has been liberal pocket for years. Thanks for the ratings! :-) Kicking butt as usual- yay!! What you said about Steve H & the Iraqi teen in the hotel is scary- you bring up a good point- just because there's walls, doesn't mean that they're any more protected.

OK- I'm going to have to catch up on the rest at lunch. Chat with ya'll later!

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Hey gals- I'm *very irritated*..... I don't know if you gals ran into problems posting today, but I posted & then it ate it and gave me an internal server error. So....now that I'm out of time to post at work today, I'll have to post tomorrow....won't be as eloquent I'm sure (it was a darn good post! :*( ) but I'll just do it again tomorrow. **Note to self- hit POST first THEN publish....** I *did* read all the posts though.... Have a good one!

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Hey Gals! I feel SOOOOOOO terrible about not being around lately. I haven't even had time to come read, let alone post, and I think the last time I got to watch FOX was on 9-11 and only a few minutes here and there then. That was the last time I saw Rick too. Jen told me he was in Jeruselum, and Nann sent me pics of him there. (that I JUST got around to reading today) Also I believe that's probably Greg in **THE** shirt right? And Shep looks adorable as ever! And do my eyes decieve me??? IS that....could that be a clean shaven TODD?? Now that I see him like that I think I much prefer the gotee and long curly hair in the back. Thanks again Nann for the pics! Here they are:

Jen HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I just got your e-mail as soon as I'm done posting here I'll go reply to you.

I hope everyone is doing great, I'll try and catch up sometime this weekend, but my plate is pretty full from tomorrow until Saturday. I might be going to the Renisance Festival on Sunday too, but I'll try and get back sometime this weekend. Well here's some pics Nat sent me back in August, so I thought I'd post them now since I never got around to it before. I swear his smile could make me turn to mush....*sigh* -- wish I still had time to daydream LOL!

Thanks again Nat for those pics!! Well I gotta go reply to my e-mail then eat dinner and then I gotta run over to school to develop some film and make contact sheets, and then hopefully make it to the bookstore if I have time. *whew* I'm just tired thinking about all of it. =/ As Arnold says -- "I'll Be Back!"
Dang, where is everyone? Melissa, where have *you* been?? :-) We miss ya around here! It's been so hot here- today is the first decent day since early to mid last week. It's been 90+ where we live the last four days prior to today; got up to 102 on Saturday. It sucks not having AC & having temps of 90 inside. I want my AC, LOL! (For those of you who remember the phrase "I want my MTV" LOL!) Anyway....getting more caught up at work. Today's a *very* peaceful day *so far* (always have to stick that in there). Ms. Negative 'Tude isn't here today, so it's really nice & peaceful... :-) Good news on the CA recall front- sounds like the court gave the go-ahead (gee, how *nice* of them! lol!). Have to say it again....it's *SO* nice having the split screen! :-)

Teri! Glad to see you got a chance to post!! :) Got your voicemail message here at work- glad you got the stuff! You know....I've heard it said that when it gets hot like this it's earthquake weather; your kids may not have too long to wait for some "excitement". ;-p Hubby & I have decided to vote McClintock, irregardless. I know Arnold would be the lesser of two evils, but then like my hubby said if we do that all the time that situation comes up, the liberals will slowly get what they want (as Arnold leans more toward moderate conservative than conservative). On the flipside, I'm afraid if we do that (and others do that) that "Bustamove" will get in. Double edged sword either way I guess!

Jayel- I agree, Rick needs to be in more of those promos. I really like the 24/7/365 one- it's growing on me; it's catchy. I'll have to watch for the new video where Lauren Green plays the piano and includes "all of the Fox family". I don't remember seeing any of the hotties on Sunday. I was lucky yesterday & they repeated Fox Report after Brit Hume's interview with Bush, so I got to see that without having to watch the tape. Todd *was* looking good as usual! :-) I'm curious now how long he'll be staying in TX- he's been there reporting on various stories. I guess we'll find out soon enough or when Mike Tobin gets back (as it seems to me that he tends to cover the TX stories. LOL about the "Hurricane Cloth Shirts" - there couldn't be a more appropriate name! :-) I haven't had a chance yet to see yesterday's tape; I'll have to see if Rick showed up on there. I know he wasn't on Fox Report. That's great that you got a reply from Jeff Goldblatt! You ought to email one of the others too- it appears that Rick is pretty good about replies, but with him being in Israel right now it could be awhile since I'm sure they're keeping him busy. Give it a try! :-) "....I read that Jon Stewart "proposed" an Emmy for Geraldo "for outstanding achievement in making himself the focal point of every story he reports." LOL- this cracks me up!

Jen- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope your doctor finds out what's going on with you, and I hope you don't have to get stuck with more needles. I'm sorry to hear about the liquid diet- yuck. ROFLMAO- Geraldo Rivera lifetime achievement award for being Geraldo Rivera! Glad you're getting to enjoy other reading besides school stuff. ;-) I just got "Le Divorce" the other day....Waldenbooks had a buy four get one free sale. Great news on the weight loss! You've got a point on the wt loss bringing on more ills- 2001 was a 'sick year' for me, and that's when I lost 35 lbs (in about 9 months or so)- it's not much, but that's what people kept telling me, was that I lost it too fast and that's why I had a hard time getting over that flu/mild pneumonia I had. On the contrary, I didn't think that's why it dragged on, and still don't, but who knows. Definitely keep us posted on the tests!

Well, need to make another trek to the post office and get back to work. I hope all the MIA ladies are doing well! ;-)

Saturday, September 20, 2003

Hey gals! I was on my hands & knees today......scrubbing the floor. ;-) Seriously, the floors on here are teak and aren't smooth- there are grooves every 2 inches or so (vertical). Hard to explain, but whenever I finally do post pics, you'll see what I mean. I used an old toothbrush, water & Murphy's Oil Soap. It came out nice- a little dull looking now, but it looks CLEAN and that's really nice. I only got our area in back, the galley (kitchen), walkway & dinette area done. The rest will have to wait till we get it picked up more. Vacuuming works, but I think it needed a good cleaning. I had a lot more I needed to do, but it's hot again this weekend (92 outside, about 85 in) and I was pooped after doing the floor. Tomorrow's another [cleaning] day. :)

Todd was on Fox Report just a bit ago (around 4:30 PST)- it may have been the same thing they had on yesterday. D'oh! I just remembered my tapes I need to watch....guess I'll have to do that tomorrow too. His report was about an elderly guy in Galveston, I think, who had dismembered someone. Adam's been on a bit today with the new Peterson case details. I only saw Rick once this morning- I have a feeling that was his last report of the day (on Weekend Live); he may have been on Fox & Friends this morning, but it's Saturday & I'm sleeping in LOL!! If I remember correctly, Rick was wearing the light brown (tan?) polo shirt.

Jen- When you see your best friend again, you'll have to slug her in the arm for teasing you about having all her amenities during the hurricane ;-). Yep- thank God for cell phones- when our power was going out last month we had to use our cell phone to call the power company- both of our regular phones are the rechargeable kinds that only work when we have electricity. I'm sorry to hear you had to get IVs. I hope your immune system gets stronger as time goes on! Can you get a flu shot at least this year? Since that's in the form of a shot, maybe that will work. At least that will hopefully keep you from getting the flu. They're giving free flu shots at work next Friday, I'm taking them up on it- since the flu thing I had in summer 2001 I don't take any chances with that.

Sherry- Yeah, I definitely tend to get fired up about some of the stories. That thing that Davis signed makes us sometimes thing "why did we even get married?" but of course we *know* why. I don't have any regrets, but I think it sucks that us married folks have to pay so much when 'domestic partners' are getting the same thing we have minus the taxes. We just had to pay *so* much this year; it wiped out a quarter to a third of our savings acct. You know what's funny about that email, is that it was *so* much harder to write to him than it was to Rick. Rick seems very approachable (like Jeff seems to be too, as someone mentioned earlier). Todd seems more um...introverted or withdrawn in a sense. The only Survivor we didn't really watch was the Africa one- I must've had a class on Thursday nights when it was on or something. You know what is really funny?? When I saw Jeff Probst the other night on there, he reminded me a lot of William La Jeunesse. Anyone else think there's a resemblence?

Jayel- I'm sorry you missed Rick! I'm almost willing to bet he'll be on Fox & Friends tomorrow morning or on Weekend Live. Todd does seem to show up a lot on Fox Report, which is nice since I usually see him on there after I get home (as opposed to before). I'm the same way with some of the guys- the more I see 'em the more I like 'em. ;-) I've been thinking the same thing- that we may be stuck with "No Gray Area Davis" as Mancow calls him (or Red Davis as Savage calls him I think). He really went all out by passing these two key bills (the CA DLs for illegals & the domestic partner one)- and I have a feeling that this may unfortunately make people temporarily blind to the real issues and vote for him because of his passing of these bills. LOL- "Mr. Charisma"- yeah, really! I remember Jeff Goldblatt's name from before, but didn't pay him much attention. Since his reporting of the hurricane, he's snagged it :-). He *is* a cutie! I can't get over his pants falling down, ROFLMAO!! I *love* plaid- must be the Irish & Scots-Irish in me LOL. I have the most recent LL Bean catalogue, I'm going to have to check out the "chili" sweater! ;-) You're right- I don't recall many of them wearing red with the exception of Greg & Todd. You know.....Rick seems to be wearing the same shirts. I say we nominate someone to send him a shirt! LOL!
OK- just one more thing........um...trying to keep a "clean" mouth here, but very impossible. "No Gray Area" Davis has signed a bill giving domestic partners nearly equal rights as married people. As my hubby said, "relatively the same but identical rights to married (i.e. DIFFERENT SEX) people". Friggin idiot. First the undocumented immigrants (i.e., ILLEGALS) getting CA DLs and now this....we knew this was coming, but it's something else to hear the idiot say "Now it's law". Gee, so are these domestic partners going to PAY THE SAME TAXES MARRIEDS HAVE TO PAY??? WELL, GRAY, *ARE THEY*???? Argh..... OK- gotta get some sleep..........

EDIT: Thought I'd put a link to the above mention here Davis Signs Domestic Partner Bill Into Law

Another lovely gem to come from CA (Bay Area, no less....) is this about a teenager who was given the RU-486 abortion pill by Planned Parenthood and later died from it. Fox made mention of it a few minutes ago as well. You can see the story here Did Abortion Pill Kill Pregnant Teen? The way the news played it out last night I was left with the impression that her father was not aware that she had taken it. In the news story I posted the link to above, it sounds like she did tell him prior to it. Either way, it brings to mind what Nan had mentioned about her son needing a parent present to get blood drawn, but if she had a daughter, she could get an abortion without her knowing.....

Anyway, on a lighter note, I saw Rick, Greg, & Adam on during the first hour of Fox News Live! :) Hope ya'll caught them too or are taping to view later. I hope all who are cleaning up after the aftermath of Isabel are doing okay despite the mess.
Hey gals! I'm glad you gals on the East coast are fine- despite the cleaning up and whatnot that has to be done now. The main thing is you're safe & all's (more or less) well. I never got around to posting again during the day; a coworker & I went to Chevy's for lunch and then kept busy the rest of the afternoon with stuff....got my hard lenses (new ones) tonight but will try them tomorrow. I've been lazy tonight- I think it's just normal end of the week burnout- no biggie. Had a margarita, though! (once I got home, that is!) :) I did catch that clip of Jeff Goldblatt nearly losing his pants- now *that's* good. Ooooh- I just remembered. You know what was really a treat tonight was that Mancow was filling in for Michael Savage tonight. It was great to hear him for longer than 2 minutes at 4:45 (PST) AM.

Sherry- *Completely* understand what you mean about Geraldo, LOL! I *finally* sent that email to Todd asking for that photo....so far nothing, but we'll see. I think I only sent it on Tues. or Weds. of this week. I saw that bit of Jeff on Fox & Friends Thursday morning- that was great. He is a cutie! I was wondering why Major Garrett turned up in LA too.... As mentioned, glad you're safe and I'm glad that you got power back today instead of having to wait till Monday.

Leslie-LMAO at the Ladies vs. Real Women thing! :) Also getting a kick out of all the Jello talk (and this also means all the other gals pitching into this scenario! LOL!) Keep me posted on the "First Annual FNC Hottie Tour"... ;-)
Love the images you planted of the jello & jail cell bunk! LOL!! Yeah, I could see that happening! Count me in on that too! :)

Jayel- I agree- we need to bolster Jeff G. I think I read on the Fox Fan Central area where they have the "Two Minutes With Shep" thing that he actually has a big interest in weather- he would have been great reporting it too. Their humor (which can be difficult during a crisis like this) was very uplifting and as always, refreshing. You just gotta love Fox's sense of humor! ;-) I haven't seen the promo for the "international" reporters yet, but I'm sure I will eventually. Thanks for the Rick update- almost didn't set the tape, but a sudden intuition this morning changed my mind. "I tried to tell Jeff Goldblatt to wear really tight jeans so that they wouldn't blow off, but you see what trouble he got into by not listening"- not to mention that wet jeans would have weighed him down more! :-) That clip is a classic, I expect that it will show up in Fox's video vault online if it hasn't already. LMAO at what you said Jonathan Serrie said about taking his pants off to Jeff- it's going to be a *long* time before he'll be able to live that down LOL! Nope, you and I were in the same frame of mind about Geraldo's antics of demonstrating the wind tunnel effect. Heaven forgive me, but it just seems typical for him to do that. LOL- I have a *ton* of catalogues here- LL Bean, Eddie Bauer, Lands End....I'm surprised I didn't think of that yet as it sounds like something I would do. Is that how you came up with the Rick in plaid idea? Wow- that's a good correllation (sp?) between dressing dolls as a kid & dressing up hotties now- I can *completely* see and understand that... I'll never look at those catalogues the same way again LOL! :-)

Nan- I second that nomination for Jeff G to be elevated to Levengal hottie status (unless someone's already second-ed it, then I third it or whatever). Yep, I too now have "There's Got to Be a Morning After" running through my head LOL! ROFLMAO at the "screaming like a girl" reporter- I know it's not nice to laugh at someone in pain, but the way you described it, I couldn't help it! :-) It wasn't Geraldo, was it? ;-P LOL! I just *know* that there's prolly a lightning bolt out there with my name on it now..... "Fleeing this state is not an easy undertaking"- girl, you've got that right! LOL! OMG- we were laughing so hard last night at Survivor- we like the "pirate" guy too! LOL, the statements having historical value was more tongue in cheek- more like a "hey, check out what happened out there 20 years ago- can you believe some of these people?" Yeah, I'm surprised I've made it here as long as I have. I told Kevin that if I wanted to, I couldn't really go to a psychiatrist for my stress/frustration- I could talk about the work/family stuff maybe, but my frustrations with liberals, socialists, and feeling alone in a sea of them? Don't think so. First I'd have to find a conservative psychiatrist. And in CA, um....I think we'd have better luck panning for gold.

Jen- I hope you're feeling better! I'm sorry you're without power at your place, but very glad your grandpa's house is OK. Yay!! Your power's back!! I don't envy you for having to clean out the fridge & freezer.

Jan- I know what you mean about the split screen and how exciting it is to have it LOL! Even though I didn't get far with it at work, it sure is nice to see at work what I see at home: the split screen. Yeah, the Roman Empire was never a favorite of mine...I was always more interested in what was going on north of there LOL! I really do love history- I always want to look at it as a whole- like all of of existence at once. Hard to explain, but you may know what I mean. It's like you just want to absorb and experience it all - from beginning to current. That's why I love those "Timetables of History" and "Asimov's Chronology of History" (or something like that- regrettably both are in storage right now so I don't remember the exact names off hand). LMAO at your election statement! :-) Don't feel bad, we are Survivor watchers too LOL! Last night's was so funny. I agree with Nan, this could be a really good and interesting season.

a-I saw the segment of Greg with Laurie tonight too- I thought that was a lighthearted moment. Actually I'm on the "left" coast (lol- literally), so I definitely didn't have any hurricane problems but I sympathize you gals there in the east. I hope you didn't run into any problems due to the hurricane that couldn't be easily fixed!

Well, I think that brings me up to date. Need to take my "eyes" (contacts) out & get ready to sleep; I'm pooped. Have a good one!

Friday, September 19, 2003

**HAPPY DANCE** I upgraded to Explorer 6 at work and I HAVE THE SPLIT SCREEN!!! I know this sounds incredibly lame, but I'm SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS!! That means I can maybe post more while I'm at work (hopefully). It's just too hard when you have to flip back & forth. This is as refreshing as a nice hot bath. Well, almost. Did ya'll catch Mancow this morning? He was so funny- he was saying he has an idea. You know how there's "Queer Eye For the Straight Guy"? Well, he came up with Conservative Eye for the Liberal Guy and said we can get five conservatives together and fix Alan Colmes- ROFLMAO!

Yesterday was heinous....but it was in that odd "whatever" heinous way. Let's just say I was in a "take no prisoners" kind of mood yesterday. This job is making me more blunt, that's for sure. I'm always in fear that I'm going to become a b****, but I've been told that that's impossible (by my supervisor). And I really don't want to be a b****, it's just *not* my nature. I'm usually a positive thinker and after blowing up over something or being moody over something I'm able to see the lighter side of things. I just don't want this job or "that chick" to turn me into something I'm not. So that's what I'm working on/struggling with. Believe me, you gals keep my head in order, LOL!! You gals are therapy for me! :-)

OK- never got to finish my post- will catch up later! :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Hey girlies!! Hope all are well, 'specially those on the East Coast. I take it that it was a Rick-less day. I scanned through my tape & didn't see anything....I noticed Geraldo's swooped in for the hurricane.

Jen- Ah yes....the days of having one piece of paper with LOTS of tiny writing! I never thought I could ever write so small (or pithy for that matter) LOL! That is so cool that you got nominated for all those positions!! :) I know that would look so good on the resume, but I also know you already have your hands pretty full as it is. I hope the Oompas have packed up & moved on! :) You're welcome on the email- I think you did the right thing- I *knew* you had it in you ;-)

Leslie-Mmmm....I like jello!! :) (Weird segue here) - I always liked lime jello with pears in it. I just try *NOT* to remember what jello is made of.... ROFLMAO about the hacking up of furballs behind the couch! You brought a tear to my eye with your compliments ***HUG*** Thanks!! Here's my theory- it's 5:00 *somewhere* in the world, so no, 9:30 AM may not be too early for Merlot, LOL!! J/K!! That is so wild about the lightning. I think that would (as Kevin's mom would say) "scare the pooey out of me". That's great that the school had "Mommy Appreciation Day"!

Sherry- I'm sorry the hurricane ruined your plans, but you guys are wise to stick around there. I hope you don't have the power outtages, and if you do, I'll be sending positive vibes that they don't last as long as you were saying they could. We'll all be praying for you (& everyone else in Isabel's path)! Ebay works....I did that today, LOL! I don't think Rick's been on since Monday I think, but he may have been on yesterday (I erased the tape from yesterday with today's stuff). THAT IS *SO* AWESOME THAT YOU GOT THAT REPLY FROM ADAM! Even if it was a group reply- I think that's just great! I hope he gets the photo out to you irregardless- there's a silver lining, with him being so busy with the election stuff, he may not have time to mail right away so at least it won't get stuck somewhere due to the hurricane. He sounds as happy/fun loving as he looks. How sweet! Too bad your hubby has to work- it sounds like a lot of businesses are going to be closed; it's too bad he can't stay home too. I'm sorry- I had to laugh a little when you mentioned hurricane Floyd- one of my dad & stepmom's cats is named Floyd- and yes, he can be like a hurricane sometimes. He's a gifted birdcatcher. I have *no* idea where my dad came up with that name....but it fits the cat. I digress....I hope your island's OK! Two weeks to re-enter their homes....sounds like when they have the severe earthquakes out here- crazy, yes. Jeff G. is cute (I just have to get past the "Jeff" part. My first ex's name was Jeff, and it took me years to not severely cringe when I heard that name LOL!!). Wow! I didn't realize you & Jen live that close to each other!! Can you tell I've never been back east and am used to living in large states?? 45 min. in either direction here (well, short of the ocean) and I'd still be in CA. Same goes for if I was in Phoenix, AZ or Austin, TX. LOL- my hubby's laughing at me- he said, "well look at the map-they're close" and I said, "well, I *know* but it's just odd for me to think about". Then he said "we really need to take a driving vacation" LOL.

Nan- AMEN! You East Coast LevenGals be safe- we'll all be praying & we're here for ya.
EDIT: Hey, did you get your "CA Statewide Special Election" Official Info Guide in the mail? There's some classic statements in there. Here's a few of my personal favorites:

Peter Camejo (Green Party): "I stand for...legal marriage and drivers licenses for all....the World Court....I stand against: three strikes, racial profiling, the Patriot Act, wars of conquest...." This is one of the many fools who are threatening our way of life.

Cullenbine:(Dem. Party)"I am a longtime opponent of radical right wing attempts to take over this state and counrry." Umm....last time I checked, radical left wingers have had control of this state for some time....

Lorraine (Abner Zurd) Fontanes- Dem Party:"With my skills as a filmmaker and arts administrator, I will work to return common sense to California government." **HUH????** What does common sense have remotely to do with having skills as a filmmaker and arts administrator????

Trek Thunder Kelly (Independent):"....I will legalize drugs, gambling, and prostitution so they may be taxed and regulated, the funds derived would subsidize the deficit, education, and the environment....I don't care who you marry or have sex with."

Kevin Richter (Rep. Party): "I breathe" (yes, that's all he says).

Christopher Sproul (Dem. Party): "Recall? Vote No!" And if you are *against* the recall, you're running.....why???

Anyway, thought ya'll would get a (sort of) kick out of what some of these people's platforms are. Heaven help us. I think I'll hold onto this- if not for the historical value, the comic value.

Jan- I always used to want to visit places in the Middle East, but I think those thoughts have been put way back on the back burner. I always wanted to see the old ruins in that area of the world, but so many things have been destroyed by people who don't care (like the pyramids in Egypt), and they don't like Americans, so..... I just can't imagine what it would feel like to stand in front of something like that that has been around for thousands of years and just *feel* history. I *love* history and reading it is all well & fine, but to *see* the things in person that you read about, would just be incredible. The upside of this, is that I'm really becoming more interested in early American history, and there's loads of places of great historical value here in the US to visit. Hopefully we'll be able to do that one of these days.

a-You stay safe too!

Jayel-Wow- those are great tips; I never would have known some of those (but then I haven't been in a hurricane before either). I'm sure those will be helpful to our gals on the coast. LOL, I thought the same thing when I saw/heard Geraldo was there in NC. LMAO (no pun intended) about the "if he'd had Fox News on the seat of his jeans, it would have gotten a lot more attention"! LOL, yeah, Geraldo- don't hog up Jeff's time! ;-) I think of the seagulls in "Finding Nemo" (or so I've heard)- "MINE." (As in 'my story- you can go home now') He seems to swoop in *just* as we're getting to see one of the long lost hotties.....dang it. No offense to those who like Geraldo, I just wish the other guys would their due as well; it just seems to happen an awful lot.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Hey gals! I don't have real long, so I'll have to make this a quick post (yeah, right!).

Jayel- Thanks for sharing the high jinx (sp?) of Studio B from yesterday! :) I taped it, but haven't seen it yet. "Why should anyone else's opinion be worth more than your own?"- *very* good point. I need to make this my mantra- seriously! :) I'm hoping that the recall delay vote will be swiftly overturned, but I wouldn't put it past some group or another to try it again. Argh about Christiane Amanpour....O'Reilly mentioned that last night and your post came to mind. They're just jealous! ;-P Male reporter in drag....LMAO! Thanks for the hottie update today too! :) I *always* appreciate when any of you gals out there mention when they're on- makes it a lot easier to find on the tape as well as knowing whether I should just rewind. The only time I can really check the tapes out is on the weekend....so believe me, the updates *really* help!!

Sherry- Still, be careful! 3 hours from the coast sounds a ways off, but when the hurricane is 400 miles across, I'm not sure. Then again, I've never been in a hurricane so if I was out there, I'd be hightailing it LOL! Yeah, I was pretty hot under the collar about the recall thing, but it shouldn't have surprised me. We'll see..... I saw a better view of Todd without the goatee- not scruffy like when I saw Sunday's report. I just love the goatee too and I think I have to agree that he looks older without it. How mean of your hubby....I think mine's done that too, but he jokingly calls her furball or something else- can't remember right now. This is usually followed by a jab by me. ;-) Stay safe in that hurricane!!

Nan- Oh my.....how could you stop after one roll??? That's my first mistake. Once I have one, then I have to have another.... :)
I like Mancow too- he's pretty funny. They didn't have him on this morning though, unless they had him on earlier than usual & I missed it. I remember C.A. from the first Gulf War too; didn't care for her much then either. Of course, part of that could be 'cause I was hoping to see Arthur Kent ;-) LOL, some things never change (except in this case, the newschannel did!)..... I hear ya on the CA thing.... I hereby disassociate myself from this state. We certainly didn't vote for any of 'em either. Yep- a hottie fix would be a (however) temporary fix! ;-P I'm glad to hear that your dad's (and you!) got some positive news!! :-) The whole Geraldo/kitty thing....**shakes head** LOL!! Oh yeah- thanks for the heads up on the Greg & Rick videos!

Jen- Yeah! Send the paper to me- I'll bet you kicked butt!! ;-) **GOOD LUCK** to you on the exams! AND PLEASE....please stay safe too if you're in the path of that hurricane! And that goes for any of you other LevenGals out there! Take cover & be safe over the next few days, -K-??? Otherwise the remaining LevenGals will have to divy up the hotties! Keep that in mind! ;-P

Seriously, be safe!

Monday, September 15, 2003

OK- this just figures. I *hate* (yes, I know that's a strong word, but it fits here) the 9th circuit court of appeals here in (of course) SF. They are friggin delaying the recal! Here's the story: recall postponed. And wouldn't you just know, that I received our absentee ballots today. Guess I can save those as souvenirs. For those who may have forgotten, it was our (un)lovely 9th circuit court of appeals that said that it was wrong to have "God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. My head is spinning......could be the caffeine overdose too though. :-P
Hey gals!
Back to work today.....ick. I think it'd take at least a month, maybe two to decompress from this job. I've talked to a couple of people who have left and they said it took them a month (at least) to decompress, which I thought, "Yeah, right! I could do that in a day or two!"- but you know, they're right. I got some relaxation, but as all time off seems to always go, it wasn't long enough. I'm sure you gals concur on this! ;-P Anyway.......neck is doing better, still sore but *nothing* like it was. I could actually shampoo my hair today with very little pain (almost gave up on that Saturday)! Yay! Thanks you guys for the "mom advice"- I know, my hubby told me the same thing- that I should do it for my own pleasure. It just hurt my pride a bit when she said that. I think there's a lot of undercurrents going on that I need to work through- I just know it goes deeper than the drawings & such. Things that I didn't realize before till I really started thinking about them last night. Just when you thought you had a "normal" family; I don't think there's ever any such thing as a "normal family" LOL!

Jayel-LOL about the Freudian slip! Todd *did* look good (despite my earlier post of how he looked 'scruffy'); and he *does* look really good when he's rugged too. I think I need to go back & re-watch that. At the time he looked like he hadn't shaved and I thought that was cute & funny at the same time. LOL, I kept thinking, AUSTIN......that's sorta in the neighborhood of where we'll be headed to in 5 years. I loved your idea for Jen to send a note to Greg's dad, LOL! I could just see that now- Ray scolding Greg for not being polite and sending a thank you note/email to the young lady who sent the shirt. :-)

a- I agree too- the news is much more riveting and takes on a new light with Rick & Greg reporting it- they just add *something* to it-they're more human.

Jen- Girl, don't feel bad if you don't get the email to me- I still have one or two to reply to. :-) I *did* read the one with the email, and I give it two thumbs up! Melissa could be onto something with that theory- that's very possible that he didn't get the shirt till he got back there. That's awesome that you've lost so much weight!! :) Even if it's making your shoes not fit so right these days. Gives you a great excuse to go out & get more! ;-P Hope you have an awesome week and all the luck to you in your classes/quizzes/papers you have to do- we know you're doing a super job.

Nan-Mmmm- did you have the garlic rolls at Red Lobster? Those are *so* decadent! My teams lost this weekend (Giants on Saturday & 49rs on Sunday)- they tried though! Rick being on *definitely* was a plus on Saturday. I was grinning through the pain! :-) I don't think he's been on that much since he was in Iraq. Sad but true....I think when politicians are looking for votes, they suddenly become church goers. To me, that should be enough to have a bolt of lightening strike 'em down. I liked what Mancow said this morning about when Clinton goes into a church that he should spontaneously burst into flames- LMAO! I'm going to have to try & catch you on AIM sometime. I'm just on there so sporadically right now. Like I told Jen, if things settle down here (i.e., I get somewhat caught up) I'll be on there more often. I start with good intentions of being on, but I always seem to have to put my away message up. Poor Jen (bless her heart), she sends me a nice little IM to brighten my day and I feel bad that I'm almost always in the middle of something and can't reply! :(

To which....need to get to work. Hope ya'll have a great day!! ;-)

Sunday, September 14, 2003

RICK ALERT!! Fox Report right now! (4:22 PST). The story's about female inmates.

EDIT: ROFLMAO!! Laurie Dhue started to say "Lick Leventhal" instead of "Rick Leventhal". He was just on doing the Jerusalem story.

EDIT 2: ANOTHER hottie sighting! Todd was also on Fox Report covering the evolution theory being taught in school. He was reporting from Austin.....and he was goatee-less! :( He looked a little scruffy though- hair looked longer again & he looked like he had a 5 o'clock shadow.
Hey.....I need ya'll's opinons. I just talked to my mom & since she's cleaning out a couple of rooms (getting flooring in next week) she came across some stuff that she had like a portrait of my ex & I and some stuff I drew back about, I don't know.....10 years maybe? Maybe more? These are large framed drawings (two of them), like 20x22 or something like that. They are western style drawings- lizards & pots. Well, she said she has them but had taken them down because they don't match the style she has now (and no where to put them). I'm going to take all this stuff back with me when we go out (fortunately, we're driving). But my question is this: Wouldn't this hurt you guys if your mom more or less said that something you made didn't match what she has now, and more or less has had them in the back of a closet for awhile? She has gotten into antiques, and has a few antiques with a country style stuff on the walls- plates, framed marriage license for my grt grandma & grt grandpa, and some other older things of my grt grandma's. It looks good, but I feel kinda hurt by that. I mentioned that my dad hadn't put up a drawing of his car (a car that he built up- like a 1941 Chevy and turned it into a street rod), and I'd done that 10 years ago. I told her that it kinda bothered me and part of the reason I don't really draw anymore is because I don't feel like it's appreciated. She didn't really say anything, so I just *lamely* added that "it's just as well since I really don't have room here to do it". I just feel like crap right now.....and I'm really going to be looking at where we spend most of our time when we go out there. Dad's winning (despite that he hasn't put that drawing up....I had actually gotten over it, but wanted my mom to know how I felt). I swear, my sister & mom are very literally cut from the same cloth. **whine over**

Gotta go take care of some stuff; my neck/shoulder are feeling better than I did before, so that's good. :-)
Hey girls! I was absent yesterday & this may be my only post today 'cause I hurt my neck/shoulder yesterday. No, it wasn't from doing anything exciting, nor from whiplash from seeing Rick on yesterday morning LOL! I simply started to sit up when I woke up and was halfway up when a shearing pain went from the base of my skull (left-ish side of my neck) going to the edge of my left shoulder. I think this is the worst I've ever pulled a neck muscle and hope to God that I never do it again. My left arm is sore (muscular wise) down to my fingertips. So, yesterday I sat in an upright position against a bunch of pillows keeping my head still. Seeing Rick on so much yesterday was sooooo nice! :-) It's doing better today, but I'm still sore. I have to go to work tomorrow, so I'm going to take it easy today (same as yesterday) once I get done here. I'm *dying* to do something other than sitting; I know that it sounds like something nice to do, but I really get restless. I have a lot to do and still need to do that's just not going to get done, but there's always next weekend! :) I get restless just sitting there though- I read, but then I want to do something else (like latch hooking) but can't just yet. But it's been soooo nice seeing Rick a lot! :) I was shocked (in some ways) to see him there in Jerusalem- didn't expect that. Good Lord, they have Clinton & Davis on together at the church in LA.....and now it looks like Rick may end up taking a backseat to the eldest sister of the Williams' sisters being shot. They've been talking about that for a bit now. At first I thought it was one of the two sisters, but the more I listened, it sounds like it's an older sister of theirs.

Jen- Haven't checked my email yet, but will. Send me what (if you haven't already) you came up with. You're *not* nuts! Hope you had a great trip! ;-) I'll try to be on AIM sometime this week at work. Tues is prolly a no-go, I have to give a training thing (someone else should be doing this, but so be it).

Sherry- WOW! You caught him EARLY! :) I didn't turn Fox on till 8:30 PST (Cashin' In). I saw him during Weekend Live. I thought that was odd too- in NYC 9/11, nothing Fri. & then Sat. he's in Jerusalem. Adam was on a bit yesterday too- smiling as usual! :-) Now all we're missing is Todd.....must be slow news there in TX or he's traveling again somewhere else. Maybe next week. I bought more 8 hr tapes, so I'm covered! :-)

Jayel- Yep- I think we'll be back up to hottie speed again! :) And I will definitely be praying for theirs & our troops' safety over there. I thought it was interesting last night that Greg was saying that he left for a couple of weeks in August & when he came back he didn't think that it felt as unsafe as it had before he left (at least I *think* that's what he said). Who know what will happen in Israel if they actually *do* assassinate Arafat though. LOL about the "spies" in Baghdad & Dan! LOL, I was thinking the same thing about Steve Brown- I was thinking, "hottie? or not hottie?" Jury's still out for me- I need to see him some more. I notice these guys grow on me after a time. No "hottie at first sight" for me I guess! Yeah, agree with Savage's teeth. Overall, I think it went over well on O'Reilly though on Friday. OMG!! RICK IN A PLAID SHIRT!! As much as I love plaid, I'm very surprised that didn't come to me! LOL!! Yeah, that would be nice.....We'd have to decide *which* plaid though. I think a Black Watch one (dark green and dark blue) would be nice..... LOL!! "an embedded stud"! Wouldn't that be great if that's what Juliet said? I'm all for making her an honorary LevenGal if she did! :-) Rick *did* look very good in brown- he does look really good in neutral colors- I second you on that!

a-Yeah! I finally caught the end of that promo yesterday & saw that the other still they had with Rick at the end was Greg! :-) That's cool that they put them together!

Jan- LOL, I think you & I first saw him at the same time! He looks really refreshed in some way. Glad the wedding went off without a hitch! I'm sure you did fine dancing! I know what you mean though, I have to literally be dragged out to the floor. What a lovely setting, too! You know, from what I thought I'd heard before, it's supposed to be an Irish belief that if it rains on the wedding day, it's supposed to bring good luck. Hopefully they'll have the best of luck! Mmmm yeah, the lumberjack look! Like the Brawny guy, LOL!! (Now THAT's really funny to me, 'cause of that Simpsons episode I mentioned before <---- a couple of weeks ago). Marge had a thing for the Brawny guy, um...like we have for our hotties. Homer & Bart went next door & called as if he were the guy & said he got the fanletter and would be coming to dinner that night. Marge got everything all niced up & dressed up only to open the door and have Barney standing there; Homer & Bart were LTAO. Kinda struck a chord, LOL!! Yeah, there's a way to do your own latch hook pattern- I did one of the Texas flag with "Texas" on it and that was fairly easy. A person....I'm not sure about that. That'd be a challenge! :)

OK- maybe more later, but I really need to sit back so I can straighten my neck out & I need to use heat today which is hard to do while I'm typing! ;-P Everyone have a great remaining of the weekend!

Friday, September 12, 2003

Heaven help me! I'm going hog wild on Ebay looking for latch hook rug kits! Call in the reinforcements! Holy cow, Leslie- I just saw that Fox "24/7/365" commercial- at the end there's a still of Rick. I just happened to turn to look at the TV when it was just on and he's on the right- didn't see who's on the left; all I saw was Rick! LOL! I saw that ad earlier today (twice) and didn't catch it till now. With my above 'habit' I'm surprised I caught it at all. Hey- I have an idea.....what about a Fox News Channel emblem latch hook? OK-**obviously** I've been watching *too* much Fox & looking for too many kits.....God help me. ;-p It's another hot one here today- 89 outside now, I'm sure it'll get up near 100 today. What really makes me wary is that they said the Bay Area is in a red flag warning for wildfires, and our storage unit is in a somewhat prime area for this. The only saving grace is that there's a fairly new and ritzy golf course next door to it, and you know they're going to protect that. I'm *really* not a materialistic person, but I have things that I can't replace- antiques from both sides of my family, writing, etc. in there. That's really the worst part of summer here for me- it's not the uncomfortableness of the heat, but it's "will a wildfire hit around there this summer". Shep is back to his old self today, his humor on Studio B had me ROFLMAO! Hey- there's some more screensaver/wallpaper goodies on the FNC site. Check this one out: FNC Wallpaper. Not bad, but I would have liked to seen one that had more of the reporters (Rick, Todd, Adam, Greg K, etc) on it. Maybe it'll be forthcoming or we may just have to "put a bug in their ear" about it. I *did* exercise this morning- the 80's Fonda tape- all 65 minutes of it. I was impressed that I got through it since I haven't done that one for months.

Jen-YAY!!! ***HAPPY DANCE FOR JEN!!*** AND I can't *believe* he's wearing the same one today! He must *really* like it! ;-) Keep us posted on the honor fraternities- that's awesome! Good Lord, girl- I couldn't imagine what it was like to have not known where your family was that day. What a horrible feeling! Let me know what you'd like to say in the email- I think it's a great thing to do. Don't worry about the sporadic posting & only having time to read so much here- you have your hands full at the moment with school. :-) I know you're grinning ear to ear! Hey, maybe we can make a trade.....I'll email Greg for you if you email Todd & ask for that photo for me! ;-)....hmmm.....I smell a 'double dare' coming.....maybe even a 'triple dog dare' (actually ANYONE here wanting/willing to do this, would be fine by me too!) :-)

Jayel-Excellent ratings! Thanks for posting! Yeah, I was wondering what happened to "Jen Ecc"; it was good to see her reporting again. London is much better than Liberia. Oooh yeah! We saw the ad for O'Reilly this morning and I told Kevin to be sure he gets home in time (he ran late yesterday & missed half of O'Reilly). I was really surprised to see that, and glad to see it. I can't wait! :) LOL about Greg's hair standing up! I have some anti- frizz gel that I'll loan out to one of ya gals! :) Yep- Dan & Greg seem very laid back and go with the flow well. LOL- did ya'll catch when Shep was talking about watching all the football games this weekend? It was too cute. I like football too, but I'm kinda pulled two different ways then- Fooball or Fox?? I need a Tivo.....

Jan-It's odd how we are subconsciously attuned to things like the "breaking news" sounds. I have to say that Fox almost has too many to where I'm sometimes left thinking, "HUH?" The ones that get to me (sinking stomach feeling) are the sudden ones, the ones that seem to catch them offguard. I know what you mean about not being able to go too long without hearing what's up. Vacation times to visit families are a killer for me; I have no control over what they watch, and since Fox doesn't come in well on my inlaw's satellite (they have the old kind), they watch (blech) CNN. Believe me, it's not by choice; they're very conservative. My dad watches Fox but not to the extent that I do. Wow, what an image you painted with the trails from the planes and how blue the sky was. It's so funny how we all here probably thought the same thing: "IT'S *THE* SHIRT!!" I was so happy to have been home to catch that. I agree with what you said about the Dixie Chicks & being able to say what you want to. I hate hearing what "they" (et al) say about putting down Bush, this & that & the other stuff, but then if we make it so they can't say it, then we can't fight back either. I definitely exercise that right myself....which is sad 'cause I actually kinda did like their music. Some people (actors/performers) I can tune that kind of stuff out; but with them- just can't do it, it hurt too much. LOL, you sound like me! When I get obsessed, my hubby just lets me go, no point in trying to stop me! ;-P

Sherry-I got teary eyed in the AM, and then again when I heard "Have You Forgotten" on Hannity & Colmes. That's great that your company was one of the ones that gets grants! Resumes....saying what you said about using words that are big no-nos, made me wonder how flawed mine is, LOL!! I haven't updated mine since last year, so I guess that's a 'good' thing- I guess I'm just plain resolved to get my fair share of my 401k and retirement. LOL about the poofy hair! LOL, stuff you don't need.... <----- see my opening lines in this post. Yeah, I'm pretty good at that! :-) Sometimes though, (as I tell myself), you just gotta do it. It's a good thing that the scrapbook shop is nowhere close to me (or that I don't know where one is here). I just *know* I'd go gung ho on that too. ;-P LOL, thought you'd enjoy that "Adam tied up" bit! ;-) I was wondering the same thing: MELISSA, WHERE ARE YOU??

Leslie-Shep did seem really sad yesterday- definitely not himself. Today he was back to his old self- he had me LMAO a couple of times. I love how he describes the hurricanes: "It's ENOURMOUS!" and who could forget, "SHE'S WET AND SHE'S WINDY!" LOL! The mischievous glimmer was definitely back in his eyes today. OMG- reading what you wrote that Roy said gave me chills. A death moon....**extreme chills**. I've never heard that before. Was he kinda nonchalant about it when he said "Told ya."? Could be a 'man thing' but I could see Kevin saying it like that. But you know what adds to it is that I saw it when it was rising, and how orange/red it was and told Kevin that it's really creepy to see it like that on the anniversary of 9/11. Very creepy. Especially when I was watching something on TLC last night- I wish I could remember the name, but it was something like "The President Remembers"- basically it intimately chronicled 9/11 and how Bush reacted. There were compilations of interviews with Bush and his people including footage of them that day. It was very interesting and endeared me to Bush even more so than I already am, which is quite a bit. I noticed that on Air Force One, they had Fox News on and you could see Rick's back as one of the Towers were starting to fall. It was ironically strange to see the footage from that perspective. It was an awesome piece and I think it was done by ABC News (surprisingly enough- considering how *very good* it was!). But seeing the documentary and the orange/red moon.....eery. Onto lighter subjects- I'm going to have to try your margarita recipe! That sounds SOOOO good. I had one last night- nothing special though. Just JC lemon-lime mix with tequila. THIS one I'm going to have to try! Thanks for sharing!! Your dinner sounds delish.....we'll be there- set a place for us.
Hey girls! Just a quick post before I go torture myself (i.e., exercise). I figured if I'm going to do this today it has to be now, before the temp goes up again. It's nice right now- about 60-65 outside & 73 inside. And I *need* to exercise. What a sad day- both Johnny Cash & John RItter. Cash I expected, Ritter I didn't. That was just so odd. I was washing the dishes and saw that Trace Gallagher was on and thinking he was covering the recall. Then I heard "couldn't revive him" and I thought, "whoa, wait a minute" and came into where the TV is. I couldn't believe it- that's so young and he's the same age as my dad- that gave me chills. That's just *sooo* young! I hadn't seen much of his recent sitcom, but I watched "Three's Company" in the 70's. Well, I'll check in again in a little while and read/respond to the posts last night.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Hey girls! I think I'm going to do my "catch up" post right now and then put the computer away for the day/night. It's really warm here today- 99.7 per our new weatherstation; no wind (the water in the marina here is glassy) and no AC. Um....I think I'm ready for winter & 50 degree days again LOL! It's nice to be at home, and to not feel too pressured to "hurry through" a post. I've been a bad girl, though. I have access to email at work and have checked it here & there. Right now I'm practicing to *not* reply to my sup's invite for applications (as in NP & Phys. Asst. & Endorsed MDs) training AT MY DESK Tuesday. My first impulse (had I been at work) would have been to go over and say "not that I have a problem with this, I don't mind, but WHY isn't (that neg. vibe chick) doing this, since she's supposed to be training the new underwriter?". So, being home & seeing this irritates me, but I'm also looking at it as A) I should have known better than to check, and B) patience, grasshopper! **deep breath in, long exhale out** I'm fine! Well, I was going to work on my 9/11 story today, but I'm about 9/11'd out- I've had Fox on since 5:15 PST this morning and need a break. Maybe tomorrow. I'm wearing my Hard Rock Cafe New York shirt today, in support (of sorts).

Nan- I like your bolded names, so I'm going to take after you on this. :) You were smart- heading for the gym instead of watching the debate. I was a trooper and left it on the whole hour & a half, but I think it would have been more beneficial to me to have turned it within the first Bush-bashing moment (oh, I guess that would have had to been after the first minute!). LOL, I guess I'm a glutton for punishment! It definitely descended into an abyss. I'm glad to hear that you looked at the positive side of how your mom's behavior motivates you- I think I can learn something from that. The relationship you describe reminds me of how they portray Ross & Monica on Friends. I'm trying to be good......it's my hubby's fault for getting that stuff! LOL!! :) I'd exercise today, but as the old Cole Porter song goes, "It's Too Darn Hot". Hmmm......who would that "nice looking tan pool boy" be?? ;-)

Sherry- I think they said later that the people shouting at the debate were Lyndon LaRouche (sp?) supporters. I had to laugh at that because there were these two guys in high school who totally supported him, and we had a name for them which has long escaped me now. They wore suits & ties to high school (this was around 1985/1986) and both of them wore glasses. It was pretty funny. I see "Draft" and a "Change Time & Date" boxes to the right of where I'm typing- definitely new. I should have set the tape earlier today, but I wasn't thinking clearly. I know what you mean about only being able to watch so much. I've had Fox on all day and after awhile you just need a break from it. On a lighter note, I saw Greg today, and now that you mention it- his hair does seem a bit longer, huh! Not quite the Todd length, but long for him.

Leslie- Good chattin' with ya today! Oh, and I'm still waiting for my margarita from that cabana boy! Mmm.....maybe I'll have to exchange merlot for a margarita tonight. I *think* we're going to have Tortilla Soup tonight. Kevin made a mean batch of it up last weekend- it's *HOT*. Lots of ground cumin and cilantro, but very good. I had a hot lunch though- dried chopped garlic on my green salad & Bangkok Curry noodle soup (after it had cooled way down)- I don't know that my palate can take any more hot stuff. :) I meant to tell you earlier that I think the reason my sis is getting the attention is she's been screwing up (financially wise) over the last couple of years. I think since my mom figures everything is hunky dory with me (which it's not always- I just don't bring it up), she focuses on my sister instead of letting my sister fight her own battle. I'm still trying to figure out why she's in the red (she's talking of declaring bankruptcy)- the only thing I can think of is that she parties too much. She has a job (as well as her boyfriend), but I think there's more to it that I don't know (yet). I really think I'm more like my dad- more practical, conservative, and logical. I'm tough on myself and never let anyone (well, Kevin a little) bail me out of stuff- I never moved back home after being away for 8 years, and just toughed it out. I think I really have my dad to thank for that, and I regret nothing for that. He was always tough on me with money when I was growing up- like saying I should save instead of buying that Duran Duran poster, etc. I know that sounds high & mighty, but I think part of the problem (on my end) is that I have high standards or expectations for myself and that I tend to expect that of others as well- no matter if they're my family or people mooching off of others when they don't have to. (Ha- that explains a lot about my frustrations, huh!). I'm sorry you've beared the brunt too! I guess on the positive side, [as with Nan] it makes us stronger.

Again- that's great about Jaylee!! Kudos to her (and you!)! I'm glad things have settled down. I think I'm going to have to upgrade Explorer at work- I would think we'd be using the most up to date version, but then again.... I think I must've missed the "24/7/365" Fox promo- I'll have to watch for it. I'm still LMAO about Sarah singing the Greenlight ad song! Every time I hear that ad, I'll be thinking of you. Just like every time they play that Cristy Lane ad, I think of Melissa 'cause she just *loves* that ad....J/K!! ;-) I'd say it's solid conservative education! :) Got any leftovers from dinner the other night??? MMMMM apple pie cheesecake! (Homer Simpson-esque here). Actually EVERYTHING sounds really really good......

Jan- I think the hotties are sporadic this week. I did catch Todd on Fox Report last night though- it was in the last 15 minutes. Rick's been on a few times this morning, but haven't seen him since then. Greg's been on, POSSIBLY wearing THE sage green shirt! :) **crossing fingers** Agree on the illegal kids loophole. I finally checked out Colin Firth today- I think it's something in the eyes & lip shape that is Rick-like. I didn't realize he was in "Circle of Friends" and "Bridget Jones' Diary". If you haven't seen "Circle of Friends", it's really good, but naturally the book is better. I like Maeve Binchey's writing, but I haven't read but 3 books of hers (I have 'em all, they're on my reading list).

Denise-Hey, sometimes the last minute stuff can be the best! I found that with a lot of the papers and stories I did in college. The ones I did at the last minute always got better grades. Best of luck to you on it! :) I didn't get the email :( . I missed the Dixie Chicks' statement about Arnold- from what you say, it sounds like it may have been a good thing I did! Thanks for the kudos! :) I'm sorry to hear your family went through the insurance wringer too. It's such a shame that hard working people are the ones that get left behind. I hope your sister in law gets well soon! :)

Jayel- Amen to what you said about never losing sight of the type of enemy that we're dealing with. I think that is actually one of my bigger fears, is that over time people will become complacent again and lose sight. That woman.....I just couldn't *believe* it- I applaud him for keeping control on camera- God knows I couldn't have. I've wondered how Fox chooses who goes to Iraq too- I thought for sure that Rick would have gone back, but so far he hasn't. Adam being tied up- don't give Sherry any ideas! ;-p LOL!! You have a point there- Adam *does* seem to be smiling all the time! I never really thought about it, but you're right.

a- That's the same thing Leslie & I wondered. I've notified Jen via AIM, so she's going to TIVO Fox this afternoon/eve. to see. Like I told her, she's the only one of us who's seen it and knows the color, so she has to identify it and report. How exciting would *that* be?!? :-D

OK- Need to go, I've posted *way* too much here & hubby's going to be home soon. It's 100 outside; 85 inside- all (two) fans running.....
A somewhat somber RICK ALERT!!
God bless America on this (and every) day, and may God bring peace to those who lost people on this sorrowful day two years ago.

I'm taping, but was a little late. I should have started it at 5:30; hubby prolly would've wondered why I was taping. To which I would have said, "so that we never forget." Hindsight is 20/20; that phrase is eerily ironic this day. I've been weepy eyed seeing all of it that I've seen thus far. They had Rick on around 6:00 PST and showed some of his footage from that day, and he talked some about it. It's really odd, I *do* remember seeing that day the specific footage of his that they showed today; but when he was in Iraq, I never knew it was the same person. Seeing it now again, I really have a new respect for him, that he risked his life (along with David Lee Miller) to get the first hand accounts. I remember so much about that day, and I still ask, "did this *really* happen?" I think the surrealistic quality of that day forward is probably ingrained in our minds for quite some time. I still cannot hear a plane flying overhead the same as I did pre-9/11, and when I see them flying low over downtown San Francisco, I stop and hold my breath. We rarely cross the Golden Gate Bridge without my thinking, "what if something happened *right now*?" I get agitated when traffic is slow or stopped on the bridge, and want to know why everyone is stopped when before it wouldn't have even crossed my mind- I'd admire the view.

There are songs that when I hear, I never have heard the same since 9/11/01: National Anthem, God Bless America, and Amazing Grace. The last one has always been a tough one for me; it was one of my great-grandma's favorite hymns, and though we weren't close, to hear a cousin sing it at her gravesite 13 years ago was heartwrenching. When I hear the bagpipes play it now, it has a whole new meaning, mixed with some of the old. I can't hear any of these really without crying.

Gals, I don't know about you, but I couldn't get to sleep last night. I couldn't get comfortable and was really antsy all night (long before bed). I rarely get like this so it was disturbing to me why I was like this; it reminded me of animals before major earthquakes. Only it's not an earthquake that I fear, or feel antsy about. I hope we never see again the actions that took place this day two years ago. I lit some canclles this morning that I intend to burn till they go out, at which time I will light some more, in memory of those who died today.

How is this day affecting you? Is there anything you do differently, think differently of, and what are they?

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Holy cow, another mass exodus from the blog again! Or did everyone have a stroke (like I almost did) after watching the Democratic Debate on Fox last night? I was exercising during that and being out of shape anyway I felt weak and ill. Could've just been the debate. ;-P I *think* I recovered....but I tell ya, I haven't had my emotions in a blender on puree like that for a long time. I was disheartened at all the Bush bashing that went on- they are so quick to point out his weaknesses and how "terrible" everything is now, but they don't offer up any solutions (or, maybe rather the description I should use is steps to solving). They say what they are going to do, but never the steps. I think it was more of a Bush bashing celebration that an actual debate. The topper was when Carol Moseley Braun compared Mayflower passengers and slave ships to people crossing the Rio Grande. The key part of this statement that I have a massive problem with is the "people crossing the Rio Grande" part. Those "people" aka ILLEGALS are NOT in the same class as the first two. The first two paid their dues, illegals have NOT. I know not everyone who "runs for the border" has malicious or dishonest intentions; I know that some really do want to become an integral part of this country and pay their dues like everyone else- and more power to them. I don't know, besides all the Bush bashing, that comment stood out above all else that was said. I just think it was an insult to people who fall into those first two groups, as well as everyone else who came here the correct way- going through Ellis Island or becoming a true blue citizen of the US. I told Kevin that if Bush isn't re-elected and one of these nine are, I'm really going to need medication, and I'm only 1/4 to half joking about that. **Rant over**

Anyway....where *is* everyone?? I take it that there haven't been any hotties on the last few days.....I've noticed that Dan Springer is reporting in the AM from Iraq instead of Greg Palkot (I think most of this week). Well, it's early and I haven't had my coffee really yet, so I'm out of things to say for now. Later!

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Hey gals! Wow, um...I think this was the longest I've gone w/o posting (two whole days) LOL! After not being able to see too well Saturday when I posted, I figured I'd wait till Monday. Then I was just snowed under with work, plus I had to run a bunch of errands at lunch and I ran out of time. My cold is getting better, I'm at the tail end. I think hubby's got it now though. Compared to the ones I'd gotten in the recent past (last 2 years) this one was a cake walk (still crummy, but no temperature, no heavy duty asthma- so that's good in my book). The weekend was OK, missed the computer and I have a (silent) beef with my mom.....let's just say my sister (she's 28) is moving back home WITH her boyfriend....so they'll both be staying at her house till they get back on their feet again. I'm not happy about this and am still trying to figure out why....needless to say my mom is overjoyed. I'm not a good actress so I'm sure my displeasure showed a little, but my mom didn't ask and I didn't tell. Diet rules were broken on Sunday; but I'm back on track this week. I assume that there were no hottie sightings yesterday (Shep was back, though!). I taped but ended up rewinding the tape to set again for today.

Jan- Glad you're having great weather! Ours has been pretty decent- not too hot lately. Sorry your job's hectic too- I hope that settles down for you soon! Yeah- the present was a great reminder that not all people here are mean, and boy did I need that. Restores some faith :). You know, it seems like I heard this quake, but since we're on the water it sounded different. It was like a tiny whoosh of the water in a way. I know what you mean though- I've heard people here say that. It reminds me of thunder, but with the ground shaking. Nah, you're not nuts for thinking that! I'm with ya there. LOL, you sound like me with the taping. It's like uh....(I know there's a phrase for this, but can't remember what it is) checking the temperature or something- I check out to see if anyone mentions the hotties and if not, I rewind the tape LOL. (To those who give us all the alerts- THANKS!!- it is *much* appreciated!) I don't remember what Colin Firth looks like; I'll have to find him on the internet & check him out.

Jen- Girl, I *really really really* hope your week goes super better this week! Hang in there! I got your email- will reply hopefully sometime this morning. Things will get better- they *have* to.

Sherry- Wow, yesterday *was* a slow day- First post at 6:20 EST? I saw Rick's Yale thing too (even if I had to get 2 feet from the TV LOL!). He did look really good in that suit. Maybe it's the color? I'm not sure- but he really did look great.

a- It *has* been awhile since he's been on, hasn't it? Time's been flying for me (not particularly because I'm having fun though- I wish, LOL). Sounds like you may have a busy week ahead of you?

Nan- Yeah, Rick definitely had swagger in his walk- maybe that was what made it seem like a different report? I was thinking it was the color of the suit.....but I think you have something there with the swagger in his walk. Ah, your hubby doesn't want to watch chick flicks either, huh? LOL Mine will occasionally watch, but only if we rent some action/adventure stuff. When Niall was still at home, he'd go to the video store after school & bring home something and it was *rarely* anything I wanted to see. I guess that happens when you're outnumbered testosterone-wise, LOL! You know, I always wonder when my cat acts weird- I always think there's an earthquake coming. Then again, she acts weird a lot. Total agreement from me about Shep- there's only one original for Fox Report & Studio B. And *certainly* for the G-Block. It's like having aspartame instead of sugar, decaffeinated instead of caffeinated..... This quake was a tiny one in comparison- we've been due for awhile. They have them all the time up in Clearlake (I'm sure there's places in So. CA that are the same way). I guess the little ones take off a lot of the pressure that can cause the larger ones when the pressure builds up too much though. Thankfully my hubby doesn't go to the other news channels, but he does surf during commercials to see what's on later & inwardly it drives me nuts. I think, "what are you doing?!? turn it back before it comes back on again!" I think it's part of my 'control' thing (and I don't mean remote control....lol).

Leslie! Glad to see your post!! I'm sorry that Sarah's med is so touch & go. My heart broke when I read your "rant", because I know it's true and it's a total absolute shame. Things like that make me wonder where we (our country) went wrong. Where is the common sense??? How could the gov't have let this happen? It's just not fair. I was telling my hubby about this last night and he suggested that I should give you the name of a place he went to when he was 5. He had such severe asthma when he was young (newborn to five years old) that the doctors told his parents that they shouldn't plan past 5 years. He spent a lot of time in the hospitals and the doctors said they couldn't do anymore. On a whim, his parents tried a hypnotherapist that they had heard about since they figured it couldn't hurt to try (and this was in the late 1950's). It actually worked and he had no recollection of it, but said around his early teens he remembered something about a watch, but that was it. He doesn't remember ever being sick. Anyway, he'd called the same clinic/institute when his ex had ovarian cancer and was basically in a similar position of "there's nothing else we can do". He ended up talking to the guy's daughter and she said "THE Kevin O'Neill? You're famous here!"- because it was such a big thing that they were able to 'cure' him of his asthma. Anyway, he said I should mention it to you since they were able to help him, and you never know (even though his was asthma, and Sarah has autism). The place is called "The Glover Clinic" or "The Glover Institute" and they're in Houston. I'll try to do some web searches to see if I can find out more. Since it was 12 years ago that Kevin had contacted them, he doesn't have the number anymore. Don't know if this could be of help, but thought I'd mention it. I can't believe the whole CA Gov. thing, it gets more rediculous every day....but that sounds typical for Bustamante & Davis to do the things they did. Never thought you'd hear so much about a CA governor's race, did ya! All you said is so true. I liked Arnold's comeback- that there are words that Davis doesn't like- particularly "recall". LOL! Actually it's been a 'normal' summer for me- I've had far worse summers healthwise. I guess I'm getting used to sinus problems in a way....but they still interfere. There's worse things to interefere with, so it's not bad considering that. LOL, I *love* the "Wish" margaritas! Hang in there with everything! Come visit more often, we miss your posts!! :)

*REALLY* need to get to work.....I'll check in later.