Monday, January 03, 2005

Hey guys I might be playing around with the blog for the next few days, so don't freak out if you come here and things either look jumbled or just weird. :)
Hey guys nice to see you! I hope you all had a happy and safe New Years! I was "designated driver" lol!

I saw Rick a couple times, but unfortunately missed him on O'Rielly. :( I would've loved to have seen that.

I'm actually working on re-designing so if you guys have any pics that you might have stored on your comp, I'd love ya for the donations. My old comp had most my old Rick pics, and that computer died about a year ago.

Well I gotta head to work, but I'll see ya around laters. :)

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Hey gals!
I've not posted in....well, FOREVER. I hope ya'll are doing great and had a great & safe Christmas & New Year! Happy New Year! It's so sad about what happened in Thailand and the other affected areas. It's just really hard to imagine that. Poor Adam (Sherry - I think of you whenever he's on!) - he's just got to be so tired (emotionally & physically), as well as Jennifer Griffin. Those two have really put themselves out there to get the stories to us all.

On a lighter note, I *did* get to see Rick and OMG - what a surprise to see Rick hosting the O'Reilly Factor - I just couldn't *believe* it! =) I recorded it! I actually got a DVD recorder for my birthday and can now put all my videos onto DVD which is quite nice. I got all my exercise videos on DVD now, so I have *no* excuse to not exercise. I'm 15 lbs over my wt. goal right now- of course one of my New Year's resolutions is to lose that 15 lbs (along with saving-really saving- my money). Anyway, let's hope we see Rick in this capacity more in the future!

Hope all are well!