Monday, July 28, 2003

OK- got to get back in tonight! :-D

OMG- *How* could I *forget* Hottie Toddie today??? I was just geting ready to exercise & Shep said Todd Connor and I froze in place LOL.

Nan- I noticed is curls in back too- looks like he's growing it out a little? How cute! And dress clothes in the woods again- yep, what can we say? Still looked good, but would've been better in jeans (as always seems to be the case.....). I agree- this place *is* it's own planet and I want off; there's a lot I like here geography wise, but I'm ready for 'normal' folks. What really annoys me about that amount (however small) that they take from his check is that it seems to be OK with the City to do that, but now Kevin also has to pay into his own retirement - it's a mandatory 7.5% of his pay. So we're getting that much less a month. In a way it's good- the City only put in 3%, but I just don't trust them to actually put HIS money into HIS retirement. We're going to have to watch this and make sure it's going where it's supposed to and not into someone else's pocket. Some of the City & County of SF depts are very good at doing that. It's only for a year that they're doing this, but it's just the principle that he's having to pay into his own retirement due to budget cuts & yet people still get to get their sex changes funded by other employee's earnings. Just not right at all.

Jan- Ah, you got the non-split-screen effect too, huh? I have *no* idea what causes that- it's only been since they've redone Blogger that it does that- very strange. I have split screen at home & single at work. LMAO- groping in the dark & wouldn't be so bad with a Fox hottie. >;-D I'm thinking/hoping it will be tomorrow....I think I will respond to that email from Friday tomorrow to "gently remind" him of it....LOL, but I like your plan too! Loved the motto/slogan! Yeah, Rick & Todd are very much the city boys, huh! LOL! Hey- I think we have a "Big Al's" here (well, in SF) too- in the North Beach area. That *would* be very unsettling to see your own courthouse and surroundings on TV! LMAO- the Muslim Mullet! More seriously, Yeah- I keep telling myself I *must* do those self reason for not doing it is very common but very lame as it *is* the reason to check. We should start something here, like reminding each other. Ya know, it's the married part that does it in for us really- my pay by itself is only about 1/3 of what we bring's the combination of the two of ours that pushes us. Otherwise each of us on our own wouldn't meet it. I guess that's the good thing about living together, but we were really at that point to say "I do"- we were prolly there 4 years ago, but only got married two years ago this coming January.

Jen- You *are* having a odd sightings week so far, aren't you? LOL! Got your email- don't worry! I like getting your emails! :-D I'll reply tomorrow- I gotta catch some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's

I'll check in with ya'll tomorrow- hopefully I'll have some good news! I'm going to sleep on my reply to his reply Friday about the photo follow up. Needs to be short but catchy. And ya'll know I'm not pithy..... LOL!


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