Friday, July 25, 2003

Hey all! It's FRIDAY!!! Thank God.

Jayel- Yeah- you're definitely right on that- it was the most exposure he's had in a *long* time (or at least since he's been back) as far as I can tell. Yep- on the East coast, 6-7 is newstime which make sense since it's a summary of things that happened today, but I do wonder if he would have a bigger audience being in prime time. I'd be all for it. Usually after H&C my hubby's like "can I see what's on?" He's not a big fan of Greta's. Plus unless I tape it, I'm always missing at least 1/4 to 1/2 of Fox Report.

Jan- Sounds like I missed a great "G" last night! We had *really* bad traffic- took an hour & a half to get home plus we had a couple of stops to make- I think we got in around 5:30 (which is a half hour after FR ended). He really seems to interact well with everyone- just my opinion but he seems to put people at ease too. I bet he'd be fun to work with. To answer your "hopes" :) - I got a response early this AM- he was out of the office yesterday & said he was "SO sorry. i will try to send it out today." There was more, but it was the "SO" part that grabbed me and made me feel guilty. Not sure how to take that....I hope it's here next week....leak is fixed- we had to lower the water pressure but it's at 48, so that's fine (was at around 60). It was quick & easy- but that sound! It sounded so awful- I laugh now, because that sound is something you *never* want to hear in a boat....Didn't continue the dream- but I usually don't anyway. Sometimes it will pop up in another dream as a memory. I have *no* idea where Haggis came was a very strange & surreal dream. Ah yeah! Moscone & Milk- I should have remembered their names at least. Oh yeah, and Dan White and the "Twinkie Defense"- how wild is *that*? If that wasn't the weakest excuse I've ever heard..... LOL about the serial killer name- you're right- it does sound that way. YES!! I'm SO happy about the recall passing! Now we just have to see who comes out of the woodwork for running for the office.....the woman on our morning radio show today was saying that there's a name that will be appearing but they can't release it yet- it's a democrat that Bay Area people will recognize. I thought "oh CRAP- PLEASE don't tell me it's Pelosi.....PLEASE...." That woman spoke at my SFSU graduation and I thought, of all people.....why her? why this year? I'm just not a big fan of hers....Ah-nold is basically stepping down from the race for his friend, Riordan- I believe he was mayor of LA- and they've said that he has some political leanings left of Davis even. Even though he's supposed to be running on the Republican (Republicrat or RINO) ticket. It's going to be interesting, that's for sure... Here's something interesting.....Savage is considering running as an Independent. I have a feeling the next two months are going to be *very* interesting indeed.

Hmmm....oldest movie? I'm not sure- we sometimes watch a lot of older movies (on AMC & TCM) - there was one that was about the 1906 SF earthquake that I think was made in the 20's or so- but I forget- I don't remember the name. But it had a girl that was singing the "San Francisco" song. I don't know the words- sorry! That may have been the oldest one.

Denise! I was wondering what happened to ya! "Meetings" are bad- I know what you mean- you get this really ominous feeling....I hope it's just that you're under the weather so that's why it seems ominous. Hang in there-hope you feel better soon!

Nan- You're sick too? Wow, it must be that time of year for summer illnesses. Hope you feel better soon too! You know what is really odd/ironic/whatever is that I watched Fox nonstop on 9-11 and the days following, and I *very guiltily* have to say that I don't remember seeing him. But I was really weirded out by the whole thing- the only thing I remember is crying nonstop and thinking "how could this have happened" and thinking about those lost & the families of those lost. Then again, I didn't really pay attention to the reporters so much until the embedding during the war. I think I've always been on the slow side of catching on....."late bloomer" I think the term is. ;-P I wish I had paid attention- I bet he did an *AWESOME* job at reporting it- he is always willing to take the risks to get the full story of what is happening. I guess that's what's so endearing is that he really puts a human face on it all. I think we started watching Fox around the 2000 elections, but I always pretty much watched the local stuff until the last year or so. It's really fuzzy- now that I think about it, a lot seems fuzzy since 9-11. All I know is that it's been months since I've really watched our local news. LOL- we were channel surfing last night and both of us said "hey- it's Keen Eddie on at 8:00!" We didn't know what happened, but I hope they put it back on Tuesdays....o/w it's going to interfere with Friends. It's a great show. Unfortunately I fell asleep about 7:30 and woke up half way through Eddie. On the recall front (see my above post)- but our morning show has been positive about Tom McClintock- he sounds like he might be a good runner- it also sounds like Bill Simon may try again.

Jen- I've heard kickboxing is fun! Punching bags hurt, but yeah- they're great for getting out your frustrations. Let me know what you think of the protein bars- I've been thinking of trying them since I don't eat a lot of meat. Sorry you couldn't drown the beef roast in Au Jus...that sounds so good (despite my earlier comment about not eating much meat. I like it but just in small doses).

Sherry- I think you're right- that Uday & Qusay would have commited suicide before they let the US/Coalition get them and they certainly would not have given us anything useful.

OK- gotta go- just realized it's almost 8 and I need to eat & do some stuff before our 2 hour meeting.....sheesh I hate those- it's always a struggle to stay awake.


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