Sunday, July 27, 2003

HI Everyone! I feel like I've been gone for a week! My uncle left this afternoon. My whole family was over yesterday from 3pm to 1am! We started watching "Crimson Tide" *yummy Denzel!* at about 11:00 and they all wanted to see it. Anyway I got online after they left and I was gonna come post last night but I started to chat w/ Jen, and by the time we were done I was tired. Just now I was trying to watch "The Godfather" on HBO, but my dad is working downstairs and hit the cable and messed it up, so I thought "Hey I'll go catch up on the blog!" So here I am.

Nat. That's so sweet of Rick to send the e-mail! He must've been really sorry to capitalize 'SO' :) heh heh. I would post those pics, but hotmail isn't letting me open them. You got to see the skanky boonie hat again?!? I terribly miss the skanky boonie hat. We should try and find a nice home for the hat (like my house! lol kidding) Since we have declared ourselves the LevenGals....we should try and find a nice place for Rick to donate/auction his hat and then let him know. Or better yet we should just ask him to donate it to us as official LevenGals memorabilia and we could pass it around from Gal to Gal kinda like the plot to "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" LOL! As for Rick during 9-11, well I didn't see him. I was basically always over at my family's house for that first couple weeks or so, and they were always watching ABC w/ Peter Jennings. He was ok during that time, but I can't stand how anti-Bush he's gotten -- he doesn't even pretend to be un-biased! Oh well ho-hum. I dont' like thinking about 9-11 it makes me cry, so I'm moving on...

Jen I'm so sorry about your nerves. It'll be ok, you'll'll turn out great!! :) I think I'll wait until tomorrow to deliver the 'bad news' or erm 'good news' depending on how you look at it. :) And I yell at "soap operas" too, they need a good hollering sometimes....even if they can't hear ya.

Nan - yeah I constantly yell/talk at the radio/tv, and I'm not ashamed of it matter how much my mother makes fun of me. :) I figure it's no different than thinking....I'm just thinking verbally. So long as the tv/radio doesn't talk back to me I think I'll be fine. LOL Ewww dead bird in the pool :( One of my dogs likes to chase the birds and rabbits that get into our yard.

Jayel - I LOVE Pride and Prejudice!! I have it on DVD (they often have it at Best Buy)....though I don't watch it too often 'cause it's like 5 hours long total! You can rent it at Blockbuster (that's how I first saw it)....but you have to make sure you pick up the right copy - the one w/ Colin Firth. *yummy* It's just a sweet story, and it's really neat to see how the relationship between Elizabeth and Darcy evolves. You're right they have this amazing emotional/sexual attraction yet they barely even hold hands. :)

Well I'm gonna try and get ahold of Melissa (my best friend) and we're probably going to see a movie. Possibly "Tomb Raider." We were gonna go see "Sea Biscuit," but I promised my grandma I'd go watch it with her in a couple weeks. Talk to y'all later. Oh yeah....and I think the comments on the archives pages are working again. :)


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