Thursday, July 24, 2003

I was at work; there was a kind of a line of people in the lobby. Oddly enough the head of the line was in the opposite direction from the glass security door I go through to get from the lobby to my work area. Rick's standing in this line- about 4 people down from me, holding one of those thick shopping bags- medium sized and beige in color. I was curious what was in the bag (as no one else was holding bags- and everyone else appeared to be people that I work with). He was talking to people like he knew them, and from listening in, I learned that he had haggis in there. I thought, "mmm tasty- not!" but didn't say anything. Then just as I was about to talk to him........

one of life's cruel ironies happened.

A loud pop! and then water running- which is *NOT* good to hear in a boat. I jumped up out of the bunk thinking something hit the hull causing a hole and thought the boat was filling with water. I got Kevin up and we found out it was the water hose that goes to this handheld shower thing in the bathroom (but we never use). I guess we have the water pressure up too high and it was too much for the hose- thankfully none of the others did that. Thankfully it's not a big deal- he's going to cap it off later on today. Oh yeah, the other cruel irony is that prolly only 15 minutes before (just before I had that teeny tiny snippet of a dream) I woke up and thought, "ah, cool- I still have 2 more hours to sleep!". So, I've been up since 2:45- I actually got to watch most of Fox & Friends First and Fox & Friends. That's a first. The F&F First comes on at 3 AM here, so needless to say, I don't usually watch it unless I tape it. I was out by 8:30 last night and we turned out the light at 9:00- that's the earliest I've gone to sleep in a long time, and prolly a good thing considering how early I was up today. It sucks now, 'cause the tiredness has already hit & it's only 7:00. I still have 8.5 hours.....this could be a 2nd coffee kind of day! Can you stand it though? I finally have a dream I can remember.....argh! It's like this whole photo thing. I'm contemplating sending an email today....if nothing else to say sorry someone stole your story....oh yeah, did you send that 2nd photo? (but in a more tactful way than that).

Sherry- I *know*! What's up with *that*???? Why does everyone keep stealing his stories? *stomps feet* He busted his ass to get down there yesterday & they give it to David Lee Miller?? What is up with that? Hehehe- had to laugh at "he was looking great but a little hot"....(could be my not awake mind).... but I was thinking, "a *little* hot?? how about hot hot hot!" (as in hottie hot). LOL....forgive me I haven't had enough coffee and I'm kinda dazed (and prolly confused). I was shocked too that not *everyone* had to go through the metal detectors. I wasn't here in SF at the time but it reminds me of when I *think* (hm...this is bad- I don't remember what his position was) the mayor was shot and one of the city supervisors. It was in the 1970's I believe. I would think everyone would have to go through no matter who you are. I set my VCR to go, but since you-know-who has stolen the story, I'm not sure what Rick will have.

Melissa- You're welcome for the link! He did look good, huh! Sounds like you had a busy day yesterday- fun but painful. I noticed that the comments are missing from the archives- not a big deal- just something I noticed. I don't know if we really had that many anyway since we usually 'reply' with a post LOL.

OMG- How can I forget?? We (that's the collective we for the conservatives) in California got the recall election passed through!! YAY!!!!! What was really funny is that our morning talk show was saying that some dems. at the capitol were talking and forgot to turn off their microphones (apparently, it's wired so that everyone in the building pretty much can listen in on debates & stuff)- well, they weren't saying much good and *everyone* including the media room heard it. Someone finally told them and the last thing people heard was one of them saying "oh excrement excrement" as our morning guy put it- ROFLMAO!!

Well, wish me luck- I'll keep you posted if I get a response. I guess I'm feeling (foolishly) hmm...trying to think of a nice ladylike way of putting, how about courageous? Foolishly courageous. That's it.


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