Monday, July 28, 2003

OK- gotta catch up!

Sherry- Going to shows for you is about the same for me- we're about half hour 45 min. north of SF- parking is a major pain- and pricey- about the same as yours. We don't get out much (really- seriously)- the only shows we've gone to see are Tori Amos & that's 'cause I dragged him with me LOL. Actually he likes a lot of her stuff. Poor guy had to go to three of her concerts within a 4 month time period. ;-D. You know, that's what I really like about our little group- I think a lot of us feel like we're in the same boat and it's nice to be able to vent it out. LOL- they really hit a raw nerve with me this AM- that just really blew my mind. It sounds like your housing prices are about the same there as here. I think the median price here in the SF Bay area is somewhere in the neighborhood of $450,000. And you're lucky to get any land with it and not have neighbors *right* next to you. We didn't want to be house poor either- we could have done it, but we definitely wouldn't have the ability to save money. Don't you just love "mystery taxes"? Here they have something called "Mello-Roos" tax assessment which "is an area where a special tax is imposed on those real property owners within a Community Facilities District". Whatever *that* is. All I know is that I've heard it's a lot. MD sounds like the CA of the east as far as housing & taxes go! Sounds like you're in a sea of liberalism there too.....I'd be afraid to tell anyone around here (in the Bay Area- neighbors, co-workers, etc) for fear of being bashed.

Leslie- Again, I'm sorry to hear you had a terrible week- all that in one week's time- you poor gal! I hope Charlie's doing better and I hope *YOU'RE* doing better! I have a good feeling about you though- it's that intuition- you're a strong gal & I *know* you'll come out the winner. I'm sorry to hear about Sarah's teacher's baby & your mayor. It's always sad when babies die. You really had a rough emotional week! I hope things look up for you from here on out- like I said before, you'll be in my prayers. LMAO- KidLight- all the fun, none of the responsibility! So true.... Oh my....rabbits.... Ah, your description hit the nail on the head for the water gushing sound! Yeah- can't happen during the daytime, huh! I told Kevin I just may consider doing the reverse immigration and go back to Ireland if that ever happened (Clinton/Pelosi). I know what you're talking about- we were just wondering that the other day.....did he leave yet? LOL!

Nan- Welcome to the club! :-p Although I'm not happy to be in that loop, or at least happy that someone or some group out there thinks we're "rich" LOL. Know what you mean about pools being a necessity- AZ was the same way. Yuck. LOL- the dairy smell! Definitely ripe. That sounds terrible- and you're right- it's a vicious circle to get ahead- the budget cuts don't help you at all either. I agree- these congressmen couldn't do it on what our bracket brings in. OMG- I *know* what you're saying about the food stamps- that gets me *every* time. I just have to hold my breath & hope I don't explode. You gals want to hear a good one? The City & County of SF takes out a quarter of one percent of each of his paychecks that goes to a fund for City & County of SF employees AND their so called significant others- which does count here- to have......SEX CHANGES. This is a *MANDATORY* deduction that we have no choice over. THAT one gets my Irish up every time. And YET, they won't cover fertility types of things (like if you're trying to have a baby and need additional tests or invitro, etc.) AND they still are making this mandatory even though the C & C of SF is in as much deep doodoo as the state. It's bad enough that if I'm brought into an emergency room that the illegal would prolly get immediate attention over me, but we have to put up with this too. **skulks off soapbox now** I will definitely post immediate upon receipt of the coveted package- hopefully tomorrow?? I think I remember hearing about Rick being in Afghanistan for just a short time....until Geraldo arrived on the scene LOL! Flying was scary- but for some reason it was the trip back. I made a lot of deals with God on that flight. Lots & lots of praying. We went to TX to visit his parents- so yeah it was fun at least, and REALLY good food.....his mom COOKS. I'm looking forward to going back this November- but we'll be driving; same as last year. Wow, your hubby sounds like a good asset to fight against any danger! How sweet!!! :-D

Jen- I'm having a hard time seeing a Priest driving a Mustang, but I guess they all have to drive something though! I guess I always envision an older car, or something not so sporty for some reason. Ah, don't listen to Amanda. I think it's a *great* idea!!

Jayel- I'm going to have to check out Pat Buchanan's book that you mentioned. You have me really curious now, especially since I'm wrestling with the same question to have or not to have.... Yep- it was I who couldn't remember or place Eric Shawn....I'm going to have to watch for him. Your description is hilarious! I like Brian Wilson too (like you said, not a hottie, but a good anchor), but I missed Tony Snow this past weekend. The suitcase was funny. I hope Greg Kelly gets the next big story (Saddam) there too- Steve had his day, time for Greg Kelly (BTW, I've learned I have to be specific with wishes- LOL If I just say Greg, it'll end up being Palkot). It is definitely the end of an era with the loss of Bob Hope. It's just sad 'cause it's a whole different time, particularly morale wise. Definitely the end of an era. Great stats! Fox is kickin' their butts!! :-D

OK- I gotta go- I'll catch up on tonight's posts tomorrow morning. Kevin's gotta use the computer for a change.
I'll catch ya'll tomorrow! Have a great one!


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