Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Hey gals!
While I'm waiting for our ever-so-slow-lame-a**-system to do it's thing, I thought I'd check in. This project I'm having to do is tedious to the extreme, but much of it is just waiting on the darn system to react to what I'm punching in. We *are* in a new century- the 21st century- right?? It's taking the system 10 to 15 minutes to rate this policy, and it's not even a large policy- I have larger ones to work on too. All I know is that the slowness of the system is causing me to stuff my face with Wheat Thins (reduced fat, but I'm sure at least 3 servings if not 4....) out of boredom of waiting. So....

(OK- I'm a day late & a dollar short- looks like Nan also posted, LOL!)
HEY! I was just checking into Fox News online & you can see the story (I'm pretty sure) that was on Fox Report yesterday! It's here: Rick's story from Fox Report

Sherry- The changing of the time always throws me for a loop- I have the most problems in April, though. It's nice that I feel like it's later- much easier to go to sleep that way ;-) The mornings *do* feel odd though. It's strange how we notice the difference in just one hour. I saw Rick's report last night while I was doing the dishes & hubby was taking a nap. I saw it from a distance- I wasn't sure what to make of the tie. Adam looked nice being all casual. The temps are a bit better today- last night it was cool enough for me to feel comfortable to work on my latch hook stuff. I hope you guys get out to golf eventually! You're *very* welcome for the encouragement! :-) Good Lord, I know what you mean about Geraldo this morning. He was on during Fox & Friends (the last ten minutes or so), and those were the very words out of my mouth, LOL!

Nan- OK, now I'm laughing ;-) At the very mention of 'lumberjack casual' it made me think of the old Monty Python "I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK.." or however that goes. I haven't seen Dana Lewis yet. I'll have to watch for him. Not sure about the purple tie on Rick yesterday either....jury's still out. That's a scary thing that happened with the dress up cop and having the real cop show up- yep- people just don't think sometimes. I hope that your husband's surgery goes very well (if you don't mind me asking- what kind of surgery is he having?). I also send you the very best most positive outcome vibes your way for your dad; ya'll will be in my prayers.

Gotta go get lunch and (maybe) make another trip to the post office.....

Monday, October 27, 2003

Hey gals!
Got a moment to post. We're having to do a project with renewals this week- I just got a bunch of stuff done and now they tell us to hold off on changes.....I still have tons of these to do before Thursday. But, I'm not going to sweat it since it's not in my control. I had to try my hardest to not ROFLMAO when, in our employee communications meeting someone asked what a blog is. LOL!! Samantha looked at me and said, "Natalie knows!" (not out loud to everyone- just to me). I said YEP!! I completely knew and I played dumb. Hehehe- I just thought it was the funniest thing. Oh, yeah- our new water pump for the freezer is so loud that you can hear it outside- I had no idea 'till this morning. The quieter one should be here tomorrow at the latest, I hope. Anyway......

Sherry- You & my dad were rooting for the Marlins- I have a similar reasoning as you for not liking the Marlins- they beat out the SF Giants. I know, can you believe the hotties this past weekend??? It was soooo nice to have them on during the weekend for a change. William L is kinda cute- but I dunno. What was the phrase that someone used before? Something hottie- I don't remember. It normally gets this warm/hot here ocasionally during the summer, but the last gasp is usually in Sept. The humidity the last few days has been low- somewhere around 20-30%. Normally our humidity is around 70-90 I believe, but I know what you mean- TX gets that humid hot too- it's the pits. You can't even move. There was barely a breeze the last few days- the marina water has been *very* glassy lately. That should change by Weds. though- it looks like a 20-30 degree drop in temps. WOW!!! You *go* girl on the weight loss!! That's EXCELLENT!! :-D I think the water definitely helps- still trying to boost mine up.

AH- I think Rick was wearing the old leather jacket on Sat.- these guys look *great* in those jackets! :-)

Nan- Uh oh!! Well, you can send that obsessive compulsive cleaning spirit to me when you're done- I'm in stuck mode again, LOL! I got some stuff done Sat. while watching Fox News, but yesterday..... I was a sloth of the first degree. Well, I *did* get through some catalogues, but that's about it. It was too hot to do much else, LOL. It just looks *terrible* down there. I'm glad your hubby's not down there in that mess- I hope his coworkers stay safe. I haven't seen anything today- has it gotten *any* better at all?? We definitely had the fans going yesterday- not bad then. The worst is late afternoon (or more like early evening). That's when it feels the hottest. And when you're trying to go to sleep- ick. Fortunately, it was a bit better by then. Funny you should mention Shep sneaking in....I emailed Rick & asked him the same thing and said sorry the Yankees didn't win.

Jen- *DEFINITELY* keep posting irregardless. Hey, maybe you'll become a "Hot Toddie" fan! ;-) Seriously, keep posting.

Teri-Glad your daughter's feeling better & that they got the control burn out. I've smelled the Innisfree cologne before, but it's been so long I forget what it smells like. Connemara is my ultimate favorite and have feared for the last 10 years that they'll stop making it. I *LOVE* that stuff. Sorry it made you sneeze, though! :-/

Denise- OMG! That party definitely sounded scary!! What kind of moron would *do* that?? And what kind of moron would grab it and shoot it off? I have nothing against owning guns, but you just don't bring one to a costume party as a prop. I'm glad you didn't get hurt, as well as anyone else. Don't worry about sharing! That's what we're all here for. I'm sorry to hear about your friend's grandmother- that's always rough. I was 16 and had stayed the night at a friend's house when I found out my grandpa died. My grandma, grandpa, sister & I had just gone to see Gremlins the day before. To this day I really hate that movie because it brings back awful memories. Nope- no reply from Tony, but that's ok. It was on a whim that I emailed at all- the thought struck me and I just decided, "what the heck" and did it. It would've been really funny though if he'd read it! I thought it was odd too- I dunno. A lot of the time I just wish they (actors & performers in general) would stick to what they do best - acting & performing and just stay out of politics.

OK- gotta get back to work & need to go make a post office run. Later!

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Jayel- I *almost* did that- then I thought better of it. I'm sure that would have garnered a mention! I thought of some other snazzy things to say *after* I sent it, naturally. But that's ok. ;-) It's been a very good hottie day. ;-) It's another 90 some odd degree day here- very unseasonably warm. I can't believe those fires down south (CA)- that's just horrible. I couldn't imagine standing there losing everything I own (mainly those things we can't replace) and feeling completely helpless. Just awful. My thoughts & prayers are with the people who lost, lost their lives, the firefighters, and the poor animals that have also suffered in the fires.

I'm going to call it a day on the computer and go change the clocks. I'll chat with ya'll later!
Hottie alert!! Rick was just on Weekend Live (around 10:00 pst) reporting about the Series game last night. Todd's been on twice reporting about Jennifer Anniston & Brad Pitt getting involved somehow in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict- I don't remember because....uh...still working on the AM coffee & was fixated on Todd?? Lame excuse, I know. I didn't get to sleep till 2 AM & got up at 8 (which is really 7, since I refuse to change the clocks till later- gotta feel like I'm gaining an hour of extra free time today, LOL!). So, flimsy as it is, that's my excuse. Off to a good start hottie wise today! OK gals, I sent an email to Tony Snow (the weekendlive@foxnews.com email) thanking him for having Todd & Rick on within a half hour of each other.....if he reads it though, I'm going to be LMAO all day!

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Hey girlies!!
Wow, what a hottie day!! :-D I cleaned all day (basically the stuff I missed last weekend; but still have a bit left to do). I got some stuff ready for the trip that's 3 wks away. I know, I start early....but if I don't do some of this stuff, I'm up late the night before. I'm trying to do this little by little so that it's not so bad. I was shocked to see Todd on today- and so many times! :-) Logic should have told me that Rick would be on today as the Series is in NY tonight and tomorrow- I just didn't put two & two together, LOL! This game is a *very* tight one tonght! And then Jeff was on a few times too. I was going to try to get in here yesterday to "blog" but the last couple of days have been crazy at work (LOL, what else is new. OH! I went to the eye Dr. yesterday & she said the contacts are sitting perfectly, so I was able to get checked for glasses & ordered them. I just love the frames- they're a sort of cat-eye tortoiseshell plastic frame. Um....let's see- we had an electrician come & replace our water pump on our freezer- that was pricy. I'm *such* a neatnik (I think I was telling Jen about this the other day)- it was driving me crazy having the stuff under the sink out everywhere & tools & stuff everywhere. But, like Monica on Friends, I have my 'stuff stashes' (anyone remember the closet episode where Chandler was trying to find out what was in the closet?). Got everythng back in its place today, though. :-)

Jayel-Thanks for the ratings! Although I'd have to say I don't like Larry King being up there with Shep.... I caught Todd later on that day on the repeat of Cavuto. What is it about leather jackets? They look *so* good in them! ;-P LOL- I loved the butt shot! Nope, that wasn't me- must have been somebody else bribing! ;-P I thought about sending an email but work's been so crazy I couldn't come up with a snazzy enough (at least satisfactory to me, lol) email. ROFLMAO at the image of Todd knocking at my door! Also LMAO at the image of the Fox exec thinking "HUH?" about getting emails about enjoying Todd's butt shot! I'm sooooo rooting for the Yankees (for other reasons than to see Rick tomorrow- but that's a *very* good point!). I like hottie filled weekends- makes cleaning the boat that much more entertaining, LOL! Can you believe the guy who wanted to take home a "toy" dynamite?? There are some nutty people out there for sure. I don't know if I could keep a straight face while saying that. I think that's why I like Tony Snow too- he does seem very easygoing and has a sense of humor. I wonder who will replace him on the Sunday show? I can think of one or two to nominate......you know, I read somewhere that Todd used to anchor the Fox News Live on the weekends. If not Todd, then Brian Wilson would be a good choice. I know what you mean about Rita's voice- I think she has her own show too, though so maybe it won't be her. Uhm.....I don't know about Geraldo being easier to take though. I'd like them to put someone in who isn't 'everywhere all the time'.

Leslie- You're back!! :-) I'm sorry to hear you got the flu from hell, but very glad to hear you're better again. LOL, girl, you're so funny! Jeter & Giambi, huh? It's definitely unseasonably warm here- it was around 90 here today- it should be in the 60's. AZ has been hot too- I was always saying "it's Halloween- it shouldn't still be 95 out" when I was still there- now I'm saying it here, LOL! I know it's not quite Halloween yet, but close enough ;-P

Teri-Hope your daughter's doing better! I'll try to make up some CDs in the next week or so- need to do those ones for my mom too pretty soon- so I'll do them all at once- should take no time at all with the new laptop.

Jen- I'm trying to remember what Pavano looks like- I guess I'll have to look him up since Beckett's pitching now, and the way the Yankees are going, this may be the last game. Thanks for the quote- that's the one! I can see how your favorite one may not have sounded too good at the time- especially depending on the circumstances.

Nan-LOL! Jazzy Jeff! That's good!! I *knew* someone could come up with a good name for him! ;-) I was LMAO at Rick's Shep comments. I think he snuck in there tonight. Someone must've not been paying attention to the "do not let this man in" posters. I've made it a weekly habit to watch Weekend Live on Sat. & Sun - I like Tony Snow's humor and delivery of the news. He's probably my favorite anchor because of that. I'm hoping we'll be able to pick up his show when it starts. We'll see....being in the (very) liberal Bay Area, I'm not going to hold my breath. We *do* get O'Reilly, Hannity, Rush, & Savage though, so you never know. I'm glad that at least the glasses headaches have gone away! I'm up to about 12 hours of wear time now for my contacts. I hope your hubby stays safe working in those fires! How awful- they were saying earlier today that it's up to 13,000 acres, and that they suspect arson. I think that anyone that gets off on doing this should REALLY burn somewhere else if ya'll know what I mean....I just don't understand it (which is probably a good thing, actually).

I think that catches me up.....I'll chat with ya'll later- it's the top of the 9th, Marlins 2, Yankees zip. #@%#%! I'll bet Shep is lurking around the stadium......need to go send positive winning vibes to the Yankees!

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Hey girlies!!
Been a really productive day- I've gotten through some (more) murky stuff. I just have a little bit to go, but have a really potentially murky something waiting behind the scenes, I think. GOOD news!! I'm keeping the hard lenses in now for at least 10-12 hours, and I can barely tell they're there now. I get to go in Friday to pick out some frames & get my glasses prescription figured out. :-)

Jen-YOUCH! Your TMJ sounds a lot worse than mine. I run into problems when I'm having tough foods (like steak, hard bread) or when I chew gum too much. When I have these, my jaw just feels really tight, like a rubber band that's stretched to the limit or like I have something restricting my jaw from moving much more. Oh yeah- and if I yawn too much- then it starts popping. Yep- my dentist told me about that surgery- although with mine, they'd be shaving my jaw, I think. Either way, it'd have to be wired shut for a month. Like you said, I guess that would be one way to lose weight, but obviously not my first choice! I've heard that if you press your tongue to the roof of your mouth/bottom of the upper teeth and move your bottom jaw that it can help get rid of the tension a little bit. Hope you're plowing through the papers!

Denise-LOL, I'm with ya! I haven't set my VCR all week- but I may tomorrow. Your story sounds a lot like my mornings, LOL. Also LMAO about "80's strikes back"- funny you should mention that....I decided today that I'd bring in some 80's cds: Nik Kershaw, Howard Jones, Paul Young, Tears for Fears.....yeah, I was one of *those* people (at least from 84 til I came to my senses around 1990 LOL!). Like the aforementioned disco, it's fun to pull out this stuff every so often. Oh yeah! I did get your email- I meant to reply and I noticed it's still in my 'drafts' section of my email. Once I read the Andy Rooney thing, I remembered it. That's a *good* one. ;-) You don't work at Norcal, do you? Our unit is known as the 'food unit' and it seems there's always an ice cream cake for one reason or another or krispy kremes, etc. I've been doing better at resisting (I think). LOL about the Seinfeld episode, I think I remember that one but couldn't relate to it til I started working here!

Jayel- Wow, Tony Snow's in for Rush? That's great! :-) LOL! I saw that contest on Fox too! CNN Idol, that was too funny. A F & F Calendar??? Where's the Hotties 2004 calendar?!? I agree- we're going to have to be 'louder' with our opinions of having a Fox (hottie) calendar next year. I think we're on our own to create our own 'special calendar'. Wow, how sad about the soldier who served in Iraq only to be killed after returning to CA. I have no doubt that if the SF Giants had made it into the Series (or even the Oakland A's for that matter), Adam may have covered it. He would have been the logical choice. Wow, you have the same birthday as a friend of mine- a week before mine! So that's two 11-6'rs that I know! ;-) You could have a point about the Rick/birthday thing- I wonder how the 'cat was let out of the bag' for the other Fox personalities that birthdays are known? I would imagine the anchors probably knew and then said something. We need that to happen with Rick- Shep would be a good one to do that, LOL!!

Sherry- You know what's funny, is that during the late afternoon yesterday, I actually thought it *was* Weds. until my hubby pointed out that it was Tuesday. Today *IS* Weds, though! :-) You heard right- Shep's supposed to be in Miami tonight. Look out, I think we have another hottie drought coming on......Todd & Greg have been absent as of late. Greg's probably getting resettled, but Todd's AWOL. Jeff G's been on this week here & there I think- Monday, maybe? You know, I'm back to thinking that words like "going out for lunch" are evil 'cause I'm always worried I'm going to blow it. Samantha & I are probably going Friday, hopefully there'll be something healthy (a salad sounds really good....). I really think the motivation for me (and maybe for you?) comes in when my clothes fit oh-so-better. My pants are a little better than last week, but not by much (judging what I've eaten in the last week, I shouldn't be surprised ;-P ) I'm exercising too though, which is a start. LOL, yep....pumpkin pie is a killer, point wise. What I've learned to do is use the 'pourable' eggs- they're egg whites, but it's yellow. That takes some off right there- but there's also a *lot* of sugar that goes into it too- I'm not sure of a good substitute for that. :-( Yeah, the crust is probably deadly- let me know if you find the crustless pumpkin pie.

Gotta go, I'll probably chat with ya'll tomorrow. I was going to need to get online tonight to bid on some pants, but the auction disappeared! Have any of you Ebay-ers here ever gotten a notice from whyended@ebay.com that went like this: "The following listing (yada yada yada) was removed by eBay because a member of our Verified Right Owner (VeRO) Program notified eBay that the listing potentially infringes its copyright, trademark or other rights. We strongly urge you not to complete this transaction"? I got that for one item I was going to try tonight again for, and for another that I've already won (but haven't paid on yet). I have one other one pending (ends tomorrow)- these are all sold by the same seller. I'm not sure what to do, going to have to give this some thought. When I asked the seller (before I read my email) what happened to the one ending tonight, they said "Someone bought them already. Sorry"- how could they buy them already when the auction doesn't end till today? Odd, very odd.....let me know what you gals think- I'm interested in your opinions.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Aw, bummer....I didn't set the VCR today. I was going to set it tomorrow "just in case" Rick may be reporting from FL. I'm sure they'll probably have Orlando Salinas reporting since he's down there though....

Sherry-16.6 lbs!! Way to go, girl!! I'm, uh...cheating right now. Actually I did yesterday too, but I *did* exercise & I'm going to try to today as well. I'm having a liquid lunch- a "Pumpkin Smash" smoothie from Jamba Juice. I'm entering the dangerous months for me- I just absolutely *LOVE* pumpkin stuff- bread, pies, smoothies....It was nice, 'cause I really needed it today (one of those days). I'll work it off. I always found that I knew I was losing by the way my clothes were fitting. I think I need to do better. ;-P

Jayel-Thanks for the alert (even though I didn't set the vcr- D'oh!) I'm glad to see Rick's getting more stories, even if it may only be for the time being. I'm also glad that Adam's back (YAY for Sherry! ;-))

Did any of you gals watch Joe Millionaire last night? I loved it last time, so I'm suckered in for round 2. Holy cow.....I now know the difference between American gals & European gals. I've had German exchange students stay with me when I was in high school, but...I don't remember them acting quite that way. Maybe I just didn't know them well enough. ;-P

OK- gotta go, chat with ya'll later!
Hey gals!
I never got a chance yesterday to get back in here to finish. Yesterday was a hellish eye day- I've never had so many people ask me if I'm alright- they said my eyes were all red. I was also really photosensitive- I'm not sure what's going on, but I hope it goes away soon. Looking at 'em last night, they seemed swollen or something so I put an ice pack on my eyes and lots of allergy drops. And took another Benadryl. I couldn't see very well last night (at least focusing anyway) and I took my lenses out at 2, so I didn't do much of anything last night except watch tv. Oh! I *did* exercise though! :-) Today I tried putting the soft lenses in & they're blurry, but I put the hard ones in and I can see- I may be adjusting sight-wise to the hard lenses. I need to break down the time I have them in, but I need to be able to see too.....hubby thinks I just left them in too long this weekend and yesterday, or that I got something (soap) in my eyes. I'm going to try these for awhile- I've just got too much to do and *really* need to be able to see....

Jen- I popped into my email last night and read your email, but that's about all I could do- I'll probably reply tomorrow. **Good luck vibes** for those mid-terms! :-) LOL- nice save with saying "Yay Derek Jeter is on TV"! Where *is* Leslie, anyway?? Do we need to send 'Dog' out to find her, too??

AH-Yeah, I saw the bit with Rick & Robin Williams- that was pretty good. I was also laughing about the press badge. You can really tell when he's having fun with one of the (fun) stories. His coverage of the Series was great.

Teri- You know what I need is one of those days where I just read all day long....that's soooo nice & comforting to do. Unfortunately I never seem to allow myself to do that (it's hard for me to 'sit still' unless I have the computer up, LOL!). What did you think of the Connemara perfume sample? I *love* that stuff! I'll burn some Altan for ya when I'm working on my mom's stuff. Now that I have a CD-RW built into the laptop, it'll (hopefully) be that much easier. If you like Irish music, you'll like 'em. Rick sure is good at dodging the 'birthday question bullet', isn't he??

Denise- We were about to send 'Dog' after you, too! Now if we can just get Leslie & Melissa....and any others I may have left out! Oh, no- jaw surgery? What for (if you don't mind me asking)? Is it TMJ? They told me before that I have it, but maybe it's not bad enough to warrant surgery. "and then there was the week or so where all I wanted to do was get home from work and lie on the couch to watch tv. anyone else have that exprience??" <----- all the time!! ;-) Definitely last week.....fortunately this past weekend made up for it.

Jayel- LOL, for some reason I've *really* gotten into baseball in the last two years. I guess it finally grew on me. The spitting is definitely gross- I think it's a 'guy thing'.....unless you're in SF, I've seen women do that too- mainly in Chinatown. Very disgusting. I just barely caught the Rick & Geraldo thing- in fact, I think I turned it on while they were talking. That would be awesome for the prime-timers to have the hotties on- for the exposure & also that I'd get to see them! ;-) You're a Scorpio too? When is your birthday? Mine's 11/13. I think that's what I really liked about Rick's report during the weekend- his personality really came through, I thought. LMAO- I'm sorry, but everytime I hear "David Lee Miller", the serial killer name comment always creeps into my mind and I have to laugh (and then I feel terrible, lol). I think you're right- it seemed like it was a hottiefree day yesterday.

Sherry- I think I meant to reply to you before, and since things have been spastic sporatic, I don't think I did..... The laptop is SO nice. It's a Compaq 2568 CL (I believe). I know it's in the 2500 series. It's so much quicker- to give an idea, I started both up at the same time and had gotten into two sites on the new one before the old one was even ready to do *anything* on. I went from 64MB to 512MB. I'm pretty much sold on Compaq. My dad had a rough experience with them, but I've been lucky so far. Yeah....we need more full body shots of the guys! ;-)

Nan- Yep- the new software is almost impossible to compare with the old. I couldn't believe how easy it was to save & import my settings using only 3 floppys. I think I do better than some technology wise but will be the first to admit that I would have a *long, long* way to go still.

OK- gotta get to work. I *think* that brings me up to date- if I missed anyone, I apologize! Talk to ya'll later!

Monday, October 20, 2003

Hey Gals!
Did everyone have a good or at least decent weekend? I'm still working on getting the new laptop fixed up. One thing that really saved me a lot of time was a wizard thing that helps you save your settings & files. The only thing I wished is that I had a choice (and maybe I did, but just glossed over it) as to what I wanted & what I didn't. I have that "Comet Cursor" and it's more like a "Comet Curse" sometimes- and once you have it, it's difficult to uninstall it. I still have files on the old system that I just need to save to CD as well as programs to save on CD- will probably do that this weekend. I will also need to add some stuff to the new system (wallpapers from the old system & fonts). I may do that tonight. I also need to load my photo software & the scanner. LOL, I found out my old laptop is a 64MB- this new one is a 512MB. No wonder it was so slow! ;-) It's still good, though and we're going to use it for the navigation software. He's been wanting to do that for months, but I was always afraid of how little space would be left when it was loaded. Not anymore! :-) Saw Rick quite a few times this weekend- that was sure nice for a change, as usually he's on during the week when I'm not home. He looked like he was really having a good time covering the Series. I can't remember when I wrote last- the last 3 days have been a blur. Friday afternoon was lovely (sorta sarcastic)- nothing like getting 5 apps in and *of course* they need coverage approved for Saturday. Let's just say I got a bit blunt and said, "um....you know? NO." I've had too much of that as of late, so it's become a sore spot. My motto? "Tough doo-doo". I've always been too much of a "yes" person & not enough of a "no" person...I think they call that a *pushover*. I'm going to start pushing BACK. Anyway....

I just had to email Rick after the Yankees beat the Red Sox. Basically I said, "Well, I should say "congrats" on the Yankees winning the Championship and
going to the World Series; I will be rooting for them (*someone* needs to
ruthlessly beat the darn Marlins!). It appears that the Curses (Bambino and
billygoat) for the Red Sox & the Cubs respectively; but I must say they put
up quite a battle. Best of luck to the Yankees- go net those Marlins! Come
to think of it, it must have been that 27 cents you added to the Babe's
tombstone... ;-)". To which he replied, "what an incredible game 7! and a great series. hope the marlins at least make it interesting...
and yes, i take FULL CREDIT. it WAS the 27 cents! unless they lose. then
i have nothing to do with it." What a humorous response- I was LMAO.

Teri-Did you get the envelope? Hope so! I think we should make Rick an honorary Scorpio! ;-) (of course this has nothing to do with me being one, LOL!).

Ellen-LOL at the email! ;-) Yay! I'm glad you're getting back to the computer world again (i.e., away from web tv). What kind did you order? That's great that you'll be able to eventually become more involved in the blog! :-)

Jayel-LMAO at the analogy! YEAH! I'm going to definitely try to think of it that way since it *will* make me laugh, or at least smile. These guys definitely look good in leather jackets- Rick wore on on, um....I think Sunday? I'm confused today. LOL, either that or I'm just not used to catching so much of him in one weekend! I know what you mean about Geraldo- there *was* one positive Geraldo thing this weekend and that was at the end of his Saturday show, he had Rick on live at the Series. Geraldo joked around with him and mentioned that covering the Series must be better than getting shot at. It was a nice little conversation- of course nothing like Shep & Rick but then again, what is? Wow, Greg moving to DC, huh? That's a *definite* promotion. Yep- I'd love to see one of the guys fill in on Fox & Friends- that'd be worth getting up at 3:00 or at least 4:00 for. LOL about the O'Reilly comment about jeans & t-shirts! ;-)

Well, gotta get to work, will catch up later at lunch. (still have Friday evening's posts & the weekend's to read). Have a good one!

Saturday, October 18, 2003

Rick's on again! : ) Oh, happy day!!! I got to see Rick & I got a new laptop!! I'm so excited!! I saw Jeff on a couple of times earlier too. I missed Rick the first time around (I assume it was about 11:00 my time)- I think that was when we went to the storage unit & to Costco. I'll catch up later- I need to disconnect my DSL so I can configure the new one....wish me luck. The internet thing is the only that makes me nervous with transferring to another laptop. It was hard enough getting it set up on this one.

EDIT: OMG! This was SO easy!! When I hooked up to the internet before on the old laptop, I was on the phone for 3 hours! This time it was all of 10 minutes! OMG, I'm soooo relieved. I guess that tells me how old the other laptop is- it is sooo much easier to connect on here than on the other. OK- gotta start bringing stuff over from the other one & install my MS office software. I'll check in later. Oh yeah! Rick was just on again! :-)

Friday, October 17, 2003

Well, bummer.....Red Sox lost. So, I guess for those who truly believe in the curses, they're both still active. NYC will be rowdy tonight, I'll bet there's a lot of people calling in sick tomorrow! Hmm... Shep? Rick?

Sherry-Congrats on the 90 on your test!! :-) Happy Dance for Sherry! That's gotta be a relief! I was really irritated about the guy who caught the ball, but the more I'm hearing people are really out to get him, I feel more & more sorry for him. I was bummed, but there is no reason for people to do what they're doing to the guy. About the job...yeah, I'm just looking forward to my vacation and also "keeping my eye on the prize"- i.e., only a little more than 5 years to go. I'm really trying to think that it's just one of those weeks, and that next week will be better. It's got to be. I also think that once they get me away from Ms. Negative, it will improve immensely (sp?)- I do believe that has a lot to do with it at times. Some people are just difficult to tune out, I guess, and this chick is one of them. Wow, Hot Toddie was on Greta's show too, huh? That's just so odd for him to be on the later shows, but it's really nice to know that maybe he won't be a stranger to them. Mmmm....love that leather jacket! I *love* the stuff I got- I hope a couple of them aren't too small ;-P I got an XL girly Fox & Friends shirt and it still looks like it might be snug- but you know, I have a lousy sense of knowing how something fits by looking at it- I always have to try it on to know for sure. I'm often surprised (in a good way), which is nice. Geraldo....what is up with that??? Why can't the guys get & keep a story without him horning in? I haven't seen Adam since the recall I think....we'd better send 'Dog' out to find him. Have a great time at your parent's!

Jan- LOL at the CUBS WHEN? thing! My mom was a huge Cubs fan, and was watching them play in the playoffs. It's funny, she used to watch baseball all the time but rarely watches baseball now, and it took me 30 years to get into it. The only press I've heard about the guy who caught the ball has been on Fox. Like I said above, I think people are going too far with making him feel bad- I was mad at first, but you know- in the end, it *is* just a game and when people are making threats, that's just going *too* far. To do what they did by printing his name & where he works- that is definitely wrong. I wish I'd caught "Halloween Rick"- bummer! Sounds like you missed him as well. Thanks for the sympathy too about my job from hell. I definitely tend to internalize them and then all of a sudden, I kinda blow up. The underwriter I work with is great- she used to be an associate underwriter like me, but she was offered the underwriter position and took it (I wouldn't take it for *anything*- I'm staying where I am, lol!). She is just always so calm and lets things roll off her like nothing. She's an inspiration to me, and has been for the last year & a half that I've been there (it'll be 3 yrs in January). I'm always thinking, how could I have handled this differently? I'm learning, slowly but surely. That's what I really like about our group here too, is that we can rant and get it off our chests. I love the support we give each other! :-) **HUGS**! I wonder if Shep will be in tomorrow (considering that he mentioned Rick's party, and assuming it was a Yankees party & the Yankees won (finally) after midnight...LOL!)

Jayel-Thanks for the descriptions of the stuff I missed- it at least gave me an idea of what they looked like. I agree with Jan- Rick's suit on Weds. sounds very Halloween/Fall like. Why, oh why is that just when one of our guys gets a story that Geraldo swoops in? Oh well! As above, it was refreshing to hear that Todd was on H & C and also on Greta's show. Wish they'd do that more often.

Hey, has anyone reminded TPTB at Fox that a calendar would be a smart marketing tool? Could be time to remind them, although time's quickly running out.

OK- time for bed, I'll chat with ya'll tomorrow. Will really try to be on AIM tomorrow too. ;-P

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Hey gals!
Day's looking up- I've gotten a bit out this afternoon. A coworker coaxed me out for lunch & it was nice. It's been awhile. I was telling her about my frustrations with a certain person & she completely understood (I think everyone here does, actually, but she's one of about two people here at work that I really trust). It was nice to get it off my chest. I was going back through the posts again from yesterday & it dawned on me (duh!) that I did see Todd on Fox Report yesterday afternoon- I got home in time to see him, but not Rick. Todd looks good in the leather jacket. :-) I should have watched H & C last night, but I was dead set on watching the game...oh....yeah...now I remember. I sacrificed Fox Report (from about 4:40 on) for the game. Maybe that's why I missed Rick- doh!

What's this I hear about an invitation? Dang, why do our invitations always get lost? I triple dog dare someone to email Rick and ask where our invites are. **JUST KIDDING** You know, I'll really LMAO if the Yankees lose. But I *do* have to say that if they do win, I'm rooting for them. At this point I want SOMEONE to beat the Marlins. I feel so bad for all the Cubby fans. I know the guy who reached out for the ball meant no harm, but I think it all went downhill after that, and I really wonder how different it would have been if that hadn't happened. Mancow sure was bummed this morning on F & F.

Some good news- I got the stuff I ordered from the FoxShop today! :) I got some mugs, a F & F plaid sleep shirt & some tees.

OK- gotta get ready to go home. I'll 'talk' to you gals later.
Hey gals....
Aw crap- I didn't check the blog last night and assumed that the hotties (save for Jeff) were absent yesterday so I'm taping over yesterday's stuff.....*sigh* Oh well- it's par for the course for this week and there's nothing I can do about it now. They'll be on again! :-P I sacrifieced H & C for the Cubs/Marlins game. I guess I should have watched H & C knowing the turnout now of the game.

You know what's scary about that ferry accident is that I can also choose to take the ferry from San Rafael to SF (esp. now since I've found out this week that the bus I normally take to the City when Kevin's off has more or less been axed). I already know of one thing that can happen as it's happened to us: a mechanic working on it before we brought it up from San Diego accidentally dropped a bolt in the engine area. Well, that little bolt caused the shifter (I think) to jam and Kevin couldn't stop the boat & the bowsprit ended up on the dock (in San Diego). It was deemed safe so they started out. Had to pull into Santa Barbara because the bowsprit was busted- they could have lost a lot of rigging, not to mention their lives (as the weather was being difficult on top of all that). I went to work tallying up all the reasons to back up a $35,000 insurance claim (which was settled) to pay us back for the docking fees in Santa Barbara, the empty dock fees we were paying in San Rafael, the rent of our house that we wouldn't of had to keep renting, and the repairing of the bowsprit. So, who knows what the Ferry accident was due to- could be sleep deprivation, alcohol, drugs, or a mechanical error. I saw that and the first thing I thought of was what happened to Kevin.

AAAAARRRRRRRGGGHHHH I'm so frustrated this week with people at work. I'm seriously holding myself back from throttling someone. People who think they are God's gift to *whatever* drive me crazy. Oh yes, and she never admits she's wrong- when she is quite often. Thank God Friday is tomorrow. Anyway, a particular someone is already climbing down my throat so I need to get to work. I'll check in at lunch, if I get one.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Hey gals!
I finally have a few minutes to post! I think I've given all I can give in the last few days. I think I lost myself along the line somewhere, so if anyone finds me, PLEASE let me know. ;-P I thought I really had a chance of seriously maiming people yesterday- thisclose. I think I'm past 'tying my shoes'- I've moved to the next step. Blunt & sarcastic, taking no prisoners. I'm at that point that I know I'm going to PO someone, so it doesn't matter whose apps, changes, etc sit- I can't do them all at once. But, I'm also at that point where I'm really frustrated because all I've heard is you aren't doing this, this isn't right, this shouldn't have been held so long, etc. I *know* that probably 70% is out of my control, so I try to let it roll off. It just makes one feel so downgraded and insulted, I guess. Well, if they don't like it they can take a hike; I'm out of answers- deal with it. ;-) Geez, has it really been since *Sunday* that I've posted??? That's a record for me.

Even though I subscribe to Cosmo, I broke down & bought the newsstand copy 'cause I was so curious (and heaven forbid if the USPS loses the Nov. issue....). It was....interesting. Not what I would've expected Greg to say.

AH-Isn't his birthday in December?? I can't remember- I thought I saw that somewhere, but forget where now. I thought he was a year younger than me (I'll be 35 in November).

Jayel-LOL- you said it well about Greg's comments in the article! It's good to know he has a fun side. Figured it had to be in him somewhere. Other than Jeff G., it's been a slow hottie week. I saw the repeat of the Cavuto show with the psychiatrist- what a lame brain & YAY for Neil for standing up to her. The woman was a true idiot. I like that idea of a Shep & Rick spot (ala Dennis Miller) once a week.

Nan- I second you on Sherry's success- she's a great inspiration! :-) LOL- guys and their movies! We have our "chick flicks" guys have their "guy flicks" I guess, huh! Don't feel guilty about my organizing- I still have five-fold the amount that I actually got done this weekend, LOL! I have more in store this weekend...and next....and next. ;-P

Sherry-CONGRATS ON THE WT. LOSS!! :-) Excellent! You ARE an inspiration. I think I'm stuck on a plateau or not paying enough attn to what I'm eating. I am journaling again though, and that always helps me stay more on track. Doesn't it always seem to be the case when they let you take one page of notes that you end up feeling like it didn't help at all? I don't think that ever worked too well- I think it's a professor conspiracy ;-P Good Luck on your exam tomorrow! Yep- alcohol is a perfect example of empty calories. I make myself choose between the wine & dessert (at least with ice cream I get the calcium benefit, lol!). Keep motivated and if you ever need that boost, email away!

Teri-Hey girlie! I sent you a large envelope today with some pix & a 'pithy' *not* letter! ;-P

Gotta go- running late as usual. I'll check in later- have a good one!

Sunday, October 12, 2003

Hey gals! I'm finally getting around to posting this weekend- this is actually the first time I've turned on the computer this weekend. I went through and boxed up some books for storage and reorganized some stuff. I feel like I only got 1/4 of the way done; I have so much left to do but I got 4 boxes of books (these are like paper boxes) and two boxes of latch hook and other needlework crafts that I will work on later. He's lucky enough to get the day off tomorrow (Columbus Day) so he's going to take them over to the storage unit tomorrow. I watched 2 out of 3 of my tapes from the week; Rick & Shep were so funny on Studio B on Friday! The Cubs lost today :-( Better luck Tuesday, I guess. It's official: I'm super sick & tired of hearing about the Kobe case.

Teri- Actually you could only see the upper pocket area of Rick's jeans- not a full shot. They've had other segments though where he's wearing jeans though.....I'm tellin' ya, satellite's the way to go! ;-)

Jayel- You're welcome for the Rick alert! ;-) It looks like he made a few appearances that day- now watch it'll probably be another week before we see him again. LOL, I saw that billboard segment on Fox & Friends- that was just too funny. I hope Rush is able to break his dependency too. Like my hubby said, the libs will probably make a big deal out of it just because he's a conservative. Like *they've* never had people with dependencies....it's really a shame that they just can't leave him alone. Now that you mention it, I was wondering about the whole "boss" comment too. When I heard it, I thought he was just joking around, maybe some inside joke between them. That was such a good segment- had to rewind and rewatch a couple of times. I agree with what you said about Jeff Goldblatt. Maybe they'll give more to him to cover as well.

Nan- I *love* having cereal for dinner- even if my hubby thinks I'm crazy for it. I think I ate half a box of Lucky Charms once as a sort of 'comfort food'. My all time favorite comfort cereal though is cream of wheat with brown sugar. I'd love to have the Cubs & the Red Sox in there, but I'm not sure how likely that is. Wow, sounds like Amber & I were there at SFSU about the same time- I started in Spring 1996, but didn't change my major to English/Creative Writing until Fall 1997. She probably has Pete Wilson's stamped signature on her diploma; I'm pretty sure Davis came to office in 1998. That's cool that your son will have Ahnold's on his! ;-) I agree- Rush will be in our prayers too.

Sherry-Congrats on sticking to your diet & Curves! :-) LOL- girl, you read my mind on that jeans camera shot....I was like, "keep going! what's wrong with you?!? Keep going!!" LOL! I kept rewinding to see if I missed something....I didn't but the camera man did, LOL! Good luck on the midterms- I'm sure you'll do great! OMG- Greg's in the Nov. Cosmo?? I haven't rec'd my issue in the mail yet- should be anytime soon. I just went through October's I think....when I saw your post I had a slightly anxious thought that I went through November's and completely missed it. **whew** Glad that wasn't the case. That's so cool that he got picked! Good for you that you didn't eat anything! If I remember correctly, lite beer is less points than red wine. Unfortunately I just don't like beer- I've tried it time and again, but it doesn't take. You *should* feel good about being 'good' at the party! That's willpower!

Jan- The "Girls Weekend" sounded fun- that's a great idea and tradition. Glad you had a great time! I think most of my blood related family members are girls too, now that I think about it. The pocket thing was on Fox Report on Thursday- he was talking about the "curse of the Bambino" & reached into his pocket for 27 cents to put on Babe's grave. I'm pulling for the Cubbies too- I take it you saw that game yesterday (Saturday)? Wow, what a game. I was so disappointed with how they did today, but will keep my fingers crossed for Tuesday. You know, I was thinking the other day how approachable Rick has been, and as you said "so eager to please us LevenGals"- that's so true! Sometimes I think he's surprised that he has fans, LOL.

Leslie- I survived, but wow.....Friday was great (even if I just saw the coverage today). Where *is* Melissa??? I hope things get better with Roy's job; that's scary when it gets to that point. I always find that somehow we land on our feet too. Hang in there, we're all thinking & praying for you. That was so funny when Shep was talking about what Red Sox fans would be miserable about for the rest of their lives if they won. I'm pulling for them though- even though our Fox guys are rooting for the Yankees. Dry cereal could be good to snack on.....but it's not the same without milk. ;-) LOL, LevenHussy! Where do I sign up?? Any room for ToddHussies too? Or would that be ConnorHussies? Swooning definately sounds better than hyperventilating. Good analogy.

Jen- I hope your inept MD figures out what's going on & soon! Is it too late to get a 2nd opinion? Do you have to stay with this same MD? They should be able to tell you or help you as to why you can't eat w/o becoming ill afterwards. I wish there was something we could do to make you better! You've been in my prayers, and prayer is powerful stuff. I haven't checked my email yet (since Friday), so maybe you've explained the dream more- but girlie you have my curiosity up now! LOL! Was Todd or Rick the Fox reporter? ;-P Don't worry about leaving an away message on Friday! I wish I wasn't "away" on Friday- it wasn't planned that way. Friday was more like a Monday to me- rushing around & stuff. I kept thinking, "aren't Fridays supposed to be more calm than this?" My manager *did* buy an ice cream cake for us (just for fun) though- and despite the temporary insanity (throwing the diet out the window), it hit the spot.

Well, I gotta check email yet & also the status on the mis-zipcoded order. I guess I'm going to have to try to beg & plead with UPS to deliver to the 94111 zip code instead. :-/ Ya'll have a good one!

Friday, October 10, 2003

Leslie- OMG- I'm absolutely ROFLMAO with tears in my eyes!! (And yes, people are looking at me very oddly....) "slid his hand into his jeans pocket.....this very loud thud.....LevenGals swooning and hitting the ground simultaneously" LMAO!!! What a hysterical image! (And probably some grain of truth to it!) So he *was* wearing jeans then.....I thought so but *gasp :-O* couldn't remember. Girl, you and me both- the last few baseball seasons I've been watching more than I ever thought I would. My mom used to really like baseball, but now she never watches. I used to make her mad (not intentionally, really!) by saying that I wanted the "blue team" (Dodgers) to win when they were playing her beloved Reds. Hey, I liked blue better than red, I was in first grade, what can I say? ;-P I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to see a WS with the Cubs & the Red Sox. That's what I was telling Kevin last night, is that it would be a great series to have them play. No offense to Yankee fans (and Shep, Rick, etc.), but they've been there a lot it seems. I agree- a Boston-Chicago matchup is a better one.
Hey girls!
The Blue Angels were practicing as we were driving home- it was so cool, to say the least. Good thing Kevin was driving, 'cause I was looking in all angles out the windows. We were on the way to the bridge, which gave a perfect view of the Bay and the Angels flying over. The *best* though was when we were just about at the bridge (there's a curve and then you're looking dead-on to the bridge) and all of a sudden, all of them flew over the toll area of the bridge- they were so low! It was great! There are trees on either side of the roadway, and the bridge was straight ahead- the trees gave a perfect frame for the Angels, not to mention it caught us offguard even more. Both Kevin & I said "Whoa, did you see that?!"

I had the VCR going yesterday, but as luck would have it they repeated Fox Report at 10:00 and was able to catch Rick's story just before crashing. We spared ourselves the torment of Target yesterday & just did the Costco thing. I really like Target, but as we were nearing the end of our Costco run, I remembered how short on patience I was. I longingly looked at a new Compaq laptop over there- I was really surprised to see that it had nearly the same specs (the basics were exactly the same) as a desktop model. It's very tempting. Weight Watchers, I have sinned- I had 3 pieces of pizza last night- but enjoyed every bite. I'll be better today. It's my one fall from (food) grace that I've had this week, so that's OK- guess I used my flex points on the pizza! ;-)

I goofed yesterday- let's just say it was kind of one of those 'off' days we all get every once in awhile. Remember before, when I'd asked Rick for the photo, and thought it got lost in the mail so I had him re-send to my work address & I gave the PO zip instead of my work zip?? I did the same thing yesterday when I placed an online order through Kohl's. I saw after I'd gotten the confirmation email and immediately tried calling them- she said she'd see that the shipping dept got the correct zip and would call to confirm. I don't have any messages, so I may have to try again today. Dangit, I hate when I do stupid stupid stuff like that.

Sherry- You're welcome! If I find other websites I'll let you know- a lot of times the places I'm looking for latch hook kits also have other craft related items. Rick looked great on there- it's funny, I guess it *has* been awhile since he's been reporting, huh! Time flies, especially at this time of year.

Nan-I thought that's what Shep said, "Tricky Ricky" LOL! I had the TV down as Kevin was already asleep. I agree, he did look very relaxed. It's funny that you say that your step-daughter moved to SF to go to SFSU and never left. That's part of the reason I came up here too. I really liked the campus but didn't realize just really how liberal it was. Plus....in my 'younger days' I thought I was 'liberal'. *eek!* It hurt to type that. I think I was always conservative, but just didn't know it- my views were but no one ever bothered to tell me that till Kevin did about 7 years ago. I really liked the campus there at SFSU though and despite the liberal agenda that was constantly attempted to be shoved down my throat, I have no regrets. My only regret was that Nancy Pelosi spoke at my graduation and I have Davis's stamped signature on my diploma. Can I get a recall? LOL!! I want Arnold's stamped signature on my diploma! I guess all us grads can say, "hey, we have the recalled governor's signature on our diplomas!" Um...OK. So maybe that's not a really good claim to fame or whatever one wants to call it. It *is* funny, though. When did your step-daughter graduate?

Off to work! I'll try to be on AIM today- I have something that I have to work with my supervisor on with during today, so I may be away for a bit. I'll try to remember to put my away message up if I'm going to be away. Have a great FRIDAY everyone!! :-)

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Teri! How wonderful!! :-) Like I said, he definitely takes the time & is very thoughtful! So did you reply to the first one (that asked ifyou'd received it already)? That must've made your eyes pop out I bet! ;-) LOL, you know what I just noticed..... he wrote "all my best" instead of "all the best"- how *sweet* is *that*??? That's so cool!! ;-D **happy dance for Teri**!!

EDIT: Future Rick alert! I sent him an email to thank him for sending the photo to Teri (I'd sent one for her before since she was internet-less) and thought I should thank him just to let him know I appreciate it, just in case his sending was due to my asking him to (OK- having a hard time with words- it's afternoon & I'm pooped. Just thought it made sense to thank him)....anyway, to make a long convoluted (sp?) story short, he replied back and said that he's doing a piece tonight on the "curse of the Bambino", and will also be doing live shots tomorrow. Just wanted to give ya'll a quick heads up before I left work. I'm assuming that by "tonight" that it's on Fox Report.
Hey Girlies!
Nothing quite like hearing the Blue Angels fly over your workplace! ;-) I always think it's pretty cool when they do that, but it makes others nervous. Fleet Week always reminds me of when I moved up here- to which, yesterday marks my 9th year being here in CA/Bay Area (10/8/94). Good grief, I can't believe it's been that long! I mean I *really* can't believe it's been that long.....As much as the political climate drives me bonkers here, I still walk around downtown thinking, "Wow, I can't believe I live here now" (in a GOOD way!). FW also reminds me of when Kevin & I were first really dating.

WHOA!!! There were like more than one that just went by and it was LOUD! ;-) I *really* should go to lunch & watch them- I think if they're practicing tomorrow I will (since it's probably too late now). I'd like to come into the City this weekend, but there's just *so many* people there, and they're all crammed into this tiny area of town (for those of you that may be familiar, usually down at the Marina Green, Aquatic Park area by the Cable Car turnaround, and to Pier 39 in general). We went in 1997 I think. It was cool when I worked down in that area (Hyde & Beach Sts- could see the Cable Car turnaround, the bay, & the Golden Gate from our office windows) since I could go out at lunch and really get to watch them practice.

Teri-I'm so excited that you got the photo! In a way I'm surprised that it wasn't preceded by an email- it just showed up out of the blue. That was nice that he didn't rub it in by saying "Thanks for watching" when you don't have FNC- he's someone who really takes time and is thoughtful. It was great talking to you too! Hope you're feeling better- look at it this way, you're probably all set for winter- you've done your time for the cold season! *Definitely* keep us posted if you get a reply due to the note & Ah-nold currency.

Jayel- Bummer! I wish Shep was up there with H & C in the ratings. BUT....at least they're all around higher than CNN & (P)MSNBC! ;-) Good grief (as Shep likes to say)- MTV's Nick & Jessica was 3.1, LOL! I thought it was funny that I couldn't remember the women who covered the election- you're right, they're definitely competent, but other than the ones I see all the time and recognize (Laurie and Rita for two), they don't stand out much to me. Jeff G. was on Fox Report yesterday reporting about school sports programs and how parents are having to pay for their kids' sporting activities. I believe he was in IL.

Sherry-LOL- I just read your post after telling Jayel about what Jeff G was reporting on. He was looking cute....he's kinda growing on me too, but Rick & Todd are still my top two favorites. It's so funny, whenever I see Adam on, I always think, "Ooh- I hope Sherry's watching!" Did you ever get your photo from Rick? I'm trying to remember now if he emailed you and asked if he sent you one, or if you tried him again after I got mine....Sounds like he's back in town, so you may want to try again. Hopefully Adam will send one to ya too. That'd be great!
EDIT: I found a place online that has scrapbooking stuff too as well as general crafts- herrschners. I ordered (naturally) a couple of latch hooks from there just recently and requested a catalogue today. Thought you may be interested. ;-)

So.....well I need to go heat up my lunch. (Cooked) Frozen Peas and Garlic & Vegetable instant Rice Noodle Soup (Thai Kitchen- soooo good!). I'll check in later before I go home. Need to drop off the contacts (again) and make a Costco/Target run on the way home. That counts as exercise, right?! LOL

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Hey Gals!
Just a few quick notes about the recall- YAY for one! Even if whom we voted for didn't get in (McClintock), I think he made a good impression and may have a better chance next time or maybe Ah-nold will find a place for him. I'd have liked to see Prop 54 pass, but knew from the get-go that it wouldn't. Something funny occurred to me last night while watching Fox's coverage. Adam had the creme de la creme of scenes to cover- Arnold. Poor William La Jeunesse got stuck with Davis, and the two others (forgot their names- both women though I believe) got McClintock & Bustamante. I had to laugh that I could see them bidding on who got stuck reporting on which candidate- Adam lucked out and William and one of the gals must've gotten the short end of the stick getting stuck with Davis & Bustamante LOL! I could see Adam jumping for joy and William saying, "oh, crap." LOL! Adam was on *a lot* last night! :-) Another observation- it's only 7:00 AM, and I'm already hearing grumbling around here about who won ;-) BWAH HA HA HA HA HAAAAAA..... I just *love* it! Nothing like walking around with a smug smile on your face- talk about empowerment!


Sherry-You definitely got a lot of "Adam opportunities" last night! I'm hoping he will still continue to follow Arnold's progress. The Toys for Tots and Scrapbooking Crop sounds great. One of these days we'll find out what Rick's b-day is....but we'll probably have to be patient. ;-P

Jayel- It's definitely thrilling to get a reply. I'm going to send another one once there's a story that I really connect with- I think the best emails come out of things like that. Very true- if Todd replied once, he's sure to do it again. ;-)

Jan- I think the reporters do get frustrated by stuff happening after they leave. LOL about Rick being the answer to the world's problems- maybe he can come out here to CA & fix the illegal situation? ;-P LOL! I was bummed that the Marlins beat the Cubs (even if it's only game one of five). They'd better kick the Marlins' butts! What an interesting curse- I hadn't heard that before. Wouldn't it just be wild if these 'curses' were true blue? I'm sure it's more that it's in the backs of peoples' minds so it affects things that way rather than being an actual curse. (LOL, does that make sense? It's early yet & only 5 hours of sleep.) I like that though- "The Goat Curse"

Teri- Hey- I got your voicemail!! :-) I'll try ya this afternoon.

Gotta get to work- talk to ya'll later. Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Hey gals! Our big day is here in CA! We did absentee ballots, so ours are already in. I have my Fox News Ticker going so I can see during the day how it's going. Our A's didn't make it- I was so on edge last night watching the bottom of the 9th. Talk about a "gimme"- 3 bases loaded & they couldn't bring one in to tie the game. LOL, I guess that's why I'm a (SF) Giants fan- although they didn't make it either :-( Maybe next year. I'm not sure who I'm going to root for now. For now, it'll be the Cubs- I want them to pummel the Marlins (who beat the Giants), and probably the Yankees (who beat the A's). After that, we'll see. I'm not sure who all is left- Yankees, Red Sox, Cubs, Marlins, is there anyone else I'm missing? I'm a newbie baseball follower so some of the playoff/wild card team stuff kinda throws me for a loop sometimes.

a h- I'm not sure if he was on or not yesterday- didn't get a chance to view my tape yet. Sometimes he's on as I'm leaving for work (at the beginning of Fox News Live), but I don't remember off hand seeing him yesterday.

Jen-Hope you're doing well, I'll have AIM up, but I may have my away message on sometimes. I hope you're feeling better today!

Jayel-Yeah, I thought about sending a "Happy Birthday" email, but for some reason, I feel funny doing that. Now, if we knew what Rick's b-day was, I'd have no problem- he just seems more approachable that way. I took a look again at what I wrote before to Todd & I basically said he was doing a great job (unfortunately, I didn't have any stories to comment on at that time- should have waited for the TX vegetarian landlord story- THEN I would have had something to say...) and then just said "I was wondering if you send autographed photos (as I know others there at Fox News have done), and if you could send one?" That was pretty much it- it was actually a pretty "pithy" email as Bill O. would say. Regrettably (in the sense that if I didn't, that may explain why there's been no reply), I did do the email address correctly. LOL, I should have sent it with delivery confirmation or return receipt (Outlook has these options). I may just try again later on, when I have something substantial to say (which is not right now, lol). LOL, that's true- Todd rarely wears ties. I think sometimes that ties to guys are like pantyhose to gals. I *loathe* pantyhose and *never* wear them. Tights are OK though for some reason. Must be an aesthetic thing- the way the fabric feels. Thanks for the update that he was on a few times :-) I used a different tape for today- although I'm sure much of the coverage will be about the CA recall. Lots of Adam today! ;-)

Well, gotta get to work. I'll be on AIM today, however sporadically. We have one of the brokers coming in at 11:00, so my away msg may be on. My AIM name is: GuinnevereONeill. Ya'll have a good one!

Monday, October 06, 2003

OMG! Jayel! OK, girl, I want to know your secret- I guess I didn't say the magic words before, LOL! I may be recruiting you to ask him for a signed photo for me. My birthday's coming up in about a month & a week.....*hint hint* LOL
Hey Gals! :)
I haven't posted since Friday- this may be a record for me, LOL! I don't know if Fox has mentioned it today (esp. since Todd's been on) but I know from the FNCC site that it's his b-day today- so Happy Birthday Todd! Anyway... eyes are doing OK, even going 2 to 3 days w/o my contacts didn't help too much- I'm going to try again later. I have the old lenses in now. I think allergies are cropping up again a little (lots of people here have mentioned how itchy their eyes are), so that may be it too.

Jayel- Thanks for forwarding the video! I haven't had a chance to view it yet (eyes & all) but I will this week. :-) You ought to send Rick an email- I've found that he's the easiest to email to, and he generally replies (depending I guess on what's on his plate). "(Otherwise, they might send somebody that we don't care about. Using admirable self-control and not naming any names here.)" LOL- and who might that be??? J/K- I know. I assume that their email addresses must all be the same format, but still no reply from Todd. I know, huh- Todd's personality is a total mystery! I saw a still photo of Greg Burke this weekend on Fox. I don't think it was a great one; I think I'll have to wait to see him live to see him better. LOL- it looked like Greg wore the same dark shirt the last 3 days. I like the lighter and brighter colors on him. Thanks for the Hot Toddie alert! I'm going to have to check the tape tonight :-)

Sherry- How did the scrapbooking crop go? Maybe Adam will cover fleet week here this week- I *think* that our fleet week is during this week and then this weekend for the big show (Blue Angels). Here's a link that someone sent out here at work today- SF Fleet Week. I would imagine the recall will take a lot of his time this week, but since it seems there's always something going on here in CA I'm sure they'll give him something else to report on. I think his exposure on the recall story has drawn more attention to him, so maybe they'll get him out there in the field more. The WW bars are actually pretty good- the more recent ones (past year or so) are really good. I kinda blew my point range this weekend, but I'm *really* going to try to work out when I get home today. I have five weeks to get somewhat in shape before going home.... Congrats on the further weight loss! You go, girl!! :-) I think my aunt is a Creative Memories consultant. I know there's a few scrapbooking companies out there, so I always forget which one she's with. I've seen some of her stuff and I'm always so impressed with how many ideas are out there for grabs.

Nan- Hey, it looks like both Adam & Dan were in (sort of) your neighborhood this weekend (Fresno)! Uh-oh, wine and a scrap booking party? That *definitely* sounds dangerous! ;-) Sounds like you had fun though! Wine would definitely influence me to buy more. You know, a scratch on your eye sounds like it'd be pretty painful, but I've only noticed it when I've had the hard lenses in- bizarre. LOL, that's true- the day that I mistake Mike for Todd is the day when I *KNOW* my eyesight has taken a nosedive! ;-P I'm back to my normal music today- Tori Amos, U2, Natalie Merchant (I just have to ignore their politics...).....but the disco sure was fun to hear for a little bit. I thought pie pumpkin came in cans too! ;-) I wonder if Leslie also has a program where we can get a Masters degree in Hussiness? Ooh- or a doctorate! Sign me up! LOL Wow, you *do* have a daunting task- 20 years of memories to scrapbook. I think I'd have to start from the present & just pick some here & there from the last 25 years or so. One of these days I may try my hand at that. Sounds like a few of us were "crafty" this weekend! I bought a "Pro-Latch" CD off Ebay that you can transfer pictures to a latch graph. I want to do a couple of non-kit ones and this sounded like the easiest way to do them.

Teri- Hey! :-) Got the box today (actually it came in Sat., but since I get the mail in the City, I only pick it up M-F.). Thanks!! Haven't had a chance to open it yet (still playing catch-up at work), but will shortly. I also owe ya two letters! ;-P Tomorrow's *definitely* going to be interesting. Guess I'd better be sure to get my sleep tonight. Depending on how the numbers are, I may be up late! The 2000 election was a definitely exercise in frustration, and somehow I wouldn't be surprised if a "chad" issue came up with this one either. ;-P

OK- gotta finish lunch & get back to work. If I don't check in again, ya'll have a good one! :-)

Friday, October 03, 2003

I'm completely slacking today- I think I'm using up all that pented up energy from *not* taking breaks in the past during today LOL! (hope that makes sense!) I'm having a fake p'nut butter & choc. bar (Weight Watchers- old stuff I had in my drawer here at work). For diet bars, they're not bad- but they're no Reeses. I'm typing out a fax cover sheet- it's a Word document and I have it enlarged to 150% if that tells ya'll how big I need the print to be to not strain my eyes LOL! I think a margarita later on may improve things.... ;-)

Leslie-Glad you survived the kiddos! It sounds like a great time was had by all. LOL- I left "dinner" thing open to interpretation on purpose. I'll let you have Shep for dessert. ;-) I *love* your reasoning for licking the TV LOL! True, though I'd have to getthatclose to see it! I was thisclose to ROFLMAO-literally- with that one! (Hey, I'm easily amused!). You go girl for bucking the couple skate system! ;-) I want to be a HIT (Hussy in Training)- I may be a late bloomer, but I know there's gotta be one deep down in me somewhere! LMAO about luring Shep into the alley with the Yankee tickets on a string.... Can I tag along? I heard from Jen earlier too- I've been sending prayers and happy-healthy wishes her way. Hopefully this will correct the problems she's had with ole pouchy. What's for dinner tonight? I think we're going to have tortilla soup (Kevin's cajun grandmother's recipe), chips & margaritas.

Speaking of emails, ladies- we need to put the bug in Fox's ears about a calendar. SOON.

Ellen-It's been awhile since you've posted! Glad you keep up with us via lurking though! Good to see you again! :-) Congrats on the Rick reply! I sent a thank you reply for the photo and thought I'd get a reply out of that but he didn't - maybe I overstayed my email welcome, LOL! Glad to know that he's safely back in the US. Know what you mean- he's been a little scarce as of late. Don't be a stranger!
Hey gals!
I'm just getting around to posting....I'm literally running around blind today. Eye Dr's orders to keep my left eye lens free due to a healing scratch I have. So.... I prolly won't be on too much this weekend. I can get away without with the computer at work, but not at home. I can't put my lenses in again until Sunday- she thinks that's why the left lens is so uncomfortable. It just drives me crazy to not be able to see clearly (glass prescription is out of date too). So....the managers & supervisors are all offsite for a mtg, I can't see......so it's been one of those slacking kinds of days. This week's been a write off as far as I'm concerned- I was sick the first half (& therefore sluggish), 2 hr mtg yesterday (which always throws my schedule off), and well you know the story for today! ;-) Next week's another week! Looks like I'll have to do things this weekend that don't require focusing- LOL- now just watch, it'll be a hottie filled weekend on Fox and I won't be able to see them- unless I'm two feet from the TV ;-) It'll be the large print books (i.e.- trade paperbacks vs. mass market) for me!

Oooh! Hot Toddie was on, huh! I'm making note of the time- thanks Jayel! :-) Glad I set the vcr today- almost didn't since it's been a sorta slow week.

OK- catch up time:
Leslie-You guessed the song right! You win the Grand Prize- Dinner and Dessert with your choice of Fox Men (only one of of them, so choose wisely, LOL!!). I know who you'd pick! ;-) Alan Colmes. JUST KIDDING, hehehe! Oh, yeah- the roller rinks- OMG- I'd *completely forgotten* about the pompoms on the skates!! I had 'em too, but forget the color. I think I made them though. LOL, I got bored again with the music I had on so just for the hell of it, I'm trying the disco station (just for old time's sake)- MACHO MAN is on now, LOL! LOL how you tease your hubby. No matter what he says, I'll bet deep down he finds it funny. ;-) You know what I always remember about being at the rollerrink? They'd have those darn couples skate times- I was too young (and too plain looking) to have someone ask me. Whenever I hear "Dog & Butterfly" by Heart I always think of the couple skates- that was one of the biggies. Of course, it has a different meaning for me now. I think I went up to 7th grade maybe? After that I either had other stuff going on or grew out of it. I always used to skate on our driveway though, complete with my Radio Shack tape player. I used to do half turn jumps, backwards, circles....ah, those were the days! LOL.

Jayel- Wow, I'm surprised that Greg replied & so quick. That's great! Did you just send to the standard email format for the Fox people? (firstname.lastname@foxnews.com). That's how I did that one to Todd, but no reply yet. I forget now what Greg Burke looks like- will have to watch & see. Let's hope they're back in full force next week!! The video sounds cute- you have me curious- can you email me the video? An all hotties all the time Fox channel would be *awesome*...but will probably only survive in our dreams, LOL!

LMAO- Ya'll remember "The Hustle"??? I haven't heard this song in *AGES UPON AGES* (Ok, I'm having a lot of guilty pleasures here with the music- but it is fun sometimes!).

Melissa-Hey, girlie! Where've ya been? :-) Ah, so *YOU'RE* the Melissa Shep was talking about! ;-) Hope everything's going great for ya- I assume you're megabusy with school.

Nan-Funny how boys in their late teens/early 20's tend to be like that (sarcastic), huh! Kevin's youngest son (who just turned 19) is like that. We always say, "uh-huh" or "sure you're right" LOL! I agree- we need to go and kidnap Leslie for a girls' week out! ;-) LOL- yep the peas were cooked (well, they were cool by the time I ate 'em). Isn't it funny how you always pick out your favorite candy to hand out (keeping a healthy stash behind for yourself)? I always seemed to do that- never occurred to me to get stuff I'm not fond of so that I wouldn't feel like I had to have it. "Free calories" reminds me of something a CFO said at my job two jobs ago. He would break the doughnut in half and "shake all the calories out" LOL. Are Reese's peanut butter cups your favorite too?? Those are my all time favorite, I think. I'm a total weakling around those. Oh my, I can't believe your son did that with your home computer! LOL! That's sarcastic & crafty- but funny, lol!

Jan- I'm having a bit of a time trying to imagine older women with younger men- the 38 and 24 thing I can handle (naturally) with the man being older, but the other way around? Plus, not to mention that gals mature faster than guys (not always, but on average). A two year younger guy was too immature for me- thoght he'd grow out of it, but he never did- I don't think I could do 14! LOL- well, Niall is 22 this month & Walden is 19.....but both have girlfriends. Nan?? ;-P As Muppets go, my favorite was always the Swedish chef and the tall assistant scientist guy (forget his name, but I'm sure one of you remember....I'd know it if I heard it). I loved the analogy you gave of "let it roll like water off a duck's back" very true! And I *love* watching the ducks outside our boat 'bathe' and watching the water literally roll off their backs- that is so cool. I love our ducks right now- they're past that molting (sp?) season and the males are getting their rich green heads & smooth body colors back. I always think it's so funny that they look like the females when they're molting. Wow, before you know it, you'll have snow again.

Jen- Don't worry about sending emails! I love getting emails! The stuff that drives me crazy is the spam. I'm sorry you won't be able to do the kickball tournament! The Simpsons are always good for laughs. ;-)

Sherry- Sounds like you had a great time at the Medival Times! Kudos for sticking to your diet! :-) Awww poor kitties! It's finally cooled off- it's mid 60's weather now- MUCH better. You're right- meltdown days are good for turning into crafty days later on- lol, I think that's what I did that night as a matter of fact.

OK- I think that's it for now, and the most you'll see me type this weekend. Not being able to see is just about killing me- to the extent that I'm getting dizzy from trying to read without. The computer may be getting a good rest this weekend, LOL!

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Hey girlies. I've actually got some time to catch up some tonight. YAY! I went to the Renaissance Festival this weekend, it was fun except for the getting lost and not being able to find the exit part. LOL BUT --- DANG SHEPARD! --- he spoiled my secret. If any of you caught the end of Studio B you heard a great deal of conversation about M&M's and then Shep said something along the lines of "If you ate the peanut ones they'd be easier to pick up, don't you think Melissa?" heheh So, I've been lurking in Studio B trying to plan a way to take Shep hostage until he told me where Rick was. LOL -- nah I'm only kidding. But it was nice to hear him say my name -- NOW if only we can get Rick to say it. LOL.

Jayel - congrats on the e-mail from Greg--- I didn't really get to read your post, only the small bit about getting an e-mail from him. I'll catch up in a bit though.

Whoops scratch that, I don't have time at the moment to catch up. My best friend just called to see if I wanted to go see "Secondhand Lions" (YAY! the new Lord of the Rings Trailer is on it!!!!!) so I'll probably come catch up tonight. :) Later gators!
Hi gals! Had a meltdown (sorta) at work yesterday, so I immersed my self in hobbies last night. Long story, just probably what goes on in every office: something wasn't done correctly, but no firm bottom line how to correct this specific policyholder's issue right now- I *know* we can go about it differently in the future....but I need to know *now* what we need to do with *this one specifically* and no one has an answer. Right now I have it left up to the UW, so it's outta my hands. Being the perfectionist I am, I'm having a hard time just letting someone else handle it (maybe 'cause I know it will come back to me?). Anyway.....dang.....I used the same tape today to tape, thus copying over Fox Report....Hmmm- if Rick was on at the half hour part, I may be able to get home in time to turn it off and still see that part of the tape. Sad thing is that if I hadn't been embroiled in the above mentioned problem at work, I would have left on time instead of a half hour late and most likely would have caught most of Fox Report. We got in around 4:45 (45 min. into Fox Report). Drat. Here's something funny & humbling. I've been going through my magazines (almost done with the Cosmopolitans) - they really seem to focus on the 20-24 year old guys. If that doesn't make me feel old, I don't know what does, LOL!! ;-) I feel so unmotivated today. Hey- marina update: apparently someone else complained about the charter boat (I think I told you gals before that they had a busload of 30 that they took out on Saturday). When one of our dockmates called on Monday about it, they just said it was a done deal & they were gone. ;-) Yay! I figured that was the case when we came home Monday & the boat was gone. Couldn't miss it- 10 feet longer than the dock and a medium sky-blue color named ORCA. LOL, I'm playing with the Launch.com radio stations and I'm trying out the "Hits of 1978" station- "her name was Lola, she was a showgirl..." QUICK! Name that tune! LOL

Jayel- I'm going to have to watch for Jeff's downcast eyes (lashes) next time he's on. Girl, I just love how you observe things! I'd like to be more observant. ;-) You're right- I have to chuckle to myself when I put the words Sean + hottie together. He's easy on the eyes, but just isn't in that hottie category. LOL- I have *yet* to see one of those Fox Report ads. One of these days... ;-) ROFLMAO- "Cruzer the Loser"! I'm actually still feeling a bit under par. I *never* get stomach stuff, but this is the third day or so now that my tummy's been unsettled. It's NOTHING like it was on Monday, but I still don't have much of an appetite. It's definitely forcing me to curb my portion sizes- so I guess that's a good thing. Maybe it's just a bug- it's not great and not terrible, just *there*. Thanks for the well wishes!

Sherry- As I mentioned above, hopefully I can get out of here on time today so I can get home & stop the tape before it gets to yesterday's portion of Fox Report that Rick was on. LOL- did you mean that it's really fall on the East coast? Or did you mean West coast? Maybe you *wish* you were on the West Coast.... LOL- J/K! Fall has just got to be *beautiful* back East & in the Midwest. I just absolutely adore fall. A hayride sounds fun. Congrats on the test score! :-) Yeah, I heard about the jail lady/child story. I couldn't believe that. I guess the child survived on raw pasta, ketchup and some other things like that. LOL, I'm glad I wouldn't be the only one playing such a "all hottie inclusive" promo over & over! ;-) Chicken is really good for the WW program- it's low in points (depending how it's cooked) and it's good protein. Kevin usually will bake it in the oven using the breadcrumb stuff or even cereal- then it tastes kinda like fried chicken minus the "fried" part. I'm staring down at a bowl of frozen peas right now, trying to get the enthusiasm to eat- I like peas, but my appetite is still a bit off. It's so funny how you become "points minded" when you've been on the WW program for awhile. I find myself calculating things I've had during the day in my head and thinking what I can do with what I have left. I've been journaling again, and that really helps too.

A & Jayel- Saw Greg on yesterday & today but missed the cut on his face- You gals are really observant! ;-) Glad to see that Greg's reporting again. Now where's the rest of 'em? ;-)

Jan- LOL, Mancow's been talking about the Cubs making it as far as they have too! He was saying this is the furthest they've gotten since 1946 I think. My SF Giants are still doing awesome- I'm hoping for a second year in a row for the Series so they can "do it right this time". We had a family rivalry going on last year- my Grandma's boyfriend helps the Angels during spring training in AZ, so he knows the guys- therefore they were rooting for the Angels while I was rooting for Giants. It was kinda fun, actually. When we went to AZ for Thanksgiving last year, we took a picture of me in my Giants Division Champs shirt and chuck wearing his Angels cap & jacket. You know, I was reading an article and wondered if some of these 'sinus' h/a might actually be migraines- especially since my mom gets them. The only thing is, I've always heard when you have one you tend to be light sensitive and I'm not when I have those. But the thought has crossed my mind. I've always heard that the flu shot wasn't supposed to make you feel icky; maybe it's a bug. I agree with you on your note to Jen: "how you can feel lousy and still make it to school sure says a lot about how strong you are even if you don't think you are"- AMEN! Jen- you're a STRONG gal- never forget that. :-) LOL, "half-hottie"-- that phrase is too cute!! Have to remember that one.

Nan- OMG- how could I have forgotten CSI?? I thought I had one missing from the few I listed. I could also throw ER in there, although it's been ages since I've watched it. We watched Threat Matrix & it wasn't bad. LOL, isn't that a kind of bittersweet/sad feeling to see that a lot of the guys they have in the shows & magazines (like Cosmo, as mentioned above) are all in their early 20's? LOL (sorta). ;-P We sent our absentee ballots in yesterday.....let's keep our fingers crossed. You know what's sad? I can watch the gross stuff on Fear Factor for the most part, but when it comes to shows where they're showing knee surgeries, I can't handle it. There are *some* things though that I draw the line on in Fear Factor, and they were so gross/sad that I won't even mention them.

Jen- I don't think you have to worry about becoming like Jessica Simpson! We'll be sure to give you an attitude adjustment though if you ever do ;-P
I'm sorry you had to go through the Jiggy moving again for nothing- what a drag! You go, girl for taking all those steps! I hope your surgeon can help you soon- you've got to be able to eat again, the sooner the better! You and I *both* think too much- it does keep you from doing the things you really want to do though, believe me. If I were in your position and had the chance to go, I would. Ah, yes- Melrose Place! I watched that all the time until the last season or so (then I was in a testosterone household that wouldn't tolerate Melrose Place, LOL!). LMAO- Reno 911- you watch that too?!? We try to catch it (it's on tonight!)- if we miss it, we watch the repeat on Saturday. That show is so stupid it's funny! We are always LOAO. I like the old Real Worlds- I stopped watching after the London one I think- I forget what came after that one. My favorite was the San Francisco one (of course). Hmmm...I'll have to try to think of a name & number for you for your kickball jersey. I'll bet Leslie can think of a GREAT one! ;-)

Leslie- ME TOO!! I want to fall back- but you know, it'll be here before you know it. Hehehe- I've been so much the slacker today that I think I've made up for lost time. ;-P or at least some of it! LMAO at the pop-up camper Fox Hottie tour idea....hehehe. Don't forget to swing out my way to get me in on the fun! ;-) Or, name the time & the place & I'll meet you there. I think you're right- that we are all perverted old ladies to some degree; it's fun, though! Girlie- you've been watching too many kiddie shows again! Sam the Eagle of the Muppets? Yeah, I think we'd have to call in reinforcements if *that* ever happened, LOL! There you go- see, I *knew* you could come up with a good jersey name for Jen! ;-) I loved that Charlie Brown cartoon when I was little- loved all of them, actually. TWELVE DOZEN cookies?? Wow, that's a LOT of cookies! Have fun! ;-)

LOL- YMCA is on- did any of you gals ever go to the rollerskating rinks and skate around doing the whole YMCA arm motions??

OK- I *should* get back to work- still need to make another post office run. Have a great one!