Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Ok the way this day is going they're not gonna get to Adam's story until Fox Report, and that's even if they do at all.

Did any of you see that news conference with the family who thought they may have found their daughter after she had been missing for 16-17 years? (the story is here) Well it turns out it was just a cruel cruel joke by a woman name Donna L. Walker. But what baffles me, is that the family thought the news conference was going to bring good news. Now, why didn't they inform the family before the conference that they had found out it was a hoax??? Why was that poor father allowed to break down in front of the media??

Shannon's father, Mike Sherrill, who attended the news conference, told reporters: "I wasn't expecting this at all." He said when police told him there would be a news conference, he thought they were going to reunite him with his daughter.

Then he broke down in tears and sobs.

Shep promised answers to that question by the time Fox Report aired tonight. I hope he can find out, because it's bad enough that they have to learn of the cruel hoax played on them, but then to not learn the truth until the conference....that's just terrible!


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