Friday, July 25, 2003

I'm going to scream- I just spent an hour & a half on this post, hit (or so I thought) Post & Publish and *POOF* it vanished. I'm sure ya'll on the east coast heard the blood curdling scream of *nooooooooo.........* Anyway, I will try to recreate it, although much briefer this time.

Jen- hope the new trainer isn't as harsh as Frank- he sounded a little over the top. Glad you're looking forward to your meals now! Congrats on the 5 lbs! :-D I love that "schedule" funny- (NOTE TO MELISSA: feel free to post that here if you can. It may be tricky though from how you described posting images in the past). I got your email and was about to go & reply after I posted when my post disappeared.... ;-p Thanks for *happy dancin'* for me- I did one too! :-D

Jayel- Thanks for the Fox Hotties Update! Loved how you described Geraldo as so.....versatile. LMAO You presume correctly- Rick replied to my email from yesterday. I'm still trying to figure out though if he was irritated or not that I asked again- part of me was thinking "there's nothing saying that he *has* to reply, he could always ignore it"- so that plus the fact that he replied so quickly kind of tells me that I'm not pushing it- much. the "SO sorry" was one sentence. I think that's why it was a little startling(?) in a way. Anyway, I'm very glad he replied (so soon) and that the USPS didn't lose yet *another* photo. Yep- you're right about Savage- that'd be on the top of his agenda I think. Yesterday he said his platform would be "borders, language & culture" as his motto goes. That'd be awesome, and he certainly would be colorful. :-D Fox & Friends has really grown on me- they're great. I haven't watched local morning news in months. I get up just in time to catch Mancow- another part of the morning ritual. Did ya'll see it today where Steve was using this woman's lime green shirt as the weather map thing? He was doing the weather on her back- I was completely ROFLMAO! I agree with what you said about Uday & Qusay (U & Q). About AMC- I asked Kevin if he thought they were showing less of the older movies and he seemed to think so. I didn't really think of it till you mentioned it. I was hoping that they'd (well either AMC or TCM) would have had a lot of Katherine Hepburn movies on after her death as a kind of tribute. If they did, we missed it, or it wasn't much of one. I've been wanting to see "My Fair Lady" with Audrey Hepburn or "High Society" with Grace Kelly. Those are good ones. I know what you mean about how they handled love scenes- there's something magical in those old movies.

Melissa- How maddening that must've been to not have the internet! I had the perfect soapbox rant in my other post, but I'm getting tired, so I'm just going to say that I agree with what you said. That is also very maddening; just ask Kevin- I've done my fair share of yelling at the radio or TV (esp. during Hannity & Colmes) LOL Yeah- Tobin's just too buff. There's just nothing that does it for me there.

Nan- wow- your hubby was #2 in kickboxing in CA? That's awesome! It does look fun & I've heard it's *really* great for exercise. The Twinkie Defense.....I'm just still dumbfounded that that really *actually* worked......I was just telling Kevin that must've been the beginning of the twisted things from the lawyers & courts that we hear today. When you think of it, its' just *absurd* beyond belief. Oh, Nan....I completely hear you and *believe* me understand about the illegals getting in state tuition AND grants.....that really had my Irish up and sent me to the outer reaches of the universe. It is a very touchy/sore spot with me too- when Savage brings it up on the drive home, my hubby says he has to pull my fingers out of the headliner in the car. There was a show on....I forget now....but it was on Fox and they were talking about that- well, I shot off an email to them about how wrong this is, that someone who's here illegally or on a visa can get in state tuition while someone who lives just five or ten miles over the border of CA has to pay out of state tuition EVEN THOUGH they are a US citizen. I paid my dues; I moved here from AZ and waited the year for the in state rates and then when I tried for a grant 'cause I was only making about $8/hr when I first started (Visa saw a lot of tuition payments....) I was turned down. In my email to whomever it was (I believe they were on the same side as us) I mentioned how me, my parents, grandparents, etc are tax paying citizens and have been for a couple of hundred years, etc. It's sad, that here your son's great-great-great-grandfather helped write the CA constitution and yet the illegal has more rights. That's how I feel when I think of my paternal side of the family having come here on the Mayflower, and how they're prolly turning in their graves 'cause of all the nonsense we have going on today. And the 30% increase.....I'm glad I finished when I did (May 2002), but I really feel sorry for you, my stepsons and anyone else who is having to pay that. It's completely insane. This *state's* insane- I just really hope that whomever takes Red's (oops- I *mean* Gray's) seat next cleans it up, but he's done such a horrible job that it's going to take a long time to clean up the garbage that's accumulated. ARGH- illegals. I just don't get it, and I'm so tired of paying for all of them. I tell Kevin that I will prolly never get to have kids 'cause I'm having to pay for all the illegals' kids. I can't really afford to stay home and we don't want to put them in daycare. But I have to decide and soon, I'm going to be 35 this year. But as much as they take out of my check to pay for all the so called "special programs" and whatever else that people who don't deserve it get (something for nothing) .....I don't know. OK- I'll get off the soapbox now. I guess know that I seriously really feel your pain- it's been a thorn in my side for quite a long time- even when I was in AZ- it's just worse here and more obvious. Onto a happier subject.....Yeah- I was musing about the emails today- I think that makes five replies, including the "does this mean you received it" one when I tried to recall the one with the incorrect zip code. Oh yeah- the Pelosi speech was too much- it went something like how she's the first woman majority whip and how she was in a meeting with all these men and how her chair felt "crowded" because all the women in history were with her in the chair. It too corny for words. I was embarrassed. I thought, my God, all these years of school, the hard work, and this is what I get? LMAO I told Kevin that I'm seriously going to lose it if she became governor & Hillary became president.....

And on that note, I bid ya'll a good night! :-D


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