Thursday, July 31, 2003

Hey Girls....I'm home again today. This cold is wiping me out! My head is throbbing and my throat is swollen. I can't breathe through my mouth without coughing, but at least my nose isn't stuffy so I can breathe through my nose. And Jen, now I can relate to you 'cause I have to chew my food a bazillion times before I can swallow it. LOL!

Well, I thought I heard them say something about Rick this morning aroung 10:30, but I was 1/2 awake and I could have been dreaming for all I know. LOL I'm assuming I didn't miss anything 'cause no one has said anything about him. Anyway, I'm up now.....All this sleep is making me feel...I dunno...*off* I guess, I mean I certainly don't feel any better. Last night I did manage to crawl out of my house to go watch "Seabiscuit" but I missed Rick and Adam's bullfighting in the process. Figures. LOL "Seabiscuit" was good, but it's 2 1/2 hour long. I swear I don't understand the need for movies to be that long! I can understand like Lord of the Rings or something like that 'cause they've got a lot of ground to cover, but some of these movies certainly don't need to be so long. Oh yeah and I forgot to say that I didn't get to see "Tomb Raider" on Sunday 'cause Melissa had already seen it and she said it sucked.

Oh yeah, I thought it was funny 'cause some of the gals over at the MSN Fox Group are having a discussion about receding hairlines too. I actually agree with them. I have no problem with receding hairlines, nor a problem with bald happens, that's life.

I forget who asked about hotmail. But no I don't usually have a problem with it freezing up....I have more of a problem of people saying they sent me an e-mail and then I never get it. It's very odd, and it only happens once in a I dunno what's wrong with it.


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