Thursday, February 26, 2004

Hey gals!
Wow, this is a record for me as of late! ;-p This makes FOUR posts in the last week, LOL! Anyway- on the practice agent/broker license exam, I...uh...FAILED. BUT at *least* that's the *practice* one and not the real deal. You can only miss 45/150 and I missed 59/150 ;-p The instructor was *really* good though and he gave us some more practice tests which will help a lot I think. I guess I didn't do too bad since I didn't study much (OK- not at *all*) really for it. I know what I need to look at now.

Teri- Glad you're feeling better! :-) Yeah- I agree with you on CNN (Commie News Network as I've heard them called). I think people are making a big deal out of it *before* they even see it. We're *DEFINITELY* going to see it. I was very happy to learn (can't remember when- sometime in the last couple of years) that Mel Gibson was conservative- YAY!

Has anyone seen Rick or Todd on there in the last couple of days??? They both seemed to have vanished from the radar- or I've just not been around at the right time & place to catch them. I *think* I last saw them on Monday, maybe?

Jan- I agree- Rick needs to add more color to his repertoire- I'm all for hunter green! :-) Navy would be nice too- hard to go wrong with navy. Have a fun and SAFE time skiing! I tried it, but never graduated from the bunnyhill to the slopes...

OK- need to get to work & play catch-up with all the stuff that's been backing up. Sot some done last night (Kevin had a union meeting so I stayed at work till around 8:30.....and here I am less than 11 hours later- sad, huh!). Later!

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Hey gals!
Just a quick post before I go to the last day of the broker/agent training.....ROFLMAO- look what I found on Ebay: press pass on Ebay Anyway.....too bad it's not Rick's! :-p

OK- gotta go- where's the rest of you gals??

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Hey gals!
We've been blessed with Rick & Todd's presences today! :-D Rick was on twice (I think) on Weekend Live & Todd nearly every hour on the hour after that. And yes, they *both* looked great- and it's nice to see Todd growing the goatee back. :-{)> I missed Special Report.....but I think I'm going to start taping it. I'm watching Geraldo's show right now and both Todd & Rick have made appearances- Rick in a pretaped segment....and IN JEANS! :-D

Jayel- I agree with you about seeing our country crumbling before our eyes. I think you listen to Savage, right? I know Savage has likened current times to ancient Rome just before it fell....which really makes you think. He's quoted from one of the Roman philosopher something (I *wish* I could remember who & what.....) that you could really liken to the situation here today- it was actually a bit frightening. I agree with you - SF is only the beginning and we "ain't seen nuthin' yet". My hubby says that he tries not to think of it too much because he knows he could easily/quickly get depressed about it if he lets it get to him too much (did that make sense?). I, on the other hand probably let it get to me too much. We've (I've) emailed many powers that be, so I guess we're doing something, but when you don't see anything changing except for the worse, it's hard to believe that emailing or even voting helps. We just completed our absentee ballots for the March 2 primary & local bond measures.....I will probably always vote even though I'm not sure of the good it does.

Hope everyone's doing well- hopefully tomorrow will be another Rick & Todd filled day! :-D

Friday, February 20, 2004

Jayel- You posted since I last refreshed the screen. :-) You made me smile with the Todd comments- yeah, I'm one of those who prefers the facial hair! :-D It would be *SO* good to see Rick & Todd report together- it'd be HEAVEN. Pure & simple. Hmmm...I didn't notice the mark on Geraldo's hands- LOL, I was too busy looking at Rick! ;-D Savage is really up in arms about the gay marriage issue- as many conservatives (and I've heard some liberals too) are in this area. I have to admit that some of the bloom is off the rose now when we go over the Golden Gate every morning. Instead of "City by the Bay" it's the "City of Gay Marriages". Bah humbug! LMAO about Kerry & a bloodhound! You know what's funny is that last week, Mancow likened Kerry to Hamilton's picture on the $20 bill. EDIT: uh....that should be *JACKSON* on the $20......I couldn't verify at the time *who* it was (& I couldn't remember) since I only had two bucks on me.....*turns red* sorry about that! I'd *definitely* say that Kerry's had botox. It was just so obvious to even me (who sometimes takes awhile to notice such things). OMG! I saw the little boy on Fox & Friends this morning too!! Was he just *so* ADORABLE or what??? I thought that was such a sweet/cute bit- and we could really use those right now to make us smile. So CUTE! Thx for the stats- it's a wonder that MSNBC is surviving when looking at those numbers- Fox News has them beat more than 3 times over.

Hey Gals!
How's everyone doing?? Well I hope! Hopefully all of you sick LevenGals will be on your feet & feeling 100% better in no time. I'm so bummed that I missed Rick 'n' Todd on Weds- Todd growing the goatee back **melts** I've *got* to catch him this weekend- provided he's on. Then I have to hope that hubby will be working outside so I can have Fox on the whole live-long day! ;-) I was able to catch Rick this morning (around 5:00 PST) on Fox & Friends. Oh! They said this morning that ED had her baby this morning! :-) I have to tell ya'll that I *really really REALLY* do *not* like this whole gay marriage thing that's going on here. Patience has left the building ( well as Schwartzenegger and Bush....both seemed 'concerned' by it... but NEITHER has done anything about it yet). I feel really let down by this fact & that things are changing beyond my control. I have emailed, and yada yada yada.....*sigh*. What gets me (and prolly you other CA gals- Nan & Teri)- is that IF this all goes through (i.e., SF wins the suit over CA and gay marriage DOES become legal), I'm sure they will find a way out of the marriage tax that we marrieds have to pay. We paid so much last year, and it's just not fair. Have you gals heard anyone (O'Reilly, Savage, Hannity, Rush, etc) bring up this point? 'Cause I haven't heard anything to date. ARGH!! I'm just *SO* ready to move out of here. It's like, if you don't like the law, just, oh, go ahead & change it- no one will care. Yeah, RIGHT. I mean, what other issues is this going to open up?? Right now I apologize to all of you non-CA gals for what CA (specifically San Francisco) is doing to the country. I'm not sorry I moved here, but I'm looking forward to getting out (in another 4 years & 10 months....). *stephs off soapbox*

Anywho....OH! I almost forgot! I emailed Rick last Sunday regarding the big explosion at the Army Headquarters (recruiting center?) in Iraq the week before and he wrote back within a couple of hours. He's the best when it comes to writing back; I think it's so sweet. Like Janice said, he still doesn't use the shift key. The reply was short, but I know he's awfully busy reporting & staying safe there. It's been really nice to see him so much more- I think he's in his element there. Did ya'll happen to catch him on Geraldo's show last week (Sunday, I think?)- they actually interact pretty well- I guess I never noticed it before (but then again, I'm a slow notice-er sometimes....). Also, I think he's lost some weight since he's been there- his face looks leaner than it did a couple of months ago.

Melissa!! Congrats on getting your computers networked! :-) THX for the videos!! You *go* girl!! :-) I'm going to check them out this weekend. Hey- what happenend to the site? When I go there, it says "page not found"? Just curious!

Jayel- Thanks for the well wishes with the agent/broker licensing stuff. It's gone well; I complete it next week & will hopefully take the test not too long after that (before I forget everything ;-p !) Thanks for letting us know what Rick said in his reply to you- I remember that report and I was just hopping mad when I heard him say that some of the people were laughing & dancing around. It just made me sick at heart. Those poor soldiers & their families......I can't even imagine.

Sherry- WOW!!!! *CONGRATS* to you for the weight loss!! I'm now 15 lbs from my goal....but I'm getting better. LOL, I know I keep saying that....but geez- this 2nd time around has just been so hard to do compared to the initial weight loss. I kept it off for a year, but it's been creeping back since mid last year.

Teri- I got your letter! I hope you're feeling better!! What do you think of Savage? Girl, you *must* be desperate if you're listening to Alan's show, LOL! J/K!!! :-) I'm glad you at least got to hear Greg. It was funny- we were on our way home and listening to the newsbreak before Savage Nation started. The station is primarily a conservative station- they have O'Reilly on there earlier in the day- but their news is done by CNN Radio news. Here's the kicker- they often use Fox News bits for their briefs and one day- it was Rick! I tell ya, it was hard to keep a straight face when I heard that voice, LOL!!! So now every day when we hear the news brief before Savage, I'm always thinking, "oh please, oh please, oh please...." LOL!

Ellen- Thanks for the hottie alert! The funny thing was, I noticed that Rick's been on Special Report the last few days & thought that I should tape again.....should have listened to my intuition! :-p So it's true! Todd's growing the goatee back! YAY!! Hubba hubba! Rick will have some tough competition in that case! ;-) Let's hope that the Fox gods bless us with plenty of hottie sightings this weekend.

Jan- Sorry to read that you were sick- hope all is better now and that you're surviving the lingering Valentines day mania.

OK- gotta get back to work, but just wanted to pop in since it's been a little bit. Hope all of you missing gals are doing great! Where are you Nan, Leslie, Denise....& anyone else I've left out????

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Happy Valentines Day Gals!!!

I come bearing gifts!! :)

Well, good news, I FINALLY got my comp and my dads comp networked, and now we share internet access 24/7. Also, I got a video capture thing for my computer, and I found one of my tapes of Fox News featuring the "Special Report" Brit Hume did w/ the embeds not too long after they got back. Plus the memorial day special they did "Eyewitness to War" featuring the embeds and their crew. And the report Rick did during Fleet Week. And I made videos for you all!!!

I uploaded them in ZIP files, so you'll need WinZip (you can get the free version here), or some other sort of zip file extractor to get the files. Also, the videos are in WMV format, so you'll need a current edition of Windows Media Player to view them properly. I hope you all enjoy them!! Guess I need to start recording again so now I can share with anyone who missed it! :)

Fleet Week Video (aprox. 4 MB and 3 min long)
Special Report Video (aprox. 42 MB and 40 min long)
Eyewitness to War Video (aprox 45 MB and 40 min long)

I see it's been kinda dead lately. I hope everyone is doing good! :) I'll check in later.

Sunday, February 08, 2004

Hottie Alert!!!
Fox Report- and get this: They have the 4 live shots showing, 3 of whom are: Greg, Todd, & Rick. Girls, it doesn't get any better than this! Catch the repeat later if you missed it! They're on at the top of the hour- the very beginning. There's a slight delay though between Greg & the other's coverages.
Hey Gals!
It *has* been terribly quiet here! Say it isn't so- that there's been lost interest? I got on later today since I have an Ebay auction to win at 6:00. I've, uh, been a little under the weather today- the Aunt Flo kind, and they're *bad* this time. Poor old heating pad hasn't been off once today since 5:00 AM. I've just *got* to get rid of 'em today, I start the dreaded agent/broker licensing class tomorrow, and there's no room for cramps in there. I've kinda been stuck to wearing the glasses for the next two or three weeks till my new contacts get in. The ones I currently have are too tight according to the latest eye doctor I saw. If I must wear them, it's only to be for a couple of hours. At least I know why I've been having so many problems, though.

**Happy Dance** I hit the jackpot today with seeing Rick, Todd, & Jeff today- they've been on a few times- Todd was just on about a half an hour ago. :-D It's always nice to see them when you feel like *poop*- always brings a smile to my face!

OK- so where *is* everyone? LOL, poor Rick is probably saying, "where did all my fans go?" J/k- I'm sure he's got a lot of other more important things on his mind. Anyway.....ya'll take care. I'll probably pop in to read but won't be able to write again here till Thursday unless I get on during the week at home. I'm *sure* I'll have a *lot* of reading to do. This broker/agent licensing training book is over 300 pages- I'll find out tomorrow just how much of that 300 pages I actually have to read. Take care everyone!

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Hi Gals!
Holy cow! Has it *really* been over 2 weeks since I last left my mark here?!? Sorry about that- it's been crazy at work and then we were on vacation the week before last.....kept meaning to get in, but things kept getting in the way- I'm sure ya'll know how that goes. The vacation was great (but short!) and I'm back to my cell at work. To which- when I came back and went to my desk, several things were amiss. All in a matter of seconds, I noticed that my phone had the new AU's name displayed and Samantha's stuff was on the next desk over....I *FINALLY* GOT MOVED TO ANOTHER DESK!!! **HAPPY DANCE FOR ME!!!** Ya'll have *no* idea how much better it is for me now. I was *so* excited that I was pretty well stunned the whole day. It's so quiet, and I'm faaaaar away from "you-know-who"- I can't even possibly begin to describe. It's like being in a dreamworld. (And, yes, I really probably need a life!). I've already set up my home there, and it's just wonderful. I got to catch Rick a couple of times here & there the last week or so. I don't know if he's already left Baghdad though; Steve Harrigan & David Lee Miller have been reporting from there this weekend. Guess we'll have to see! UPDATE: Rick was on at the beginning of Greta's show last night- complete with black leather jacket..... Hey- here's something to ponder- I see that in the Fox Fan section of the FNC site that they have new wallpaper.....but nothing with the MALE reporters. I think it's time to email some suggestions..... Check this out- all of us in underwriting have to get broker/agent licenses! This involves an inch-thick book, six 8 hour days of training and money to pay for the test & license (all to be pd by the company- or at least it better be!). It's kinda exciting though. The only thing I've been licensed to do is drive! ;-)

Have ya'll seen Dennis Miller's show on CNBC? We watched it here & there one night last week. It was OK- but I think his short commentaries on Friday's H & C show last year were better.

Jayel- My office truly *is* like a sitcom.....some of the things that go on there are unreal. I laugh even more about it now since I've been moved though! :-) God only knows what we'll do about the 2004 election- I think we'll sit tight and see what happens in the next few months. I agree- Bush is the lesser of two evils.

Teri- Got your care package - thanks!! Hope the new washing machine is working great! I know, I know.....nothing new at my site yet- one of these days!

Jayel- I love that kind of weather too- the thunder, lightning, heavy rain- but I agree- not TOO severe! Just something to add a little excitement. I rarely hear thunder here in the Bay Area- I miss (some of) those AZ summer 'monsoon' storms that bring all that good stuff. Yep- I've about had enough with all the election coverage. I kind of tune it out right now; I'm sure as it gets closer I'll pay more attention. It's strange, in a way- unless something happens (explosions and such) in Iraq, we don't see much about it. Or maybe it's just the times I'm watching Fox.....Anyway- it *is* funny to watch the candidates turn their attention away from Bush to pick on each other. I missed Rick on the 23rd- we were in Oregon, stuck with CNN. Besides, I probably shouldn't go on vacation to watch TV- even if it's Fox. ;-p

Jan- Don't say things like that (Rick going to another channel)! Hehehe- you'll scare us! I hear ya- we need some juicy (or at least *new*) stories with some Fox hotties covering them. I had a lot of fun withe the questionnaire.

Sherry- Hope you're feeling better (which, considering your sick post was back in January and it's now February, I assume you are). It is so hard this time around to get that last 10 lbs off; I keep giving in to temptation. I'm back on track now though. Thanks for the Keen Eddie update- we've been catching it here & there on Bravo in the last couple of weeks.

Ellen- Missed Rick reporting the weather back in January too :-( Ear muffs, huh? Must've looked adorable! ;-) I haven't seen Todd for awhile.....I *do* like the image you suggested of if Todd was one of the embedded journalists. Every hottie needs a skanky boonie hat! :-) He *definitely* needs the goatee back.

Melissa- Hope your internet problems are diminishing! :-)

AH- I remember seeing the Greg swimming with the sharks- but that's all I remember. I think I was frantically packing & getting things done at the time. I'm impressed, though- I would *never* do that!

OK- lunch is almost over- need to get back to work. I'm working on another trip to the PO (post office) in there today too; even if there's no mail, it's exercise. The air feels really heavy here today- it rained yesterday & today, but I've rarely had any problems with breathing. Earlier when I got back from the PO, I felt really lightheaded and almost like I couldn't breathe deeply. It's better now (post Sudafed & Albuterol), but it's just so weird. It was like it took everything out of me just to go three (short) blocks (or six round trip). Anyway, I digress.... ya'll have a great one- I hope you missing LevenGals, ShepHerders, Kellyfans, etc. are doing great and don't be strangers! (Ha! Like I'm one to talk!)