Monday, July 28, 2003

Hey gals! Well, somehow my lunch hour flew by & I didn't get a chance to post. Had some stuff to wait in line for at the PO (NO, not the photo....unfortunately!). Sherry- I *did* get the package- thanks again!! :-D Nothing delivered so far at work....but I did have a strange premonition (intuition).....all of a sudden either yesterday or today, I was able to somehow *know* that we were getting more photos from my hubby's daughter of her baby and lo & behold, in the box today was a card from her with photos (and they had moved, which was another hunch)....Now, when I get these feelings, I try not to 'test' it by thinking of a whole bunch of things I'm wondering about at once. I have to really direct it, otherwise it's no good. Anyway, I directed to the photo, and I *really* think this time he'll remember to send it. I'm having a feeling that it will be either today or tomorrow; since today's already come & gone for mail call, maybe it'll be tomorrow. I haven't replied to his email yet- maybe tomorrow if I haven't received it- just to be nice & reply but also to jog the "man memory"- LOL- I think we all know here what *that* is.....they gotta be reminded from time to time. OK- I'm five minutes past my lunch- gotta hop to the dang VRPs again (still haven't finished...but getting closer). I'll chat with ya'll later & read & reply to posts then.


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