Friday, October 17, 2003

Well, bummer.....Red Sox lost. So, I guess for those who truly believe in the curses, they're both still active. NYC will be rowdy tonight, I'll bet there's a lot of people calling in sick tomorrow! Hmm... Shep? Rick?

Sherry-Congrats on the 90 on your test!! :-) Happy Dance for Sherry! That's gotta be a relief! I was really irritated about the guy who caught the ball, but the more I'm hearing people are really out to get him, I feel more & more sorry for him. I was bummed, but there is no reason for people to do what they're doing to the guy. About the job...yeah, I'm just looking forward to my vacation and also "keeping my eye on the prize"- i.e., only a little more than 5 years to go. I'm really trying to think that it's just one of those weeks, and that next week will be better. It's got to be. I also think that once they get me away from Ms. Negative, it will improve immensely (sp?)- I do believe that has a lot to do with it at times. Some people are just difficult to tune out, I guess, and this chick is one of them. Wow, Hot Toddie was on Greta's show too, huh? That's just so odd for him to be on the later shows, but it's really nice to know that maybe he won't be a stranger to them. that leather jacket! I *love* the stuff I got- I hope a couple of them aren't too small ;-P I got an XL girly Fox & Friends shirt and it still looks like it might be snug- but you know, I have a lousy sense of knowing how something fits by looking at it- I always have to try it on to know for sure. I'm often surprised (in a good way), which is nice. Geraldo....what is up with that??? Why can't the guys get & keep a story without him horning in? I haven't seen Adam since the recall I think....we'd better send 'Dog' out to find him. Have a great time at your parent's!

Jan- LOL at the CUBS WHEN? thing! My mom was a huge Cubs fan, and was watching them play in the playoffs. It's funny, she used to watch baseball all the time but rarely watches baseball now, and it took me 30 years to get into it. The only press I've heard about the guy who caught the ball has been on Fox. Like I said above, I think people are going too far with making him feel bad- I was mad at first, but you know- in the end, it *is* just a game and when people are making threats, that's just going *too* far. To do what they did by printing his name & where he works- that is definitely wrong. I wish I'd caught "Halloween Rick"- bummer! Sounds like you missed him as well. Thanks for the sympathy too about my job from hell. I definitely tend to internalize them and then all of a sudden, I kinda blow up. The underwriter I work with is great- she used to be an associate underwriter like me, but she was offered the underwriter position and took it (I wouldn't take it for *anything*- I'm staying where I am, lol!). She is just always so calm and lets things roll off her like nothing. She's an inspiration to me, and has been for the last year & a half that I've been there (it'll be 3 yrs in January). I'm always thinking, how could I have handled this differently? I'm learning, slowly but surely. That's what I really like about our group here too, is that we can rant and get it off our chests. I love the support we give each other! :-) **HUGS**! I wonder if Shep will be in tomorrow (considering that he mentioned Rick's party, and assuming it was a Yankees party & the Yankees won (finally) after midnight...LOL!)

Jayel-Thanks for the descriptions of the stuff I missed- it at least gave me an idea of what they looked like. I agree with Jan- Rick's suit on Weds. sounds very Halloween/Fall like. Why, oh why is that just when one of our guys gets a story that Geraldo swoops in? Oh well! As above, it was refreshing to hear that Todd was on H & C and also on Greta's show. Wish they'd do that more often.

Hey, has anyone reminded TPTB at Fox that a calendar would be a smart marketing tool? Could be time to remind them, although time's quickly running out.

OK- time for bed, I'll chat with ya'll tomorrow. Will really try to be on AIM tomorrow too. ;-P


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