Friday, October 10, 2003

Leslie- OMG- I'm absolutely ROFLMAO with tears in my eyes!! (And yes, people are looking at me very oddly....) "slid his hand into his jeans pocket.....this very loud thud.....LevenGals swooning and hitting the ground simultaneously" LMAO!!! What a hysterical image! (And probably some grain of truth to it!) So he *was* wearing jeans then.....I thought so but *gasp :-O* couldn't remember. Girl, you and me both- the last few baseball seasons I've been watching more than I ever thought I would. My mom used to really like baseball, but now she never watches. I used to make her mad (not intentionally, really!) by saying that I wanted the "blue team" (Dodgers) to win when they were playing her beloved Reds. Hey, I liked blue better than red, I was in first grade, what can I say? ;-P I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to see a WS with the Cubs & the Red Sox. That's what I was telling Kevin last night, is that it would be a great series to have them play. No offense to Yankee fans (and Shep, Rick, etc.), but they've been there a lot it seems. I agree- a Boston-Chicago matchup is a better one.


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