Monday, October 27, 2003

Hey gals!
Got a moment to post. We're having to do a project with renewals this week- I just got a bunch of stuff done and now they tell us to hold off on changes.....I still have tons of these to do before Thursday. But, I'm not going to sweat it since it's not in my control. I had to try my hardest to not ROFLMAO when, in our employee communications meeting someone asked what a blog is. LOL!! Samantha looked at me and said, "Natalie knows!" (not out loud to everyone- just to me). I said YEP!! I completely knew and I played dumb. Hehehe- I just thought it was the funniest thing. Oh, yeah- our new water pump for the freezer is so loud that you can hear it outside- I had no idea 'till this morning. The quieter one should be here tomorrow at the latest, I hope. Anyway......

Sherry- You & my dad were rooting for the Marlins- I have a similar reasoning as you for not liking the Marlins- they beat out the SF Giants. I know, can you believe the hotties this past weekend??? It was soooo nice to have them on during the weekend for a change. William L is kinda cute- but I dunno. What was the phrase that someone used before? Something hottie- I don't remember. It normally gets this warm/hot here ocasionally during the summer, but the last gasp is usually in Sept. The humidity the last few days has been low- somewhere around 20-30%. Normally our humidity is around 70-90 I believe, but I know what you mean- TX gets that humid hot too- it's the pits. You can't even move. There was barely a breeze the last few days- the marina water has been *very* glassy lately. That should change by Weds. though- it looks like a 20-30 degree drop in temps. WOW!!! You *go* girl on the weight loss!! That's EXCELLENT!! :-D I think the water definitely helps- still trying to boost mine up.

AH- I think Rick was wearing the old leather jacket on Sat.- these guys look *great* in those jackets! :-)

Nan- Uh oh!! Well, you can send that obsessive compulsive cleaning spirit to me when you're done- I'm in stuck mode again, LOL! I got some stuff done Sat. while watching Fox News, but yesterday..... I was a sloth of the first degree. Well, I *did* get through some catalogues, but that's about it. It was too hot to do much else, LOL. It just looks *terrible* down there. I'm glad your hubby's not down there in that mess- I hope his coworkers stay safe. I haven't seen anything today- has it gotten *any* better at all?? We definitely had the fans going yesterday- not bad then. The worst is late afternoon (or more like early evening). That's when it feels the hottest. And when you're trying to go to sleep- ick. Fortunately, it was a bit better by then. Funny you should mention Shep sneaking in....I emailed Rick & asked him the same thing and said sorry the Yankees didn't win.

Jen- *DEFINITELY* keep posting irregardless. Hey, maybe you'll become a "Hot Toddie" fan! ;-) Seriously, keep posting.

Teri-Glad your daughter's feeling better & that they got the control burn out. I've smelled the Innisfree cologne before, but it's been so long I forget what it smells like. Connemara is my ultimate favorite and have feared for the last 10 years that they'll stop making it. I *LOVE* that stuff. Sorry it made you sneeze, though! :-/

Denise- OMG! That party definitely sounded scary!! What kind of moron would *do* that?? And what kind of moron would grab it and shoot it off? I have nothing against owning guns, but you just don't bring one to a costume party as a prop. I'm glad you didn't get hurt, as well as anyone else. Don't worry about sharing! That's what we're all here for. I'm sorry to hear about your friend's grandmother- that's always rough. I was 16 and had stayed the night at a friend's house when I found out my grandpa died. My grandma, grandpa, sister & I had just gone to see Gremlins the day before. To this day I really hate that movie because it brings back awful memories. Nope- no reply from Tony, but that's ok. It was on a whim that I emailed at all- the thought struck me and I just decided, "what the heck" and did it. It would've been really funny though if he'd read it! I thought it was odd too- I dunno. A lot of the time I just wish they (actors & performers in general) would stick to what they do best - acting & performing and just stay out of politics.

OK- gotta get back to work & need to go make a post office run. Later!


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