Monday, October 06, 2003

Hey Gals! :)
I haven't posted since Friday- this may be a record for me, LOL! I don't know if Fox has mentioned it today (esp. since Todd's been on) but I know from the FNCC site that it's his b-day today- so Happy Birthday Todd! Anyway... eyes are doing OK, even going 2 to 3 days w/o my contacts didn't help too much- I'm going to try again later. I have the old lenses in now. I think allergies are cropping up again a little (lots of people here have mentioned how itchy their eyes are), so that may be it too.

Jayel- Thanks for forwarding the video! I haven't had a chance to view it yet (eyes & all) but I will this week. :-) You ought to send Rick an email- I've found that he's the easiest to email to, and he generally replies (depending I guess on what's on his plate). "(Otherwise, they might send somebody that we don't care about. Using admirable self-control and not naming any names here.)" LOL- and who might that be??? J/K- I know. I assume that their email addresses must all be the same format, but still no reply from Todd. I know, huh- Todd's personality is a total mystery! I saw a still photo of Greg Burke this weekend on Fox. I don't think it was a great one; I think I'll have to wait to see him live to see him better. LOL- it looked like Greg wore the same dark shirt the last 3 days. I like the lighter and brighter colors on him. Thanks for the Hot Toddie alert! I'm going to have to check the tape tonight :-)

Sherry- How did the scrapbooking crop go? Maybe Adam will cover fleet week here this week- I *think* that our fleet week is during this week and then this weekend for the big show (Blue Angels). Here's a link that someone sent out here at work today- SF Fleet Week. I would imagine the recall will take a lot of his time this week, but since it seems there's always something going on here in CA I'm sure they'll give him something else to report on. I think his exposure on the recall story has drawn more attention to him, so maybe they'll get him out there in the field more. The WW bars are actually pretty good- the more recent ones (past year or so) are really good. I kinda blew my point range this weekend, but I'm *really* going to try to work out when I get home today. I have five weeks to get somewhat in shape before going home.... Congrats on the further weight loss! You go, girl!! :-) I think my aunt is a Creative Memories consultant. I know there's a few scrapbooking companies out there, so I always forget which one she's with. I've seen some of her stuff and I'm always so impressed with how many ideas are out there for grabs.

Nan- Hey, it looks like both Adam & Dan were in (sort of) your neighborhood this weekend (Fresno)! Uh-oh, wine and a scrap booking party? That *definitely* sounds dangerous! ;-) Sounds like you had fun though! Wine would definitely influence me to buy more. You know, a scratch on your eye sounds like it'd be pretty painful, but I've only noticed it when I've had the hard lenses in- bizarre. LOL, that's true- the day that I mistake Mike for Todd is the day when I *KNOW* my eyesight has taken a nosedive! ;-P I'm back to my normal music today- Tori Amos, U2, Natalie Merchant (I just have to ignore their politics...).....but the disco sure was fun to hear for a little bit. I thought pie pumpkin came in cans too! ;-) I wonder if Leslie also has a program where we can get a Masters degree in Hussiness? Ooh- or a doctorate! Sign me up! LOL Wow, you *do* have a daunting task- 20 years of memories to scrapbook. I think I'd have to start from the present & just pick some here & there from the last 25 years or so. One of these days I may try my hand at that. Sounds like a few of us were "crafty" this weekend! I bought a "Pro-Latch" CD off Ebay that you can transfer pictures to a latch graph. I want to do a couple of non-kit ones and this sounded like the easiest way to do them.

Teri- Hey! :-) Got the box today (actually it came in Sat., but since I get the mail in the City, I only pick it up M-F.). Thanks!! Haven't had a chance to open it yet (still playing catch-up at work), but will shortly. I also owe ya two letters! ;-P Tomorrow's *definitely* going to be interesting. Guess I'd better be sure to get my sleep tonight. Depending on how the numbers are, I may be up late! The 2000 election was a definitely exercise in frustration, and somehow I wouldn't be surprised if a "chad" issue came up with this one either. ;-P

OK- gotta finish lunch & get back to work. If I don't check in again, ya'll have a good one! :-)


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