Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Hey gals!
I never got a chance yesterday to get back in here to finish. Yesterday was a hellish eye day- I've never had so many people ask me if I'm alright- they said my eyes were all red. I was also really photosensitive- I'm not sure what's going on, but I hope it goes away soon. Looking at 'em last night, they seemed swollen or something so I put an ice pack on my eyes and lots of allergy drops. And took another Benadryl. I couldn't see very well last night (at least focusing anyway) and I took my lenses out at 2, so I didn't do much of anything last night except watch tv. Oh! I *did* exercise though! :-) Today I tried putting the soft lenses in & they're blurry, but I put the hard ones in and I can see- I may be adjusting sight-wise to the hard lenses. I need to break down the time I have them in, but I need to be able to see too.....hubby thinks I just left them in too long this weekend and yesterday, or that I got something (soap) in my eyes. I'm going to try these for awhile- I've just got too much to do and *really* need to be able to see....

Jen- I popped into my email last night and read your email, but that's about all I could do- I'll probably reply tomorrow. **Good luck vibes** for those mid-terms! :-) LOL- nice save with saying "Yay Derek Jeter is on TV"! Where *is* Leslie, anyway?? Do we need to send 'Dog' out to find her, too??

AH-Yeah, I saw the bit with Rick & Robin Williams- that was pretty good. I was also laughing about the press badge. You can really tell when he's having fun with one of the (fun) stories. His coverage of the Series was great.

Teri- You know what I need is one of those days where I just read all day long....that's soooo nice & comforting to do. Unfortunately I never seem to allow myself to do that (it's hard for me to 'sit still' unless I have the computer up, LOL!). What did you think of the Connemara perfume sample? I *love* that stuff! I'll burn some Altan for ya when I'm working on my mom's stuff. Now that I have a CD-RW built into the laptop, it'll (hopefully) be that much easier. If you like Irish music, you'll like 'em. Rick sure is good at dodging the 'birthday question bullet', isn't he??

Denise- We were about to send 'Dog' after you, too! Now if we can just get Leslie & Melissa....and any others I may have left out! Oh, no- jaw surgery? What for (if you don't mind me asking)? Is it TMJ? They told me before that I have it, but maybe it's not bad enough to warrant surgery. "and then there was the week or so where all I wanted to do was get home from work and lie on the couch to watch tv. anyone else have that exprience??" <----- all the time!! ;-) Definitely last week.....fortunately this past weekend made up for it.

Jayel- LOL, for some reason I've *really* gotten into baseball in the last two years. I guess it finally grew on me. The spitting is definitely gross- I think it's a 'guy thing'.....unless you're in SF, I've seen women do that too- mainly in Chinatown. Very disgusting. I just barely caught the Rick & Geraldo thing- in fact, I think I turned it on while they were talking. That would be awesome for the prime-timers to have the hotties on- for the exposure & also that I'd get to see them! ;-) You're a Scorpio too? When is your birthday? Mine's 11/13. I think that's what I really liked about Rick's report during the weekend- his personality really came through, I thought. LMAO- I'm sorry, but everytime I hear "David Lee Miller", the serial killer name comment always creeps into my mind and I have to laugh (and then I feel terrible, lol). I think you're right- it seemed like it was a hottiefree day yesterday.

Sherry- I think I meant to reply to you before, and since things have been spastic sporatic, I don't think I did..... The laptop is SO nice. It's a Compaq 2568 CL (I believe). I know it's in the 2500 series. It's so much quicker- to give an idea, I started both up at the same time and had gotten into two sites on the new one before the old one was even ready to do *anything* on. I went from 64MB to 512MB. I'm pretty much sold on Compaq. My dad had a rough experience with them, but I've been lucky so far. Yeah....we need more full body shots of the guys! ;-)

Nan- Yep- the new software is almost impossible to compare with the old. I couldn't believe how easy it was to save & import my settings using only 3 floppys. I think I do better than some technology wise but will be the first to admit that I would have a *long, long* way to go still.

OK- gotta get to work. I *think* that brings me up to date- if I missed anyone, I apologize! Talk to ya'll later!


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