Thursday, October 09, 2003

Teri! How wonderful!! :-) Like I said, he definitely takes the time & is very thoughtful! So did you reply to the first one (that asked ifyou'd received it already)? That must've made your eyes pop out I bet! ;-) LOL, you know what I just noticed..... he wrote "all my best" instead of "all the best"- how *sweet* is *that*??? That's so cool!! ;-D **happy dance for Teri**!!

EDIT: Future Rick alert! I sent him an email to thank him for sending the photo to Teri (I'd sent one for her before since she was internet-less) and thought I should thank him just to let him know I appreciate it, just in case his sending was due to my asking him to (OK- having a hard time with words- it's afternoon & I'm pooped. Just thought it made sense to thank him)....anyway, to make a long convoluted (sp?) story short, he replied back and said that he's doing a piece tonight on the "curse of the Bambino", and will also be doing live shots tomorrow. Just wanted to give ya'll a quick heads up before I left work. I'm assuming that by "tonight" that it's on Fox Report.


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