Friday, October 10, 2003

Hey girls!
The Blue Angels were practicing as we were driving home- it was so cool, to say the least. Good thing Kevin was driving, 'cause I was looking in all angles out the windows. We were on the way to the bridge, which gave a perfect view of the Bay and the Angels flying over. The *best* though was when we were just about at the bridge (there's a curve and then you're looking dead-on to the bridge) and all of a sudden, all of them flew over the toll area of the bridge- they were so low! It was great! There are trees on either side of the roadway, and the bridge was straight ahead- the trees gave a perfect frame for the Angels, not to mention it caught us offguard even more. Both Kevin & I said "Whoa, did you see that?!"

I had the VCR going yesterday, but as luck would have it they repeated Fox Report at 10:00 and was able to catch Rick's story just before crashing. We spared ourselves the torment of Target yesterday & just did the Costco thing. I really like Target, but as we were nearing the end of our Costco run, I remembered how short on patience I was. I longingly looked at a new Compaq laptop over there- I was really surprised to see that it had nearly the same specs (the basics were exactly the same) as a desktop model. It's very tempting. Weight Watchers, I have sinned- I had 3 pieces of pizza last night- but enjoyed every bite. I'll be better today. It's my one fall from (food) grace that I've had this week, so that's OK- guess I used my flex points on the pizza! ;-)

I goofed yesterday- let's just say it was kind of one of those 'off' days we all get every once in awhile. Remember before, when I'd asked Rick for the photo, and thought it got lost in the mail so I had him re-send to my work address & I gave the PO zip instead of my work zip?? I did the same thing yesterday when I placed an online order through Kohl's. I saw after I'd gotten the confirmation email and immediately tried calling them- she said she'd see that the shipping dept got the correct zip and would call to confirm. I don't have any messages, so I may have to try again today. Dangit, I hate when I do stupid stupid stuff like that.

Sherry- You're welcome! If I find other websites I'll let you know- a lot of times the places I'm looking for latch hook kits also have other craft related items. Rick looked great on there- it's funny, I guess it *has* been awhile since he's been reporting, huh! Time flies, especially at this time of year.

Nan-I thought that's what Shep said, "Tricky Ricky" LOL! I had the TV down as Kevin was already asleep. I agree, he did look very relaxed. It's funny that you say that your step-daughter moved to SF to go to SFSU and never left. That's part of the reason I came up here too. I really liked the campus but didn't realize just really how liberal it was. my 'younger days' I thought I was 'liberal'. *eek!* It hurt to type that. I think I was always conservative, but just didn't know it- my views were but no one ever bothered to tell me that till Kevin did about 7 years ago. I really liked the campus there at SFSU though and despite the liberal agenda that was constantly attempted to be shoved down my throat, I have no regrets. My only regret was that Nancy Pelosi spoke at my graduation and I have Davis's stamped signature on my diploma. Can I get a recall? LOL!! I want Arnold's stamped signature on my diploma! I guess all us grads can say, "hey, we have the recalled governor's signature on our diplomas!" Um...OK. So maybe that's not a really good claim to fame or whatever one wants to call it. It *is* funny, though. When did your step-daughter graduate?

Off to work! I'll try to be on AIM today- I have something that I have to work with my supervisor on with during today, so I may be away for a bit. I'll try to remember to put my away message up if I'm going to be away. Have a great FRIDAY everyone!! :-)


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