Thursday, May 27, 2004

Hi Gals!
I just have time for a quick post. I have a CE (continuing education) class for my broker license this morning....4 hours- wish me luck to stay awake & alert :p GUESS what I saw on Fox last night??? I had to really contain my excitement, otherwise Kevin would've wondered what I was jumping for joy about, LOL! (Teri- you may want to zip past this part- it's going to make you cry!) Shep's going to host "Breaking Point: Baghdad Diary" on Sunday- it's all Rick & Christian! :)) I was so tired last night when I saw that, that I thought I had misheard (I was up forward in the boat and had just turned around to see the last bit of the promo). I saw it again this morning though. It will be on at 9pm (EST) and again at midnight (EST). I'm going to have to stealthfully set the vcr or tivo for this one.... ;-)

OK- more later, I promise. I gotta get a few things done in less than an hour, so I better get busy. Take care everyone!

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Hey guys! Hope you're all doing great! I celebrated my 21st birthday on Monday and got drunk off my ass! LOL It's the first time I've ever drank that much. Luckily I still remember everything, so that's always good LOL! And I had some VERY bizarre dreams that night.... talking animals telling me they don't like me because they think I'm "shifty" LMAO, snakes and ostriches (sp?) chasing me, and men speaking to me in spanish... see told you they were ODD.

I have come to the decision that I absolutely HATE cars! My POS broke down a while back and I had it fixed about a month ago, and then something else broke on it a couple weeks ago, and it had an oil leak (which luckily is covered under the inital warranty) then Monday I took the car in for an oil change and they said there was an engine oil leak so back to the shop it went. Now I gotta call and harass the mechanic... I swear if I have to take that car back there one more time for something petty like this I'm going to scream. *grrr*

Anyway, I hope you guys are doing good, I'll have to try and stop by this weekend and read the posts to catch up with you guys, but for now it's back to the daily grind.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Hey gals!
It's so *quiet* here! I hope everyone's ok & are having fun at least! What's everyone been up to? Where are ya'll??

Teri- I hope you're okay!! It sounds like you had a bit of excitement- and *not* the good kind!

Not much else to say- Rick's been on reporting about the 9/11 hearings yesterday & today. By the grace of Tivo, I was able to catch his report yesterday on Fox Report- I simply 'rewound' it to the beginning of FR since I missed the first 20 minutes or so. He was on this morning too- so if you tune in today, I'm sure he'll turn up during the day.

Take care, everyone! :-)

Friday, May 14, 2004

Hey Gals!
This new blogger is *definitely* throwing me for a loop- I can't see the posts as easily as before, but at least I can flip back & forth from the blog to my post-in-progress. It feels like *ages* since I've written, I guess it *has* been- 3 weeks! I hope everyone is doing well. I'm back in the Weight Watcher's game again- we've finally got another "at work" program, and we're on our 3rd week come Monday. *That's* the only bad thing- our meetings are at Monday, so I can't be bad anymore on the weekend; on the other hand, it *does* give me incentive to be good! :) I'm at war with my allergies (once again) and asthma decided to make a suprise appearance. I will probably need to go back tomorrow to the Dr. 'cause what they told me to do isn't working, and they said to see how the week goes & to come back if need be the next weekend. I have that "I've smoked 2 packs a day for 20 years" cough, and yet, ironically enough I've never smoked *anything* in my life. It was kinda funny last weekend & earlier this week- my voice had a real husky sound to it, LOL! :p

Rupert won the additional 1 Mil!!! **happy dance** I'm so glad he won, I think he was deserving of it. If Rob had won it, I'd have screamed till I had no voice- it just wouldn't be fair since Amber won the first mil., and they're engaged & all....

On a more somber note, I just really cannot believe the whole Nick Berg thing- that these cowardly barbarians did that. I was listening to Savage on the way home the other day and heard *that* part of the tape. Let me just say that I can *still* hear it. NO WAY could I ever watch it- I know where I can find it, but I just can't. I have never *ever* heard a dying scream and I hope I never do again. It's just awful. Even more unbelievable is that they are saying on H&C that two schools in San Diego played the full video on the internet in class and said "this is what happens to you when you get into a war that you don't belong in". UNbelievable. I would be supremely ticked if I found out my child's teacher did that (which is why I'm for home schooling....but that's another topic)- if my child wanted to see it, then that's one thing- but for a teacher to make that choice for a child, is just sooooo WRONG. What can I say. *sigh* Anyway, it's just so shocking- I don't think I've had images (or in this case, sounds) go through my head so much since 9/11 until this happened.

Melissa- Happy dance to see you posting!! Thanks for the Rick segments! Don't you have a birthday coming up?? I love the layouts the new blogger has- I'm going to have to play with my blog and do some re-designing. I'm still trying to figure out that whole FTP thing though. One of these days (when I have more time....)

Teri- Let me know how Mancow's book is- I've been curious about it, but haven't had a chance to peruse it at the bookstore.

OK- I gotta go find something healthy for dinner. It's a girls night until 11:30 or so tonight (me & the cat, LOL!) I'm thinking 94% fat free kettle corn and some skinny cow ice cream (hey, I had my veggies & fruits at lunch today!)- or maybe cereal. I'm not sure....I have 8 pts I can use.

Hope everyone's doing great!

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Hey girls! Got another clip for you!! Rick was on The Fox Report tonight talking about that awful video that was aired online..... it's so tragic and absolutely outrageous...

Not much is new. This new version of Blogger is WEIRD, I'm gonna have to get used to it. I couldn't log into it for a few days for some reason, it wasn't accepting my password. I was worried someone had hacked into my account. :( Like the new layout though!??? The templates in this version of Blogger are SOOO much nicer looking!

Dude! I got a Dell too Teri!! :P

Alisha, sorry about not removing you. Your e-mail must've got sent to my junk mail folder or something. I'll take ya off just as soon as I hit send.

Well I gotta head to bed, I gotta get up bright and early for work. *frown* The property I'm helping out at right now has had me there for THREE MONTHS, it's crazy, they seriously need to hire someone!

Well TTYL Gals!

Monday, May 10, 2004

I sent a private request to Melissa about a month ago, but I never got a response. I apologize for posting this to the whole group, but I don't know who's handling things these days. Would whoever is handling the Levengals Blog these days please remove me as a member? Thanks.