Friday, May 14, 2004

Hey Gals!
This new blogger is *definitely* throwing me for a loop- I can't see the posts as easily as before, but at least I can flip back & forth from the blog to my post-in-progress. It feels like *ages* since I've written, I guess it *has* been- 3 weeks! I hope everyone is doing well. I'm back in the Weight Watcher's game again- we've finally got another "at work" program, and we're on our 3rd week come Monday. *That's* the only bad thing- our meetings are at Monday, so I can't be bad anymore on the weekend; on the other hand, it *does* give me incentive to be good! :) I'm at war with my allergies (once again) and asthma decided to make a suprise appearance. I will probably need to go back tomorrow to the Dr. 'cause what they told me to do isn't working, and they said to see how the week goes & to come back if need be the next weekend. I have that "I've smoked 2 packs a day for 20 years" cough, and yet, ironically enough I've never smoked *anything* in my life. It was kinda funny last weekend & earlier this week- my voice had a real husky sound to it, LOL! :p

Rupert won the additional 1 Mil!!! **happy dance** I'm so glad he won, I think he was deserving of it. If Rob had won it, I'd have screamed till I had no voice- it just wouldn't be fair since Amber won the first mil., and they're engaged & all....

On a more somber note, I just really cannot believe the whole Nick Berg thing- that these cowardly barbarians did that. I was listening to Savage on the way home the other day and heard *that* part of the tape. Let me just say that I can *still* hear it. NO WAY could I ever watch it- I know where I can find it, but I just can't. I have never *ever* heard a dying scream and I hope I never do again. It's just awful. Even more unbelievable is that they are saying on H&C that two schools in San Diego played the full video on the internet in class and said "this is what happens to you when you get into a war that you don't belong in". UNbelievable. I would be supremely ticked if I found out my child's teacher did that (which is why I'm for home schooling....but that's another topic)- if my child wanted to see it, then that's one thing- but for a teacher to make that choice for a child, is just sooooo WRONG. What can I say. *sigh* Anyway, it's just so shocking- I don't think I've had images (or in this case, sounds) go through my head so much since 9/11 until this happened.

Melissa- Happy dance to see you posting!! Thanks for the Rick segments! Don't you have a birthday coming up?? I love the layouts the new blogger has- I'm going to have to play with my blog and do some re-designing. I'm still trying to figure out that whole FTP thing though. One of these days (when I have more time....)

Teri- Let me know how Mancow's book is- I've been curious about it, but haven't had a chance to peruse it at the bookstore.

OK- I gotta go find something healthy for dinner. It's a girls night until 11:30 or so tonight (me & the cat, LOL!) I'm thinking 94% fat free kettle corn and some skinny cow ice cream (hey, I had my veggies & fruits at lunch today!)- or maybe cereal. I'm not sure....I have 8 pts I can use.

Hope everyone's doing great!


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