Hey gals! Time to catch up! I was only gone for about an hour this morning- boy did I ever luck out. Supposedly I'm good for two years now. LOL- makes me wonder if I should have already been good- I just went last August. Either way, it's a 3 day weekend for me-yay!! I've been getting laundry done & going through yesterday's tape. I took a *bunch* of photos. Yesterday was a great hottie day! Today was ok (since Todd was on a bit- same story, but that's ok). There's something burning outside somewhere- it's smelled like smoke for the last 2 hours or so. Hopefully it's nothing nearby & not my storage unit. :-/
Jen- I got your email & need to reply to ya. Great to see ya posting though! :) Sorry the oompas are paying a visit. I will definitely try to catch you on AIM this weekend since it'll be email only once school starts for you next week. Study abroad would be great! If I hadn't been so relationship bound (mentally, as I see myself as being so boyfriend-dependent (read as: clingy)) I might've done that. That BF later turned first marriage really axed a lot that I could have done- but as they say hindsight is 20/20. (OOOH- Todd's on Fox Report!) Ya know, between watching that tape from yesterday & what I've seen of Todd today, I've got to have good dreams tonight! MMMMMM HMMMMMMMM.......LOL!! ANYWAY.....If you have the chance to do the study abroad, girl, I'd go for it. We'd miss you, but that's what email is for, and I'm sure you'd have access there at the library of wherever you choose to go. ;) Wow, girl, you poor thing! To have lost so many family members to cancer. I've had a cousin (like a once removed cousin or something like that) and a great great aunt die of cancer, but we seem to have more heart related problems in my family. I lost both grandpas to heartattacks (one at 53 and the other at 64). I remember my dad's dad, but my sister was 2 months away from being born when he died. We've had a close family friend and I lost a coworker last year to breast cancer. I'm planning on doing the 'walk for the cure' this year in memory of her. I really like what you wrote about the book of prayers that they have at your mass. That's so powerful!
Nan- I agree- Leslie will have to share her 'interesting dreams' with us- *some* of us here don't have exciting dreams! We need to live vicariously through ya'll who *do* have great dreams. LOL! The contacts were a bit better last night- other than the initial burning, the only other thing is that my right eye (more muscle wise) is sore after I wear them for a time. I'm very sure that it's a stronger prescription 'cause God knows I can see better detail on stuff with the new ones. Definitely worth going through the temporary pain. I think these things take time to get used to- glad your glasses are getting a bit better. I still listen to quite a bit of 70's stuff like Frampton, Eagles, Santana, etc because it reminds me of home & my family (I was raised on classic rock- I used to say I have 'hip parents'). It's comfort music to me. LOL- poor Rick! Don't let Joan Rivers get to him- she'll rip him to shreds for his clothing choices that day LOL! (Also to Jan)- I haven't seen the Will & Grace episode, but it sounds hilarious! I'm *really* sorry to hear about your dad's cancer coming back. You know you can *always* count on us if you need a shoulder or more. Also remember that doctors don't always know everything and that the mind has a big role in how things go a lot of the time. I tend to react the same way- put my head in the sand and hope that when I come out again, everything will be like it was before (all better). You're not a downer! Like everyone else said, we're all here for you. I'll be praying for you! Know what you're saying about the whole aids thing- that's been our argument too- that it's totally preventable and yet they get all the attention. Just sickening..... Kevin said I should put my concerns in writing to HR. I probably should. I notice that they're taking more visible action now- I'm definitely going to bring home just about everything I have there (desk decorating stuff) which is disheartening because it does really give more comfort to the day; I'd rather have it than not, though. I need to talk to my co-worker again- I Yahoo IM'd her this morning, but since we don't know who's checking what she can't tell me *all* of what's going on. She's doing ok, but shaky. She was one of the ones whose cords were cut but they also defaced some of her pictures she had up and wrote something really bad on one of them- something threatening. I worry about her because she's pregnant (like 4 months) and don't want anything to happen. She was my mentor when I first started so we've been semi close. You're right- this is CA, the land of the lawsuits! Good luck to Logan on his tennis tournament tomorrow!! : )
Sherry- Nope- no trial- but I tell ya, I was holding my breath when she was reading off the names of the people who were to go downstairs to the courtroom. I only had to wait another 10 minutes before what was left of us there were dismissed. There really weren't that many people that showed up- and it was to have been groups 2 through 23 that were to have reported. Last time I went there were a lot more people. They probably called to reschedule- LOL! I think if I wasn't working and had nothing else going on, it'd be interesting. LOL, I must've just missed the Rosen/mole thing this morning. I had it on, but was probably in the other room at the time.
Melissa- No Rick today as far as I could tell. I like Todd's hair that way too. It's so funny, 'cause when you look at his Fox photo (in the bios), it hardly looks like him- he needs to update his bio photo! LOL He is really cute the way he looks now.... you know what's funny, is that his nose reminds me of Kevin's. Has a sorta similar shape or something. I caught Fox & Friends for the last 45 minutes. I'm not crazy about that Kathy chick they had on (she's ok- kinda funny, but was starting to get on my nerves), and Richard Simmons....well, I'll just leave that at that. I should have taped it too, but wasn't thinking last night. I loved the croc guy when he was wrestling the stuffed alligator and then Brian says "bad news- he's got a son!" ROFLMAO!! There were some other funnies, but I forget now what they were (bad, huh?). OMG- I'd be freaking out if I saw my keys hanging from the front door! Look on the bright side- you'll probably never do it again- LOL! Sounds like something I would do given the opportunity. Actually, my version would be more like dropping my keys into the water. LOL- poor Palkot- between he and Tobin, we're always teasing them one way or another, LOL! I completely missed the Just & Kelly thing- I was so engrossed in catching up on the blog LOL! And I'm *right* in front of the TV too....sad!
Jayel- Despite only seeing the last 45 minutes of Fox & Friends, I was also hoping for some Fox reporters to show up or have replays of them. Aww, how thoughtful of you to put the Bible verses there for Nan! :) I know it's been said before, but feel the need to say it again: I'm proud of our little group here and how we're all here for one another. ***group hug*** LOL at your jury duty story- I *know* I'd have that same look on my face. I was laughing to myself when I left there today that they probably saw I'm a registered Republican and thought "oh, get rid of her- don't call her name". I was hoping for Rick today too....especially since I was off for most the day. Wow, if Dan has already left Iraq, he didn't stay very long. Maybe he was 'relief' for Greg P. LMAO about the Greg P. analogy! Too true....
Have you gals ever checked out the "Say What?!" portion of the Fox Fan portion of Fox's site? There's some good stuff on there (including James Rosen's Howard Cosell & Muhammad Ali impressions). Rick's in there too- with Shep when he did the bear story (about the sleeping bag & Shep keeping more than food in his sleeping bag). They also have a Fox & Friends video there with some of best moments. I haven't watched that one yet, but it can be found here at
The Very Best!. The "Say What?!" archive is at
Say What? Archive. I *think* the bear thing is in the July 18th one.