Thursday, August 21, 2003

Girls, I am absolutely friggin freaking right now. The fire alarm went off around 10 or so and thinking it was just a drill, went downstairs with only my cabinet key- nothing else. On the way down the stairs I hear that there was smoke (not cigarette) coming out of the ladies' room. My face went white and I was like oh crap (NOT my exact words, but I'm trying to be ladylike here at least). I left my purse, a bunch of photodiscs- unreplaceable- locked in my cabinet. The FD shows up, the police show up. We were out there in the park across the street for an hour & a half. Now, on the surface this doesn't sound bad. What's bad is that I'm certain someone here is playing friggin' games 'cause there's been other stuff happening too (I can't go into it). And it's really starting to make me very pissed off and very paranoid. I may get on AIM 'cause it's really hard to concentrate on what I *was* trying to do before. I *did* finally get my contacts (soft) in though, so that's a positive, in addition to everything being OK in here. I am going to take stock of what I have here and take home anything that I can't replace. I absolutely trust *no one* here. I'm just really tired and *very much* on edge. Isn't there *ENOUGH* stuff going on in the world than to have to put up with this crap too?????

EDIT: I *did* set my VCR today though!! **happy dance**


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