Sunday, August 24, 2003

Hey girlies! Everyone must be having a busy weekend! It's going to be a hot one here today- it's already 82 outside (75 inside) and barely a breeze. I think it must be fairly humid too, as it's that balmy kind of heat. It wouldn't be so bad if we had a cooler or AC, but as long as I'm in front of a fan, it's not bad. ;) Kevin's up on the mast again- the back one.

Jan- Hopefully your cousin won't be a bridezilla & then wifezilla. Maybe she'll tone down in time- I can see how that kind of behavior can be rough on a marriage. My aunt does great at the scrapbooking thing too- she is a rep for one of the scrapbooking companies (can't remember the name off hand right now- it'll come to me). When I saw her last Nov. she had all this really cool stuff and has done extremely well with her scrapbooks. I wish I had the time & the space to do that. Maybe it'll be one of those things I do once Kevin retires and we move to TX (hoping/assuming I don't have to keep working- we'll see). LOL about the QVC thing! We watch every once in awhile- I forget who always has the computers, but Kevin will pause on there and say that they sound like a great deal- but I'm the skeptical one. They do get some really good deals on a lot of things in general on there. Ya know, I think we're all like long lost sisters or something! We seem to have a lot in common with one another! :D Your nightmares sound exactly like what goes through my mind when the power goes off. I just *know* someone is lurking in the shadows, LOL. What you say makes total sense- that when you're in control of the lights it's one thing but when you're not- it's something else completely. Good question about the smoke and the wires. I'd say this smelled more woodsy than electrical though.

Sherry- Adam's been on a couple of times today too- you're lucking out! :D Hobby & craft day on QVC prolly would have been dangerous for me too- I got on a latch hook rug kit kick (try saying that 3 times fast LOL) last summer (Ebay, Michael's & Ben Franklin's) and bought all kinds of kits. Then it was the needlepoint and OOH- I gotta try embroidery and cross stitch! So now, I prolly have more kits than I can possibly do in a lifetime (hmm...added to all the books....). Three of my Christmas presents to family members last year were latch hook rugs & a needlepoint. I did a TX flag with "Texas" in the middle of it for my mother in law- that one I did by hand, but their flag is easy enough to do. My mom really gets into craft stuff too- she was always doing embroidery, needlepoint, crochet, and some bead stuff later on. LOL- good thing I didn't see QVC yesterday. Funny you mention Geraldo- today they're saying that they were going to have footage from the wedding. Which is fine & well, but if they're going to do that, why couldn't they have had more than 30 seconds of Rick & the Operation Welcome Home parade from last weekend??? Argh. LOL, you know, Friday night Kevin said "what do you think they did in the old days without electricity?" And I, in my sarcastic fashion said, "well they were used to it- they didn't know what it was to have it. They always used candles then and didn't know anything different." LOL It was nice with the candles, but still unnerving at the same time. OMG....HotToddie....that boy (lol, ok, MAN) has been heavy on the brain since about hottie overload! Unless Rick starts showing his face more, Todd may beat him out! LOL!! I have some photos that I took Friday of Thursday's videotaping- Adam, Rick & Todd- I'll forward the Adam ones to you probably tomorrow morning. It's easier to send them from work (newer computer). What's really a drag with Windows 98 is that I don't have the "thumbnail" option when it comes to viewing files in Windows Explorer, so I have to open each photo file to see what photo it is. At work, it lays them all out at once so I can see what I'm selecting. I'm thinking I may get a new laptop later this year when all the deals come out.

OK- gotta try to get my old lenses in now. Tried the hard ones earlier- I think the right one is too tight- my eye was watering like crazy. The overall weird feel to them is getting better and I'm able to get them in & out easier. We'll see what my optometrist says Tuesday- I know she said one looked a little off- I'm hoping it's the right one (as that would explain the uncomfortableness of it). Chat with ya'll later!


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