Thursday, September 25, 2003

OK- since the 'others' have decided to take a break, I am too! ;-) EDIT:In my haze of a day today, I just realized how vague this sounded....."the others" meaning the 3 or 4 others (incl. Ms. Negative Vibes) that go down every hour for a smoke I think that means a half hour of breaks in the am & another half hour in the pm.....and then there's an hour lunch. No wonder they're so behind, LOL, and why my desk is starting to look CLEAN....ah, the smell of victory! ;-)
Well, so much for that.....I started this post about 4 hours ago.... Went & got my hair 'trimmed' came out a bit shorter than I expected. :*/ I suppose it will grow out.... I won't know how 'short' till tomorrow morning when I try to style it.

A- Wow, USA Today, huh? That's great! Unfortunately I don't have a copy...Scanner yes, but not the photo. Sorry! :-(

Jen- OMG- if someone told me what that surgeon guy told you I'd have the same reaction. I'm wishing you the best of luck to get the best news.

Jan-Where've you been? We've missed you too! :-) "Obsession disguised as hitory"- love it, and yes, it definitely works on a lot of different levels! :-) Todd with facial hair- count my "yes" vote in! He just looks so....different without it. Hmmm... a nickname for Jeff G.....I'm going to have to think about this one. It's *MUCH* better now- about 70 ish & foggy- YAY! :-) Wow, I can actually believe your bill- sounds like what I've heard people having out here- that *IS*outrageous. $800????? OUCH. $80 is nothing- that's cheap by comparison (to the $800 bill). Enjoy your Firth Fest! :-)

Nan- I'm sure hoping that McClintock's numbers have increased too after last night. He did very good in the debate last night- the best in my opinion! :-) It's finally cooled off- more to my liking. "My kitchen floor needs cleaning are you available this weekend? LOL" Sure! I'll be down with Murphy's Oil Soap in hand LOL! ;-) That's about all I got done last weekend since it was so hot. I'm going to be a cleaning whirling dervish (sp?) this weekend if the weather stays as it is. LOL, I'm so glad that I'm not the only "yelling at the TV" gal here. Steve H. was on Fox & Friends this morning in a suit- so odd to see him in a suit! He does look a lot different, but still doesn't do anything for me looks wise. Isn't that funny how you look at the LL Bean catelog differently? I did the same thing LOL! And the Eddie Bauer, and Lands End....LOL. "But alas, these lost they're effectiveness when they grew taller and bigger than me." Funny how this happens, huh? It must've been a sight to see me 'laying down the law' to my 6'3" stepson (I'm 5'2"). I must've gotten through a little, he later said that he was always wary of making me mad at him LOL! Probably doesn't help that both of us are scorpios. Withholding money works too... :-)

Sherry-You know, that page could not be found error was the same I got when it ate my post. They must've been having 'issues'. Good luck studying & taking the Economics test! You're right- I really think McClintock was the most sound and best behaved of them all. I have no idea what planet Ariana was on. You're not crazy- there *are* two versions of the 24/7/365. One has the words & the other is just the music- I've only caught the music-only one a couple of times. I think that's the international reporter one that I *think* Jayel mentioned before.

Teri! Wow- you've gotten 3 in this week! YAY!! Hopefully you'll be able to post often (even if that means going to the library for now). :-) I did some yelling at Camejo- he hit a few raw nerves (or as I sometimes call "the electric third rail"- ala the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) system here. They have signs up saying to be careful of the third rail). Boostmyego- ROFLMAO!! I love all the names I keep seeing for him. They get better & better! Hmm... Rick in a kilt- I don't know that I can quite see that. Now Todd, on the other hand....*trying to imagine*..... You know, he hasn't replied to me, but maybe he will when he returns.


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