Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Dang, where is everyone? Melissa, where have *you* been?? :-) We miss ya around here! It's been so hot here- today is the first decent day since early to mid last week. It's been 90+ where we live the last four days prior to today; got up to 102 on Saturday. It sucks not having AC & having temps of 90 inside. I want my AC, LOL! (For those of you who remember the phrase "I want my MTV" LOL!) Anyway....getting more caught up at work. Today's a *very* peaceful day *so far* (always have to stick that in there). Ms. Negative 'Tude isn't here today, so it's really nice & peaceful... :-) Good news on the CA recall front- sounds like the court gave the go-ahead (gee, how *nice* of them! lol!). Have to say it again....it's *SO* nice having the split screen! :-)

Teri! Glad to see you got a chance to post!! :) Got your voicemail message here at work- glad you got the stuff! You know....I've heard it said that when it gets hot like this it's earthquake weather; your kids may not have too long to wait for some "excitement". ;-p Hubby & I have decided to vote McClintock, irregardless. I know Arnold would be the lesser of two evils, but then like my hubby said if we do that all the time that situation comes up, the liberals will slowly get what they want (as Arnold leans more toward moderate conservative than conservative). On the flipside, I'm afraid if we do that (and others do that) that "Bustamove" will get in. Double edged sword either way I guess!

Jayel- I agree, Rick needs to be in more of those promos. I really like the 24/7/365 one- it's growing on me; it's catchy. I'll have to watch for the new video where Lauren Green plays the piano and includes "all of the Fox family". I don't remember seeing any of the hotties on Sunday. I was lucky yesterday & they repeated Fox Report after Brit Hume's interview with Bush, so I got to see that without having to watch the tape. Todd *was* looking good as usual! :-) I'm curious now how long he'll be staying in TX- he's been there reporting on various stories. I guess we'll find out soon enough or when Mike Tobin gets back (as it seems to me that he tends to cover the TX stories. LOL about the "Hurricane Cloth Shirts" - there couldn't be a more appropriate name! :-) I haven't had a chance yet to see yesterday's tape; I'll have to see if Rick showed up on there. I know he wasn't on Fox Report. That's great that you got a reply from Jeff Goldblatt! You ought to email one of the others too- it appears that Rick is pretty good about replies, but with him being in Israel right now it could be awhile since I'm sure they're keeping him busy. Give it a try! :-) "....I read that Jon Stewart "proposed" an Emmy for Geraldo "for outstanding achievement in making himself the focal point of every story he reports." LOL- this cracks me up!

Jen- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope your doctor finds out what's going on with you, and I hope you don't have to get stuck with more needles. I'm sorry to hear about the liquid diet- yuck. ROFLMAO- Geraldo Rivera lifetime achievement award for being Geraldo Rivera! Glad you're getting to enjoy other reading besides school stuff. ;-) I just got "Le Divorce" the other day....Waldenbooks had a buy four get one free sale. Great news on the weight loss! You've got a point on the wt loss bringing on more ills- 2001 was a 'sick year' for me, and that's when I lost 35 lbs (in about 9 months or so)- it's not much, but that's what people kept telling me, was that I lost it too fast and that's why I had a hard time getting over that flu/mild pneumonia I had. On the contrary, I didn't think that's why it dragged on, and still don't, but who knows. Definitely keep us posted on the tests!

Well, need to make another trek to the post office and get back to work. I hope all the MIA ladies are doing well! ;-)


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