Thursday, September 25, 2003

Hey Gals! Take two.....this time I'm going to copy before I hit post so that way I don't lose another post.... Hmmm.....don't remember what I said yesterday off hand, so I'll start fresh. Watched the CA debate last night....all I can say is thank God for Merlot & latch hook rug kits. The Merlot toned me down a little and the latch hook kit kept me busy; I think when I'm idly watching anything highly charged politically I'm more quick to fly off the handle. I still muttered, and spouted off a bit during Camejo's diatribe and Ariana's monotonous overtones, but that's nothing new- just toned down a bit. :-) I'm really really rooting for the underdog (aka McClintock) now- everyone is so negative about how he should drop out since his ratings are lower, yada yada yada.....I'm really pulling for him now. Oh yeah- you know, I actually *really* could not remember what day it was today. Weds? Thurs? I seriously honestly didn't know. I have one of those vitamin/pill holders with the "SMTWTHFS" on each compartment that I have my daily vitamins/herbs in and Weds.'s is full still. That REALLY through me off LOL!! I don't remember missing a day, but obviously I did. I really thought it was Weds. for awhile until I opened up my MS Outlook Calendar (since it defaults to the day it currently is). I'm truly losing my mind. ;-p Oh yeah, no reply/photo from Todd-yet- but I'm thinking maybe he doesn't do that sorta thing.

Sherry-Okey dokey.....*remembering what I wrote yesterday*...oooh- speaking of Todd, he was on during the morning yesterday (thanks Jayel for the heads up!:-) ) and looking good. I'm finally getting used to him sans goatee...but I still think he looks better with. I know what you mean about the cleaning- I accomplish a lot but since everything isn't clean and organized (only a small part that I got to), I get discouraged. Hope you caught Adam last night before & after the recall debate! He was cute as usual!

Melissa!! You're back! :-) Girlie, we've missed you! Thanks for posting all the pics! Nan- I just love the ones you sent to Melissa too! :-) You know what's funny- maybe it's the angle, but Rick's head looks too elongated or something in the ones I took. In Nan's he looks more rounded or normal. I'm going to keep trying- I'm bound to get it right one of these days LOL! Don't be a stranger! :-)

Teri- Yay! Two posts in one week! Aren't you glad you have us gals so that you have another reason to have to go to the library! ;-P I like earthquakes too, but I've learned you have to be careful what you wish for- you have to be specific (I wanted bay windows & hardwood floors, but didn't specify that I wanted them in a HOUSE LOL! I have hardwood floors, and literal bay windows- the ports on the boat look out onto SF Bay & the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge).

Jen- Sending positive healthy vibes to you, and hope/pray that everything comes out ok for you on those tests they did. That's got to be hard to be knee deep in the semester and have something come up like that. Just take it one day at a time. You're *very* welcome for the e-card! :-) I don't know that I'd worry about what your friend said about the weight- isn't it normal to lose that much when the surgery's done? It seems to me that I've read that someone loses a lot at first, so that would sound normal to me. You take care, and remember just take it one day at a time (and *you* can remind *me* of that too anytime you want, LOL! I'm sure I need the reminder too.)

Jayel- Thanks for the heads up that Todd was going to be on! :-) I rewinded my tape to that point last night and watched it. He was definitely looking good- those colors flatter him. He has such a nice smile- he needs to smile more often! I *still* cannot believe that hubby's parents live about 40 miles outside Austin and they've had a few bouts of fire ants. That's crazy that this landlady is *that* adamant about making it a choice for the tenants that it's either the ants have to be moved or they do. HUH??? They're ANTS. *shakes head* This world is going crazy. This sounds like a story that should be happening in CA, not TX- but Kevin always says that Austin has been liberal pocket for years. Thanks for the ratings! :-) Kicking butt as usual- yay!! What you said about Steve H & the Iraqi teen in the hotel is scary- you bring up a good point- just because there's walls, doesn't mean that they're any more protected.

OK- I'm going to have to catch up on the rest at lunch. Chat with ya'll later!


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