Thursday, January 25, 2007

Hey gals, I feel bad that I haven't posted here in SOOOOO long, it's crazy & I miss the chats/gushing. :( Now that I look at the date, I see that I haven't actually posted in *OVER* 24 months (2 whole years!!!). That's insane! I've checked in once in a while and read updates, so I don't know why I never posted since then. Anyway, I guess a bit has happened...

Just about a week after Hurricane Katrina hit in '05 my best friend and I went out on 2 month trip around Europe and I had a blast. Since then I've basically been working constantly to try and save up to do some more long-term traveling.

This past summer one of my brother's best friends (someone we've both known since elementary school) was killed and I guess you could say it was a bit of a wake up call for me to realize that I can't live my life trying to make everyone else proud of me and that I've got to do what makes me happy since we only have this one life to live. (as cliche as that sounds)

To make a long story short, I just moved to Chicago this past November on a whim (got a job offer while I was here on vacation in October!) and it's been a little scary, exciting & confusing all at once, but it's helped me become more independent. I'm still saving to travel and hope to get out on the road by the end of this year to see Central & South America, and then maybe work my way to Asia and/or Africa.

No major relationships to speak of though, figures. ha!

How'd your cruise go Natalie? Well I hope!! Well I hope you guys are having a great start to the new year! If you want to keep in touch, my e-mail is or you can always check in at my blog: