LOL! Jan!! Yeah maybe it is to take care of the "hanging chads" hehe
Did you dress up for the concert? Sounds like you had fun anyways.
As for Rick.... well he was handsome as usual. :P He had on jeans and a black t-shirt and standing on a beach *drifts off into a daydream...*
Sorry.... lol If any of you remember when he was covering... um... something (I don't remember lol) in Mass. and he was standing on the beach, well he looked like that. Let's see if I can find a visual aid to refresh your memory. :) .... damn can't find those pics :( I actually found a LOT of pics the other day from like fleet week and all, but sadly I lost a lot of pics when our old computer crashed around x-mas last year. If he's on when I'm home I'll try and get a video clip and make screen caps for you all. :)
edit: Adam and Geraldo were just on a little bit ago, so hopefully Rick is up next. :) But I was LMAO at Geraldo 'cause he was just leaning sideways. I made a screencap 'cause it was just *that* funny. I don't mean to poke fun 'cause I know that's gotta suck, but you still can't help but giggle at it...
edit again:
Well it seems that Geraldo and Adam are getting all the action. Rick is quite a bit south of where the eye is going to hit, so he's dry as a bone. I think he's hanging out on his hotel balcony because he doesn't have a drop on him. Videos coming soon anyways. :)
Guess Rita is thinking the same as us... here she's compairing how drenched Adam is to how dry Rick is. LOL :)