Thursday, September 30, 2004

Nan, I hope you're staying safe!! Guess if FL can't have national attention over the "hanging chad" then they must come up with something... LOL

And please do elaborate on this pigeon "doo-doo" story, it sonds...amusing. LOL I haven't watched TV in a while, it seems to be a foriegn luxury to me lately.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Yeah the blog has just been quite. I have been pretty busy with school, and I haven't even had the chance to see Rick these past 2 weeks :( I hope he's doing well in FL. Those poor folks keep getting slammed. I'm trying to find some free time to make a new, but time hasn't been on my side these last couple weeks. It'll happen soon though, I'll make time if need be.

I hope you all are staying safe and are doing well.

Later Gators!

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Morning gals! The last few days my internet has been spastic, but here's the vids I promised.

Sept. 4th
#1, #2, #3.

Sept. 5th
#1, #2, #3.

Ricky Rescue
#1, #2, #3.

The largest file is about 8.8 MB, but the rest are 6MB and under so they shouldn't take too long to download hopefully. :)

Sherry I'd love ya to pieces if I could get a copy of your tape, I have NO idea where my tapes went. :( You can e-mail me at to set this up. :) Thanks!!!

Ok, gotta go to work now.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Hey - one more thing. I did finally figure out how to get images on my own blog and put one up there of a pic I took today. I know how to post the pics to my blog, but not to another blog :( Here's the link: It's the top post, you can't miss it. Melissa- if you want to copy & paste it somehow to this blog, you're more than welcome to. Side note- I thought it was funny that Rick named his blog 'Rick's Ramblings' - as I had 'the ramblings of nathalie' as a subtitle of sorts on mine as, well, I *do* tend to ramble.....LOL

Hey Gals!
I've been watching the Hurricane Frances coverage nonstop where I can - it's just awful that these people are going through this again, on a much larger scale than H. Charley. Rick and his cameraman saved someone today- the guy was was in the ditch in his car still behind the wheel. His cameraman noticed it as they were going down the road. Rick's been on *a lot* today sometimes 2, maybe 3 times an hour. It's sad what he's reporting on, but it's great to see him getting a lot of spots. I always have to laugh when I see him with his cap on backwards- so cute!! He was just on wearing a short sleeved gray t-shirt with the backwards cap.

Melissa- Great to see you posting more! We've missed you! Thanks for putting up the screen shots- I was LMAO too at the one with Geraldo leaning- it must've been *really* windy! The captions were funny too- dry Rick & wet Adam. The winds must've been stronger where he was as I don't recall any of the others leaning as much. I have tapes, but I don't have a way to copy 'em- my 2nd VCR died. That's cool that you have a lot of video capabilities now- I'm still trying to figure out some of that stuff. What I really like is seeing them in casual clothes - refreshing from the suits.

Sherry- The speeches were so good. I don't know who my favorite was, but Zell Miller just floored us, he was so good. Arnold surprised us - he really gave a moving and (surprisingly) conservative speech. Rudy's speech was excellent too. I did get to see Todd a couple of times (he was also on FR tonight reporting on Clinton's upcoming heart surgery). I don't remember ever seeing Rick reporting from there when we watched but know he was around there somewhere. Adam's been on a lot today too - hope you've been able to catch him. It was great seeing him reporting from somewhere else other than CA. Colmes does look different, but I'm not sure what it is. The thing I noticed lately is that his left eyebrow (our right, his left) always seems arched up- LOL! LOL, spray on hair, shame on you girlie! ;-p Adam did look cute all wet, as miserable as it probably was.

Jan- Girl, you're so funny! Sounds like the Jimmy Buffett concert was great (and interesting!). Sorry the Cubs didn't do well, but it sounds like you had a great time anyway. I believe that was Jeff Goldblatt who nearly lost his pants last year (I think it was hurricane Isabel). That image came to mind many a time while I was watching the reports for Frances and I have to laugh every time I think of it. OMG - I know what you mean about the hurricane being so addicting - they're having coverage straight through the day and night. I fell asleep last night to the hurricane coverage (I set the sleep timer on the TV....) - probably will tonight too. LOL - I have all this Tivo'd stuff that I need to watch, like 8 episodes of Clean Sweep - I love that show. I *must*. *Break*. *Away*. from the coverage.....even if it means missing Rick. :(

Hope ya'll are having a nice Labor Day Weekend! It's hot hot hot here, so I haven't done much but, well, sit around watching the hurricane coverage! ;-p It was 95 yesterday and today here (our norm's around 80 I think for this time of year).....and no air conditioning - just fans. Blech. I'm hoping our natural air conditioning (aka THE FOG) comes in soon......

Saturday, September 04, 2004

LOL! Jan!! Yeah maybe it is to take care of the "hanging chads" hehe

Did you dress up for the concert? Sounds like you had fun anyways.

As for Rick.... well he was handsome as usual. :P He had on jeans and a black t-shirt and standing on a beach *drifts off into a daydream...*

Sorry.... lol If any of you remember when he was covering... um... something (I don't remember lol) in Mass. and he was standing on the beach, well he looked like that. Let's see if I can find a visual aid to refresh your memory. :) .... damn can't find those pics :( I actually found a LOT of pics the other day from like fleet week and all, but sadly I lost a lot of pics when our old computer crashed around x-mas last year. If he's on when I'm home I'll try and get a video clip and make screen caps for you all. :)

edit: Adam and Geraldo were just on a little bit ago, so hopefully Rick is up next. :) But I was LMAO at Geraldo 'cause he was just leaning sideways. I made a screencap 'cause it was just *that* funny. I don't mean to poke fun 'cause I know that's gotta suck, but you still can't help but giggle at it...

edit again:
Well it seems that Geraldo and Adam are getting all the action. Rick is quite a bit south of where the eye is going to hit, so he's dry as a bone. I think he's hanging out on his hotel balcony because he doesn't have a drop on him. Videos coming soon anyways. :)

Guess Rita is thinking the same as us... here she's compairing how drenched Adam is to how dry Rick is. LOL :)

Friday, September 03, 2004

Sherry did you see that Rick is covering the hurricane in Ft. Lauderdale too? :) Saw him this afternoon. I was shocked that Adam was there! I mean did they fly him in all the way from Cali?? That's a looooong flight!