Monday, April 26, 2004

Hey girls, I know it's been FOREVER. I'm so bad about this! Feel free to smack some sense into me. LOL

I've been working at another property right now and don't get to watch TV at ALL over there. :( BUT I am home today since my car is getting fixed and I got a chance to catch Studio B, and none other than our Rick was on! *grin* And I just happened to be watching the TV on my computer and recorded his segment for you.

You can download the vid here, it's only 3MB and not great quality, but it's better than nothing. :)

Anyway hope to catch you gals around later!


Monday, April 19, 2004

Hey Gals!
Where *is* everyone??? Rick was on Fox News Live this morning (6 AM PST) reporting in the studio about the Iraq situation with al-Sadr (sp?)- I was just about out the door, so unfortunately I don't remember much else- he looked great as usual, though!

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Hey Gals-
Have any of you seen one of the new FNC short commercials? I just saw one and I *think* Rick may have been in it, but I'm not sure. I was absentmindedly looking at the TV and from a distance- but I think it was him. LOL, it happened so quick that I don't even remember what else they showed. There were three different people- I think one was Wendell Goler, & the other was Catherine Herridge. Anyone else seen this short ad?

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Hey Girls!
It's been *quiet* here lately! I know I've been guilty myself of not writing in....let's just say that I can't wait till June (er...maybe July). It's been a rough spring at work- my underwriter that I work with went on maternity leave a month ago (just before the 4/1 renewals on 140 policies- doesn't sound like much but *everything* with these policies is *manual*. So that with the other counties I handle has just been a bit much. I've spent many a day "tying my shoelaces" in the last month. Fortunately, we're also having to keep a spreadsheet of what work we have outstanding and I've got about 170 items on mine- my so-called-overworked-complaining-coworker has, um...*7*. Now, either she didn't list everything, or she really *doesn't* have very much (which would explain the 4 smoke breaks PLUS lunch that she takes on a daily basis). So the good news is that it looks better for me since I have so many things listed, and even then, I'm sure I forgot to put some things on there. I *think* it's looking to my favor. If I could just get rid of half the counties I handle in addition to this large brokered acct, then that would be nice. Ah, work politics, don't you just *love* it? :-p I'm about halfway through these renewals now- I'm trying to take it one day at a time, but I tend to forget that sometimes. OH! The underwriter I work with (who's on mat. leave) had her baby on Thursday- tax day of all days- a girl, 8.4 lbs! She found out before that she was having a girl, and it's a good thing too since she got all these girlie things for her shower! ;)

Otherwise.....I haven't seen Rick or Todd for *AGES*. What do they look like again? ;-p Has anyone else seen them? I just heard the news alert that they found Dru Sjodin- it's so sad. When they said "she's home" I really wanted to think *alive* but I figured otherwise. I'm trying to work on an essay to submit for an essay contest in Glamour (yeah, I read that stuff- I need some light reading sometimes, and that seems to fit the bill). I'm seriously lacking *humor*, which it will be partially judged on. It has to be about something that's happened in your life; I have a lot of stories I did for my personal experience writing class, but as I'm looking through it, it just doesn't seem very humorous. It's hard for me to find humor right now- not that I can't find stuff to laugh at, but I just can't find it in my own personal life and I'm lacking the ability to turn something humorous in my life. I'm sure it's there somewhere, but with work and family matters right now, it's been hard to find.

Sherry- I'm *so sorry* to hear about your grandmother- I send my deepest sympathies to you and yours. Remember that she will *always* be with you in spirit. Congrats on your weight loss! I'm still struggling to get back to my maintenance weight. I need to exercise- I know it's good for the body, mind & soul, but just haven't been able to get into it thus far, but I'm *not* giving up- that I know for sure. Keep up the great work! Thanks for the congrats on the test- everyone that's taken it since has said the same thing- they were completely wiped out by it (which makes me think, "thank God that it wasn't just me", LOL!). I think everyone's passed so far.

Elllen- I'm also a Survivor fan (and the Apprentice as well)- I'm rooting for Rupert (lol, I always want to call him Rufus!). I think Big Tom will possibly be voted off soon- but I think that Amber or Rob will be first. I think that people are going to feel threatened by them if they aren't already. I think Bill was a good choice for the Apprentice- Omarosa just really ruined it for Kwame. I *never* would have chosen her. She reminds me of the bad people at work- bold faced lying and somewhat getting away with it. Even my manager didn't like her style- she said, "she's just *mean*!". When you mentioned that you wondered "what makes one believe so strongly one way or the other"- I had to think about it. I guess for me, it would be personal experience. I have some Democrats in my family, but I think they're more mainstream, with the exception of my sister (with whom I don't discuss politics with). I have a *HUGE* issue with illegals because of where I was born & lived for so long (Arizona). When I came to CA, I thought I was more of a Democrat and *hangs head* voted for Clinton- not once, but *twice*.....I'm surprised my hubby still married me, LOL! Ten years ago, I don't think I really looked at all the issues and how I felt about them and how that made me one way or the other. Like many young people do, I went with the "popular vote". When I see the nonsense that goes on in the Bay Area (for example the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals), it kind of gets my 'Irish' up. Maybe I used to be more middle of the road/liberal, but then became more conservative? I don't know.....but then I know that the SF Bay Area has its own type of liberalism- in my opinion bordering on socialism, if not out and out socialism- LOL- SF almost had a Green party mayor. I try to grin and bear it, and I know not all liberals are bad people- but some of them here in CA haven't done me any favors. I suppose that's part of what makes me form the current opinions I have. I think that was a thought provoking question; one that I've maybe subconsciously thought about but never answered. Good question! :-) And where ARE those MIA Fox Hotties?!?

Jan- GO RUPERT!! :-D Yep- Jerri got on my nerves too- somehow she wasn't as bad this time around as the first time, *but*.... Ick, yeah, it takes me a week too to get used to the time change. It's funny 'cause we never had to do that in AZ (we were one of the very very few who doesn't change time twice a year)- so I've only done this for 10 years now. I *love* gaining the extra hour in the fall, but the spring just sucks....I *miss* that hour! :-p

Jayel- Thanks for posting the sites! I've heard of most of them, mainly from the morning talk show we listen to. The only one that doesn't sound familiar is I have to say that with all the kidnappings and such going on in Iraq now, I really hope and pray that our troops stay safe and that the Fox people are taking extra precautions to remain safe. It saddens me to hear about the further killings and kidnappings. I feel sad for their families. It seems to make it more real when we see film or pictures of the people who have been kidnapped- there's a face to put with the name. I agree that we could keep the blog to discuss the Fox hotties & shows & stuff- I know the FNCC site has areas to discuss political issues- I'm not sure of how many here are members there. Thanks for the ratings! Glad to see that Fox is still kicking butt!

Teri- Hope you're having the great weather we're having!!

OK- I *really* need to get back to laundry & other things of which I'm sure I'm forgetting.... I hope ya'll are having a great weekend- it's sunny but cool here- just the way I like it. We have big puffy clouds that remind me of the clouds I used to see in AZ & TX- not common for here. Take care everyone!!