Hey Gals!
It's been very quiet here this week! 'Course, who am I to talk? It's been almost a week since I've left a post...;-P Anyway.....OOH~ I *did* get to see Rick this morning on Fox & Friends. I missed the beginning; it was the voice I recognized, which I thought was funny~ I think because it was so early in the AM, and I was trying to figure out what to wear, and then all of a sudden it hit me: hey, that's Rick's voice! LOL (well OK, maybe you had to be there). I think I caught him around 5:05 PST, and then again at 6 (PST). What sucked about the 6:00 one was that I was trying to get my left contact lens in and it was burning and then hubby was standing in front of the TV. I saw the last minute or so and that was it- but hey, can't complain! Ah, the simple pleasures in life! I'm really surprised he's still over there- it's been what, 3 weeks? I was just wondering if they'd sent him back to NY since he hadn't been on for awhile. The dinner dance was nice- I liked last year's location better, though. Fortunately I wasn't really hungry (there's a new one) and I didn't even *touch* the desserts which is a miracle for me. Especially when they had 3 kinds of cake and a whole host of other goodies.
**stepping onto soapbox** I *knew* this was going to happen- the CA drivers license for illegals sounds like it's just going to be tweaked a little instead of totally taken off the board altogether (as Ahnold said he was going to do). Now it sounds like they're talking of making it so illegals can get insurance which of *course* makes the illegals getting CA DLs *OK fine & dandy* now. NOT. Then there's Ashcroft who is saying oh, gee, let's just make the illegals here now LEGAL. WHAT????? People are going insane and trying to drag me with them.... **stepping off soapbox now**
Jayel-Thanks for sharing the Ray Kelly poll- that's really cool that he has the highest approval rating of any official in NYC. I caught Rick on Saturday AM but not on Sunday- I woke up about 5 minutes after he was on (or at least I think, judging from your post).
SherryHave fun on your trip! Let us know how it was when you get back! LOL about sending a LevenGal to Jeff to warm him up! It's nice seeing him report more too. I caught just a glimpse of Adam when I got in last night.
Jan-Girl, I hear ya! I was just telling my hubby the other night that I really like Christmas but people suck- especially mean and rude people. Don't work too much! And don't be a stranger here- we miss your posts. And that goes for Ellen, Leslie, Melissa, and any other missing LevenGals I might be leaving out. Where are ya'll?? Hmmm.... what is it about us liking our guys more ruffled up? I was thinking that this morning when I saw Rick- his hair looks super short and too....neat. I miss the skanky boonie hat & the rumpled up Rick, LOL! I've heard that Love Actually is really a good movie- I want to see it, but will probably wait for it to come out on DVD. It has a lot of good people in it- I love Hugh Grant & Liam Neeson.
Denise!Of course we haven't forgotten about you! Been wondering what you've been up to, though! I hope you're having a great holiday season too! How sweet about your best friend's baby- think of the stories you both will tell her when she's older about things you guys used to do. BE SAFE there in Columbus! I hope they get whomever's doing that soon- how scary. The incident with your co-worker is definitely a little too close to home!
Teri- It was good talking to you the other day! I'm *definitely* a Camelot fan (and for the record, I mean the *old* Camelot- not the "Kennedy Camelot"!)- actually any of the Arthurian legend stuff I *love*. Ok- anything Celtic, Irish, etc..... My post office is lame this week. I still haven't gotten the package- it *better* be here today- as a matter of fact, I've only gotten one piece of mail- a credit card offer no less, since Monday. I'd say someone's sleeping on the job there, LOL! I'll let you know when it gets here.
For those of you who may be wondering what the heck "Mysts of Avalon" is, it's the group I set up on MSN so that I can post pix easily. I've also made it so you can leave messages if you want- one caveat to it though- you have to be a member. I thought I set it up differently, but I guess not! So, if you want to be a member on there too, just leave me a message to join. But PLEASE don't stop posting here- I *LOVE* this blog to death and love the company. This is just an invitation for anyone who wants to check it out. Also, you can post pix on there too by setting up your own photo album (let me know if you have trouble & I'll check the settings). For those of you who know the FNCC MSN site, they have a similar set up- anyone can set up their own photo albums on there. I think it makes it nice & easy to share pix with everyone. Anyway, the site is here:
Myst of Avalon.
REALLY need to get to work.....chat with ya'll later!