Hey LevenGirlies!
First of all, thanks for all the e-cards & birthday wishes! They really made my day. 3 of the office girls took me to Chevy's yesterday, it was fun. Samantha, and two others gave me a French Lavender bath gift bag and a really nice wine-colored top from Banana Republic. It feels nice to know that people really care (not that I didn't think they did before, but I think ya'll know what I mean). I think we all need reinforcement of that sometimes. Ha! And like it should even surprise me, the negative vibes chick that I've mentioned here before never *once* said happy birthday to me, even though it was totally obvious that it was my b-day. Fine with me- if she never said a single thing to me again, I'd be fine with that. I just thought it was so funny. I think you gals would have to know her to completely understand what we're dealing with here, LOL. She's totally uninvolved with unit activities- she's only involved with her little click (sp?). The thing that works for those of us who suffer, is that many feel the same way as we do- we just pretty much put up with it, although I've 'spouted off' to my supervisor before, and she's seen this girl in action so there's no denying it. One thing I found in a magazine about work mantras that I thought was hysterically funny, and I know it's been said before: "It could be worse; I could be related to these people". ROFLMAO Like I said, you'd have to know some of them to know why I find that SO funny; but I think everyone works with people like this in their lifetimes. My b-day resolution for the upcoming year: Laugh More. Hubby gave me a Zygocactus, which should do fine at work. I think I had one of these before, but unintentionally killed it. :-( I don't have much of a green thumb, I'm afraid..... I got home just in time yesterday to see Hot Toddie on Fox Report- he was reporting about the whole NPR thing and how they got that million (billion?) dollar donation and if they should have to pay taxes on it, I believe. I agree- we're in the midst of a serious hottie drought.
Nan- I'm definitely making headway (knock on wood). It's been so nice to get things that have been festering finally settled. I have a couple of uglies to handle today before I go, but hopefully I should be able to do that with time to spare. I think this will be the first time before I've gone on vacation that I haven't had my desk covered with stuff and stressing out to get it done; but that, I think, is due to just pushing pushing pushing it through and working through lunches and breaks. I've paid for it this week, though- 3 nights this week I've been out like a light by 8:00. It *is* a huge relief though! Ah, ok- the *back* allergy test- I've heard of that before. I may be in for that myself one of these days. Kevin keeps telling me I should go in for a more extensive test. That would be great to have a list of the allergens though. To me it would be *so* worth it. (I think, anyway....) Food allergies would be the pits.
Jan- Thanks for the happy b-day! You know, I think that it's really only on that one day of the year that I really focus on it- the rest of the time I don't pay much attention. A lot of the time I still feel like 27-ish- don't know why, but I'm fixated on that age. It's just when huge decisions like having kids come to mind that I'm reminded of the reality of my age. Going to have to mull that one over some more....LOL! LOL about Firth! You're so funny! I'm glad he'll be in the next Bridget Jones movie- I need to see him some more to make an assessment. ;-) I'm horrible with dusting too- at home & at work. Hmm....could be why I have so many allergy problems sometimes? Nah, can't be it... ;-P ROFLMAO- the "LevenWho"- HAHAHAHAHA!! Don't tempt me to email Rick- I may just do that! I'm feeling uncannily brave today (or is it that he's just easy to email?).
Ellen-Sorry for the alias confusion! ;-) Thank you too for the happy b-day! I'm going to give the emailing to Todd another try when he has a story that I can easily comment about. I need some fodder to get me started.... The more I see him w/o the goatee, the more I like him with it. I *love* Paulina Stuckey's website- her artwork is so beautiful. I really like the fairy that I put on there. There's others by other artists too that I've seen that are really nice, but I don't recall who the artists are. Is Jaime getting a kick out of all us LevenGals? ;-) We're a fun bunch, aren't we! Even when I don't get to post every day, I make it a point to check in to see what everyone's up to- ya'll always make me smile and laugh.
Jayel- I think you should email Rick! I'll bet he's in the office waiting for something to happen, or he could be working on something. You know what will probably happen.....they'll all be on a lot in the upcoming 2 weeks when I can't watch or tape Fox. Murphy's Law. Or should that be Hotties Law? Ya'll will have to keep us Fox-less gals posted of any hottie sightings. Yep - the age thing is correct- I don't think there really is any blissful age to be- we always seem to look back and *think* a certain age was blissful, but we're remembering the good stuff and not so much of the bad and how bad those bad things were I think. I always liked what Kevin's dad says, that we should live life in reverse. LOL! Thanks for the Rick tidbits- and it does seem odd that they'd have a chapter with Maya Zumwalt instead of Greg or Ollie. Maybe they figured they'd do better with getting a "female perspective". Rick's definitely been missing for at least two weeks- I don't even remember when the last time was that I saw him on there. LMAO about the celebrity lines of underwear and then going over to Greg- that must've really been a classic! I think I heard about the Steve Harrigan/goat thing- I heard the blurb for it but missed the actual story. LOL, Kid Harrigan! Keep those hottie alerts coming- I always appreciate those! ;-)
Sherry- Probably a really good thing that you got the flu shot- from what I've been hearing it sounds like a potentially really nasty flu season coming up. Congrats on the temporary job! That's great that it's so close to home- you could actually go home for lunch! I had a job like that for awhile- it's really nice. That's great that you can work the WW mtgs & the Curves around it too! I agree- mornings seem better to exercise than afternoons. I just don't think that I can get up at 4 AM to exercise- LOL!! Afternoons can be tough- you get home & just want to crash- the total antithesis of exercise. CONGRATS on all the weight loss too!! I'm going to try to be 'good' while I'm on vacation, but I'm not going to punish myself eitehr. I'm going to go full throttle when I get back, though; exercise and stick to my points. Clothes are always the best guage as to how the weight loss is going. Scales are nice; the way clothes fit, even better. Thanks for the wishes! I think you hit the nail on the head- 35 is that halfway point to 40. Maybe that's why I have problems with the 'halves'. We're leaving on Sunday; I'll be sure to post before I go. I may try to check in, but it will be very brief as I will be checking from my dad's or mom's.
Teri!- Got your voicemail- work's been crazy (and like above, trying to get last minute stuff done before I go). I'll have to check out the Avalon site later on today- did you have trouble signing up? (In case ya'll are scratching your heads thinking, *HUH?* I started up a MSN site to post photos & stuff- more below). I'm glad you liked Loreena McKennitt- have you heard her stuff before now? She has about 5 other cds I think- I'll make some more when I get back. Thanks for the b-day wishes! I'm going to be waiting by the front desk for that Fed-Ex package!! ;-) LOL- that's so funny that you saw Bret on CNN during that conference! I think you need to get more specific with your pleas- "I WANT FOX NEWS CHANNEL- *ALL* OF FOX NEWS CHANNEL" LOL. I've learned you have to be very specific with what you wish for....
OK- about the site. I had the webpage on Geocities, but that was just too hard to manage and I didn't have a whole lot of space to work with. The page is still there, but I haven't done anything with it in months. I did some poking around and found that the MSN pages are much easier to format & work with, so I started a site/page of sorts there. I've mainly just posted pics of stuff- artwork, family, friends, Fox hotties, and the boat. (Hehehe- like I work Fox Hotties in there?). You can see it here:
Myst of Avalon. I *think* you can post messages there, but I'm not sure. So if you want to leave me a message, feel free to do so and let me know if you have any logistic problems. I've had it up for a few months but kept forgetting to mention it, LOL!
OK- gotta get to work, I'll chat with ya'll later!