Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Hey gals!!!!!!!!!!!! God I'm so sorry for not being around lately! It's been mad crazy around my house, but not in a bad way thank goodness!

I think my computer has a virus. :( It keeps freezing up on me, and then just sporadically doing things. *shrugs*

You know how LONG it's been since I've seen Rick on the TV??? Oh, I'd say a good 2, maybe 3 months! I'm in serious witdrawl. I try to check out Studio B on Wensdays when I'm usually home, but I've not seen him for a while.

I am addicted to "Days of Our Lives" right now, since that's what my mom and I watch at lunch. I used to hate soaps too. *grin* I don't know if any of you watch it, but if you do, I have to say how HOT the Sami/Lucas stuff has been lately. And it's driving me NUTS not knowing who the killer is. hehe If none of you watch it, then just ignore me. LOL

I hope everyone is doing great, and I'll try to pop in this weekend!

XOXOXOXOXO I missed you gals so much!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Hey Gals!
I thought I'd do one last post before I pack up the computer and try to call it a night and get some sleep. I caught Rick's report today- one out of two ain't bad! I was hoping for a Todd report, but with the one I caught Thurs. & then Rick's today, I can't complain. The bit that was on FR today was really good- like Jayel said, it repeats at 2 CST. I'm going to miss the repeat at mignight- unless I'm awake ;-P I didn't set the vcr yesterday so I missed Todd's report. Greg K & Adam were on earlier today; Greg more than Adam, I think. I finally have everything done (I think!) and I think we're all set to go tomorrow. Hubby did my hair tonight (Clairol Natual Instincts exotics- Malaysian Cherry)- he did a great job as usual. I'm fighting those grays tooth & nail- I'm just not ready for those yet. Anyway.....I wish ya'll a great Thanksgiving (I know it's over a week away, but just in case I can't check back in before then.....)! Keep me updated via the blog on all the sightings & what they reported on, etc, etc......Good Lord, Teri- I will be getting a taste of what it's like to be Fox-less! I sure hope your cable co. gets it figured out SOON that they MUST have Fox in their channel line up! Everyone take care & be good while I'm gone!! ;-P

Friday, November 14, 2003

Hey LevenGirlies!
First of all, thanks for all the e-cards & birthday wishes! They really made my day. 3 of the office girls took me to Chevy's yesterday, it was fun. Samantha, and two others gave me a French Lavender bath gift bag and a really nice wine-colored top from Banana Republic. It feels nice to know that people really care (not that I didn't think they did before, but I think ya'll know what I mean). I think we all need reinforcement of that sometimes. Ha! And like it should even surprise me, the negative vibes chick that I've mentioned here before never *once* said happy birthday to me, even though it was totally obvious that it was my b-day. Fine with me- if she never said a single thing to me again, I'd be fine with that. I just thought it was so funny. I think you gals would have to know her to completely understand what we're dealing with here, LOL. She's totally uninvolved with unit activities- she's only involved with her little click (sp?). The thing that works for those of us who suffer, is that many feel the same way as we do- we just pretty much put up with it, although I've 'spouted off' to my supervisor before, and she's seen this girl in action so there's no denying it. One thing I found in a magazine about work mantras that I thought was hysterically funny, and I know it's been said before: "It could be worse; I could be related to these people". ROFLMAO Like I said, you'd have to know some of them to know why I find that SO funny; but I think everyone works with people like this in their lifetimes. My b-day resolution for the upcoming year: Laugh More. Hubby gave me a Zygocactus, which should do fine at work. I think I had one of these before, but unintentionally killed it. :-( I don't have much of a green thumb, I'm afraid..... I got home just in time yesterday to see Hot Toddie on Fox Report- he was reporting about the whole NPR thing and how they got that million (billion?) dollar donation and if they should have to pay taxes on it, I believe. I agree- we're in the midst of a serious hottie drought.

Nan- I'm definitely making headway (knock on wood). It's been so nice to get things that have been festering finally settled. I have a couple of uglies to handle today before I go, but hopefully I should be able to do that with time to spare. I think this will be the first time before I've gone on vacation that I haven't had my desk covered with stuff and stressing out to get it done; but that, I think, is due to just pushing pushing pushing it through and working through lunches and breaks. I've paid for it this week, though- 3 nights this week I've been out like a light by 8:00. It *is* a huge relief though! Ah, ok- the *back* allergy test- I've heard of that before. I may be in for that myself one of these days. Kevin keeps telling me I should go in for a more extensive test. That would be great to have a list of the allergens though. To me it would be *so* worth it. (I think, anyway....) Food allergies would be the pits.

Jan- Thanks for the happy b-day! You know, I think that it's really only on that one day of the year that I really focus on it- the rest of the time I don't pay much attention. A lot of the time I still feel like 27-ish- don't know why, but I'm fixated on that age. It's just when huge decisions like having kids come to mind that I'm reminded of the reality of my age. Going to have to mull that one over some more....LOL! LOL about Firth! You're so funny! I'm glad he'll be in the next Bridget Jones movie- I need to see him some more to make an assessment. ;-) I'm horrible with dusting too- at home & at work. Hmm....could be why I have so many allergy problems sometimes? Nah, can't be it... ;-P ROFLMAO- the "LevenWho"- HAHAHAHAHA!! Don't tempt me to email Rick- I may just do that! I'm feeling uncannily brave today (or is it that he's just easy to email?).

Ellen-Sorry for the alias confusion! ;-) Thank you too for the happy b-day! I'm going to give the emailing to Todd another try when he has a story that I can easily comment about. I need some fodder to get me started.... The more I see him w/o the goatee, the more I like him with it. I *love* Paulina Stuckey's website- her artwork is so beautiful. I really like the fairy that I put on there. There's others by other artists too that I've seen that are really nice, but I don't recall who the artists are. Is Jaime getting a kick out of all us LevenGals? ;-) We're a fun bunch, aren't we! Even when I don't get to post every day, I make it a point to check in to see what everyone's up to- ya'll always make me smile and laugh.

Jayel- I think you should email Rick! I'll bet he's in the office waiting for something to happen, or he could be working on something. You know what will probably happen.....they'll all be on a lot in the upcoming 2 weeks when I can't watch or tape Fox. Murphy's Law. Or should that be Hotties Law? Ya'll will have to keep us Fox-less gals posted of any hottie sightings. Yep - the age thing is correct- I don't think there really is any blissful age to be- we always seem to look back and *think* a certain age was blissful, but we're remembering the good stuff and not so much of the bad and how bad those bad things were I think. I always liked what Kevin's dad says, that we should live life in reverse. LOL! Thanks for the Rick tidbits- and it does seem odd that they'd have a chapter with Maya Zumwalt instead of Greg or Ollie. Maybe they figured they'd do better with getting a "female perspective". Rick's definitely been missing for at least two weeks- I don't even remember when the last time was that I saw him on there. LMAO about the celebrity lines of underwear and then going over to Greg- that must've really been a classic! I think I heard about the Steve Harrigan/goat thing- I heard the blurb for it but missed the actual story. LOL, Kid Harrigan! Keep those hottie alerts coming- I always appreciate those! ;-)

Sherry- Probably a really good thing that you got the flu shot- from what I've been hearing it sounds like a potentially really nasty flu season coming up. Congrats on the temporary job! That's great that it's so close to home- you could actually go home for lunch! I had a job like that for awhile- it's really nice. That's great that you can work the WW mtgs & the Curves around it too! I agree- mornings seem better to exercise than afternoons. I just don't think that I can get up at 4 AM to exercise- LOL!! Afternoons can be tough- you get home & just want to crash- the total antithesis of exercise. CONGRATS on all the weight loss too!! I'm going to try to be 'good' while I'm on vacation, but I'm not going to punish myself eitehr. I'm going to go full throttle when I get back, though; exercise and stick to my points. Clothes are always the best guage as to how the weight loss is going. Scales are nice; the way clothes fit, even better. Thanks for the wishes! I think you hit the nail on the head- 35 is that halfway point to 40. Maybe that's why I have problems with the 'halves'. We're leaving on Sunday; I'll be sure to post before I go. I may try to check in, but it will be very brief as I will be checking from my dad's or mom's.

Teri!- Got your voicemail- work's been crazy (and like above, trying to get last minute stuff done before I go). I'll have to check out the Avalon site later on today- did you have trouble signing up? (In case ya'll are scratching your heads thinking, *HUH?* I started up a MSN site to post photos & stuff- more below). I'm glad you liked Loreena McKennitt- have you heard her stuff before now? She has about 5 other cds I think- I'll make some more when I get back. Thanks for the b-day wishes! I'm going to be waiting by the front desk for that Fed-Ex package!! ;-) LOL- that's so funny that you saw Bret on CNN during that conference! I think you need to get more specific with your pleas- "I WANT FOX NEWS CHANNEL- *ALL* OF FOX NEWS CHANNEL" LOL. I've learned you have to be very specific with what you wish for....

OK- about the site. I had the webpage on Geocities, but that was just too hard to manage and I didn't have a whole lot of space to work with. The page is still there, but I haven't done anything with it in months. I did some poking around and found that the MSN pages are much easier to format & work with, so I started a site/page of sorts there. I've mainly just posted pics of stuff- artwork, family, friends, Fox hotties, and the boat. (Hehehe- like I work Fox Hotties in there?). You can see it here: Myst of Avalon. I *think* you can post messages there, but I'm not sure. So if you want to leave me a message, feel free to do so and let me know if you have any logistic problems. I've had it up for a few months but kept forgetting to mention it, LOL!

OK- gotta get to work, I'll chat with ya'll later!

Monday, November 10, 2003

Hey girlies!
Thought I'd take a quick break & check in.....I know you guys have no idea what I'm really talking about when I say, "14 VRPs down, 4 to go!" - but *BELIEVE* me, it's a *HUGE* relief. A huge relief that is, *if* I did them right. I'm doing what they told us to do, anyway.

OK gals, my birthday is Thursday the 13th, and while I know there are worse birthdays to have, it's sort of a landmark one for me- 35. 25 was tough, and I'm not sure why. I have a feeling that 35 is going to be a bit humbling as well. You know what I really want? That signed photo of Todd! ;-) Any takers on a TRIPLE DOG DARE to send him an email? LOL!

Teri-I got the pkg out in the mail to you today- should have it by Weds. or Thurs. And I was wrong.... (you'll understand this when you read my letter)- "Prologue" was not in Mists of Avalon- it was "The Mystic's Dream"- sorry about that....I didn't do the CD that "the Mystic's Dream" is on. Um.....I think I will blame that on my neurotic job, LOL!

Jen-I got your email- hang in there, girl! Things have *GOT* to get better for you soon!! :-) You'll be on my prayer list. You know we'll always be there for you when possible, even if it's only by email in my case. *ONE* of these days (and hopefully more than that) I'll be able to get on AIM & chat with ya. Don't worry about your email! You know you have a shoulder anytime you need one.

Jayel- Wow, how many replies did you get from Greg? I think you should take me up on my triple dog dare to send Todd an email to request a photo for me. ;-) LOL! You must really have a way with words; that's great, though! You really should try to email Rick- I'm sure you'd get a reply. He actually seems pretty approachable, and even the times I thought I wouldn't get a reply, I did. I think there is definitely competition between the reporters and some that get bent out of shape if they're not getting their due (not to mention us gals who do when "story userpers" attack....I won't mention any (reporters) names....

Well, time to go home!! :-) I'll chat with ya'll later.

Sunday, November 09, 2003

Hey gals!
I have a quick moment to check in- work has been keeping me hostage these last few weeks as I'm sure it will this week too- yet another project. I'm trying to get caught up and keep getting this last minute projects thrown at me (the others are getting them too). It's been bad- barely a break for lunch- I know it's my own fault though. I've been dreaming of work and having mini panic attacks about getting everything done at work and at home and trying to keep hubby & everyone else happy- it's been a bit of a struggle. I'd like to think there's an end in sight thought, that there's a light at the end of the tunnel (and that it's *not* the on-coming train). Anyway.....it looks like it's been a slow hottie week, other than Greg. He seems to be on fairly regularly now.

Jan-We definitely have missed you! Don't be such a stranger! ;-) Glad you had a good trip to DC- the x-raying sounds like a pain. How was the concert?? Yeah, the blog's been kinda vacant this week- I haven't posted since last Sunday & it's not taking me long to catch up. Where *are* ya'll?? We need a great Rick sighting this week. It does sound strange they would say "Shep" instead of "Shepard" on the radio ad. Stay safe driving on that ice! I've noticed it's been really really cold in the midwest in the last week. I should re-watch Bridget Jones' Diary, LOL! I can't wait for the Beyond the Edge of Reason one. Is Colin Firth in that one too, I wonder?

Ellen-The fires were definitely a sad sight; I'm glad your friend's house was saved.

Jayel-First off, Happy (belated) Birthday! I hope you had a great one! I'd be proud to represent the LevenGals as the Official Hottie Consultant! :-D I've been constantly praying for our guys & gals overseas- it's been so horrible lately with all the casualties. I hope that your family member is doing better. I didn't set the vcr all week, so I missed the "Hottie Toddie" comment- that *is* funny, though! I would totally be ROFLMAO if he *did* mean Todd Connor!

Nan-I'm glad Kim's knee is doing well after surgery! Allergy tests *do* hurt- especially for the things that you're allergic to. My big ones were grass, mold & dust(mites). It sounds like you got a more 'deluxe' edition of the test than what I got from Kaiser, though. Mine was done on my arm- about 10 different things that they injected somehow (I forget now- I just remember the reaction). How did they do yours? Kevin said I should go back for a more detailed one. LOL, I think I could use a bit of the "taming of the tongue" as well too.....I'm getting better, but still a ways to go.... My thoughts & prayers will be with you for a positive result of your Dad's CAT scan.

Sherry- I go on vacation a week from today ;-) I can't wait, but at the same time I get anxious about leaving home (you know, you just hope everything is OK while you're gone- esp. pets...). It will be *so* nice to get away from work- I really need to before I say something there that I may regret, lol! My birthday is this upcoming Thursday (13th). LOL, it's funny- I handle my craft projects the way I handle reading books- at least 3 going at the same time. Must be that multitasking habit I've been forced into by today's society.....have ya'll thought before how bad this whole 'multitasking' concept has been on us as a whole? That's the real reason that we're so stressed out. We're all trying to do too much in too little time.

Teri- I've finally finished the CDs! :-) Now I just need to print out all the labels, LOL. I should be mailing by Monday or Tuesday (IF work lets me out of the office at all- d'oh! Tuesday's a holiday- so I guess it *will* have to be tomorrow!). You know, there's a cure for the Geraldo disease....(OK- I'm too mentally wiped out right now to really come up with something good for the cure, but I know there's one out there, LOL!). I got your letter last week- thanks!! ;-)

Jen-Girlie, I hope things are going better for you; here's sending good healthy vibes your way!! I hope you'll be able to get the surgery soon so that way it can all get fixed once & for all and you can eat again without so much pain. You've got a lot of stamina (or will?), that's for sure. You're going to have to drag Melissa back to the blog- we miss her here! ;*(

OK- I gotta get off here & get the rest of my stuff done- I'm running out of time (what else is new?). I hope ya'll are doing well and wish ya'll a great upcoming week! I'll try to check in more this week- promise.

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Hey Gals!
I've been checking in here & there but haven't posted for a few days. I'm burning some cd's now for my mom so I thought I'd pop in. I guess it's been since Tuesday since I've written- wow. Anyway, I got through that "rush project" at work, but I found out that I have another one waiting for me most likely this upcoming week and the following.....just in time to throw off my trying-to-catch-up-before-vacation strategy. I *think* I'll make it, but I really don't like the next project- it's similar to one I had to do around July, I think. What makes me not like it (and really the only thing) is that I don't have the adequate training to do it, and very few others do either. The one person who knows them well is difficult to approach (Ms. Negative Attitude)...so....we're supposed to get 'training' but we'll see. I'm so lost on those types of policies that it's not even funny. I've got about 18 of them, so I *guess* it's not bad- there's about 200 all told, I think.

I got my scanner installed to my new laptop today- I found out though, that it wasn't compatible with Windows XP- but I think it will still work ok until I eventually get a new one. It's finally cooled off here- in fact, I don't know if ya'll caught Fox Report today, but they were showing hail in Marin City and mentioned 'near the Golden Gate Bridge'. Marin City is on the other side of 101 from Sausalito for those of you gals who are familiar with the area. It was really weird because they showed the tunnel we drive through every day, it's just north of the Golden Gate. It looked like it snowed- it was so odd. That was obviously after we'd gone through there on Friday (we leave early-like 6 AM to go to work). I saw Greg and Todd on today- it's nice to see Greg on again; my faves are still 'Tricky' and Hot Toddie though.

Jayel- No ratings for Shep or Brit?!? That can't be good. And what's with Larry King gaining on O'Reilly? Hopefully it's just a minor setback. Missed the Rick & Shep bit on Studio B this week- I didn't set the VCR all week now that I think about it... Thanks for sharing the Roger Ailes and B & C interview, I found that really interesting! I think we need him at our company; our turnover has been extremely high this past year. Let's just say that for a long time, there weren't too many employee ID numbers above mine (mine's 300); now there are nearly 40 higher than that. Out of the 5 people that interviewed me for the job in 12/2000, only one is still there. I'd *love* to work for a high morale and low turnover rate place.....is Fox hiring?? LOL, just kidding! LOL at the 'mistakes'- yep, those would be doosies (sp?).

Leslie- LOL, you know the sad thing is that our systems (the computers) are practically brand new- but whomever made the choice for the data system we're using ought to be fired (assuming they haven't already left the company). I can only imagine how much life insurance that guy (Geraldo) has- with all the places they send him. Ironically enough I used to work in the life ins. industry before going to med. mal. ins. And before that....don't ask, lol! On a more serious note, I haven't heard from Jen lately and we were emailing back & forth for the last couple of weeks. I'm worried about her; I sent an email earlier or middle of this past week and haven't heard back. I hope that she's hanging in there, and she'll definitely be in my prayers too. Your weather sounds like ours- we went from 90 on Sunday/Monday to 50s & 60s by Weds. When's your birthday? From what you said, you must have one coming up too (mine's in a couple of weeks & Jayel's is next week if I'm not mistaken). The more I think about it, the more I think our parents were crazy for letting us go out at night trick or treating. I can't say that I'd let my kids go out alone- even when they're 12 or 13. Where *is* Jan??? She hasn't posted in ages- about as long as it's been for Melissa! Time to send out Dog after them! ;-) LMAO about the Garfield t-shirt- I think I had that mini poster! I always liked the "have a nice day" one where he has half of the smiley face in his mouth, ears laid back, and the other half of the smiley on the ground, LOL. Girlie, what have you been *up* to anyway?? Getting kicked off websites and what was in your E-mailbox?? We've gotta chat one of these days on AIM! ;-)

Teri- Girl, I think you outposted me this week, LOL! I'm still holding out for a book about the Fox News embed experience. There's *got* to be one one of these days, right? Got the care package! : ) I'm working on the cds tonight- I think there'll be about 4. Let me know how you like 'em and I can always do some others. Hope the cats survived the 'putting up of the feet', LOL! ;-P Amen to what you said about the environmentalists not wanting to thin out the forests.....that was the problem last year in AZ too when they had that huge fire. Clearing out has to be done- if we don't, nature will. And as we know...mother nature is not so nice sometimes. You got rain?? I'm jealous! LOL!!

Denise- Isn't it nice to be ahead of the game?? I'm *almost* there....so close I can smell it. I just hope that I *do* get there, but I also know things eventually work out in the end so I try to keep that in mind too. Brokers are the absolute pits. I hear ya loud & clear on *that* one....don't let them get you down. God knows they aren't the most patient people in the world. I'm *still* feeling the time change, lol! Hope your team won the decorating contest! ;-)

Sherry-I'd definitely say that the others have to get frustrated with Geraldo ahem....butting in (to put it nicely, I guess, huh!). Yep- the getting dark early throws me off- it's like I'm getting short changed on the day, but it also tells me autumn is here and winter's around the corner- my favorite times of the year.

Nan- It sounds like the fires may be bothering your asthma and/or allergies a bit? I would think it would be. Anytime there's a fire around here it always seems to affect my asthma. They were saying that the smoke is all the way in El Paso now- that people are needing to drive with their headlights on. I like the 'underheight' idea- I'm 5'3". The inhaler has cut your appetite? Which inhaler is it? I'm just curious. I have an albuterol one but they had given me a different one to use alternately with the albuterol when I had that nasty chest infection in '01. I forget now what that one was. Ouch- knee surgery- hope Kim has a speedy recovery! That's good that at least you know what to expect with the right knee. I think what gets on my nerves with Geraldo is that he is just too overdramatic sometimes. There's putting feeling into the story, but when he does too much it kills all the emotion of it for me. Our prayers are with you too! :-) What happened with the lawyer & the client was just *too* strange. *happy dance for sweater weather* YAY! I know what you mean! LOL- "equal opportunity hottie watcher"- I love it! ;-)

Ellen- Unfortunately I think we've all lost our posts- it's such a bad feeling. I'm sorry you experienced that too! :-( Congrats on getting the new laptop! Have fun learning- as the saying goes (uh, I think it goes...) the journey is half the fun. Jamie sounds like a great help and friend. :-) We're happy to see you posting again- the split screen is *wonderful*- especially when you haven't had it before. Makes it a lot easier to respond to posts. Your faves are the same as mine- Rick & Todd :-) Hopefully we'll see more of them; they had me spoiled last weekend, LOL!

I *think* that catches me up. Hope ya'll are having great weekends! Jen, Jan, Melissa, & any others I've unintentionally left out- I hope you're doing OK- drop us a line here so we know you are & what you've been up to.