Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Hey ya'll!
OK- I'm hoping today's the day- he couldn't have forgotten a *third* time, could he?? I hd this really strange dream last night. I need a vacation. BAD. I had this dream that I was on AIM with you gals (at my parent's old house-???- in AZ ???) and then Rick came on and said that something happened in some medical clinic in Illinois (shooting?). He looked a little worse for wear but was wearing a suit & tie. It was like I still had this job here (med. mal) and was curious as to what it was since I handle clinics malpractice insurance here in CA. I have no idea what the relevance is there, other than I need a vacation. Work seems to sneak in like this into my dreams. Then, the dream shifts, and it was like a couple of you were with me and we went to this video store (which oddly enough had my old video store boss as the owner- again weird- that was 14 years ago). Seems that we were on the lookout for a Rick DVD. And it was out. And we wailed. LOL So the next day we came back in and I ran and then slid to a stop right in front of where the DVD should be.....and then I think I woke up. This is prolly the most vivid dream I've had for a while. Whaddya think? Too much work? LMAO

Jan- I hope you're right! :-D Yeah- that was my thoughts exactly about the surgery- plus it's still new. The only really bad thing about having this (keratoconus) is that there is a slim (very slim I believe) chance of having to eventually need a corneal transplant. What happens is the cornea is stretched thin becuase of the keratoconus, and sometimes a transplant is required because it gets too thin. My dr. told me though that *a lot* of people can still wear contacts and never have to have this procedure. I just hope my percentages are better this time around than with finding out that I couldn't have Lasik. I'm guilty- I laughed at the "blouse" thing too- it was cute though! I really feel for the soldiers & families of soldiers that were to have come home in August and are now having to wait. I think that we need to do something more, but I'm not really sure what. They should also be replacing those who have been there now for so long with only guess is that they want to keep the 'experienced' ones there....but when they're getting tired..... I don't know. Aw, know I got home around 4:30 yesterday- half way through Fox Report. He must've been on in the first part.....

Here's a poll question- I curious before, but since I thought of it again & the poll question came up......How many of you here have read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand? What did you think of it?

I ask because I have it to read (hubby fully recommended it- especially after I rant about the way things are done sometimes in the corporate world & in our country). I started it but had to quit when I went back to school- haven't started again though since I've been out.

Nan- LOL Brenda Buttner? For some reason that reminds me of the "Lisa Loopner" (sp?) character played by Gilda Radner from the original SNL group. It's early yet. I haven't had much coffee..... LOL-I must've picked up Miller's comment subliminally somewhere along the way- I say that all the time to a "T". It was funny and scary at the same time (scary in a good way- I like Dennis Miller- especially since he's become more conservative). LMAO- yeah, I think a Greg in ladies clothing would look better than Dustin Hoffman in ladies did we *get* to this point?! ROFLMAO It's funny how conversations go sometimes. Ah, yeah, I saw Phil later on on Greta's show- not bad, not bad.

Jen- Don't worry about it! :-D Can you have instant cream of wheat? I know you mentioned microwaving it before, but if you do the instant it might work easier for you. I just *love* cream of wheat.....that's what I'm having momentarily. Wow- so have you lost a total so far of 30 pounds??? Or more??? That has *got* to be such a good feeling to be able to fit into something 4 sizes smaller. I had a bunch of stuff that I got 'cause I liked it (didn't fit at the time) but when I'd lost some of the weight, I tried them on and was soooo elated that they actually (finally) fit! I'm proud of you, girl!! :-D

Sherry- Yeah, I heard about that paintball thing this morning on F&F - it sounds totally lame to me. Who in their right mind would volunteer for something like that?? They'd definitely hurt....especially if they targeted certain areas (which you just *know* they would....being guys). Yeah....I dunno- a soap person working on an all news station (well, hehehe maybe CNN I can see it- and nothing against soap stars, it's just well....they have their place & I don't think it should be as a trophy on a reputable news station)? I could always be wrong....

AWWWWW......thanks gals for sending good vibes- it's catching on! I'm feeling that it could be *the* day too..... ;-D

Melissa- ;*( poor puppy!! But I know what you're saying, and it's true- kinda like babies, if they learn that you come to their every cry, then they will do it every time. Still I know it's hard to resist. Uh....I can think of *other* places that guy should be shot with a paint ball.....hehehehehehe (evil laugh- or should that be more like "mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaa").

a h- yeah "blouse" did create an odd image, but that's ok!! It was kinda cute LOL!

OK- I'm off to another fun filled day complete with a two hour training from 1-3. Guess that means I better get my butt in gear to get as much done as I can before then......I'll check in at lunch (AND *WHEN* my pic gets here).