Thursday, July 17, 2003

OK- looks like I'm going to have to catch up later- gotta finish lunch and tonight I need to take my eye chart thing to my eye Dr. & go to Costco. I can't quit my job now- no matter how much I want to. In frustration and stress I went shopping at Express & spent $250.00. Ouch. I'm not sure what's worse: eating to satisfy stress or shopping to satisfy stress. I really shouldn't be buying so much- it's hard to find places for stuff anyway as it is plus I really need to save money. So far almost 2 crying stints today at work. My chest feels tight (no, I'm not going to have a heart attack)- it's just that I'm so tense. I need to learn how to ignore the morons here and just do what I need to do, but it's tough. Working really *is* like being in HS- I know I was this way then too with certain people- but I guess at least I get paid to put up with it now LOL! There's just so much fubar stuff that I'm having to deal with (people, working styles, system) that I don't even know where to begin to fix things. I'm sure part of this is also waiting for "Aunt Flo" to's really been an emotional one this time around. I'm ready to get it over with already. Still no pic......I think the mail's yet to come around here though today at work. I keep telling myself it could *a lot* worse, and I know it could be- but sometimes it's just not much consolation.

Any Rick or Todd sightings?? I think I'm going to need some Divine Intervention with getting this signed pic from you-know-who.......

Nan- keep that AC going! It's 75 here in the City & 85 at home- but it feels hotter than that. I'm waiting for that "natural AC" to come back in....

Jen- I'll bet that ringing cell phone made you jump 20 feet off the ground!

OK- gotta run- chat with ya'll later (sorry for the frustrated/depressed tone of this one, I'm just feeling the need to vent).


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